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All categories - 18 December 2007

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I was trying to call this guy's cell phone and I keep getting the message "the number you are trying to call is not reachable". Does that mean his phone service is cut off, or is he just in a bad area? He called me a few days ago & left me a message, so i'm trying to return his calls.

2007-12-18 14:56:22 · 3 answers · asked by candigal 3 in Cell Phones & Plans

I dreamed that I encountered a smaller snake. It seemed to be somewhat dangerous, but I picked it up and laid it aside. I heard a narrator's voice, which basically sounded like my own voice, say, "And then, he encountered another snake, although this time, it was much larger than the first." Then, I picked up this second snake, which was, in fact, much larger. I could feel its heavy weight. It was very muscular, much like a boa constrictor snake. I wasn't very worried about it biting me, but it just seemed overwhelming because of its size and muscular nature as it bended and contorted its body when it moved while I was picking it up. It seems like I was outside when all of this was happening, but I'm not really sure where, except it was during the daytime.

2007-12-18 14:56:15 · 10 answers · asked by YahooAnswers 5 in Dream Interpretation

The bill for 3 glasses of orange juice and 5 pancake specials is $7.60, but the bill for 5 glasses of orange juice and 4 pancake specials is $7.90. What is the cost of 1 glass of orange juice? What is the cost of one pancake special?

2007-12-18 14:56:07 · 9 answers · asked by Amanda S 2 in Mathematics

I'm like a two year old ! I put everything (objects) in my mouth! beads, coins (a couple days ago i accidentaly swallowed a nickel!) charms, erasers whatever! Do i have a problem or am i just weird?!?

2007-12-18 14:56:04 · 12 answers · asked by Scarlet_Blush 2 in Other - Health

Funniest and most orginal answer Wins 10 points

2007-12-18 14:56:02 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

2007-12-18 14:55:38 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cruise Travel

2007-12-18 14:55:31 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

78! + 79! = 9.0594E+116 if this helps....

2007-12-18 14:55:14 · 7 answers · asked by PhillyT 1 in Mathematics

i see into the futur. when i grow up. my parents are going to donate me to the circus..................... haha just kidding. but i do see in the futur. i was on the news once. im the youngest fourtune teller in MN. so ask me a question and ill reply! i promise.

2007-12-18 14:54:48 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Horoscopes

lets not base it on looks people....lets base it on skill

2007-12-18 14:54:47 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Rap and Hip-Hop

and also, if you do what happens?
i'm christian and my friend ask me this,
and i'm not sure what to tell her..

2007-12-18 14:54:41 · 18 answers · asked by Mandy 3 in Religion & Spirituality

So little miss sweet-tart is preggo.

16-year old Jamie Lynn Spears (younger sister of Britney) stars in Nickelodeons’ “Zoey 101”.

According to Louisiana "Age of Consent Laws" (see link, below), this falls under the category of "Felony carnal knowledge of a juvenile"..i.e, rape.

She met her sperm donor at church (nice!).
Anyone wanna bet that 19-year old Casey Aldridge won't stick around to play the role of pappa?

What kind of message does this send to America's youth?

I suppose Jamie was jealous of all the well-deserved criticism her no-talent older sister was getting for being a drunk, drugged-out, no-talent mom-from-hell redneck wreck.

Nickelodeon should drop Jamie like a hot potato if not on moral grounds then for legal reasons.

What’s your view on this – is it okay for little girls to get knocked up?
Or, should we just coddle the little darlin’ and say “tisk-tisk, what will be will be”?

I about choked when I read this on the news:
“Jamie Lynn plans to raise the baby in her home state of Louisiana — "so it can have a normal family life."

There is nothing normal about a minor having a baby.

Source for legal status:

2007-12-18 14:54:32 · 14 answers · asked by docscholl 6 in Law & Ethics

How many times will the following loop execute?

for (int i = 20; i <=500; i *=5)

I know that it loops 3 times, but I can't explain why. I know it has something to do with the " i *=5 ". Can someone please explain. Thanks.

2007-12-18 14:54:28 · 4 answers · asked by metalikidd7 2 in Programming & Design

i'm a freshman in high school .

i got my progress reports back, and they were horrible!
i'm tempted to just forge my dad's signature , because its really easy to copy .
here are my grades.

Algebra 1 - C
Health & PE - A
HN . World History - D
HN . Ess . of English - F

i dont live with my mom, so i can't get her to sign it .
but i was thinkng I get him to sign the good ones then like copy it onto the other ones in pencil then trace it ?

i dont want to show him , because i'm supposed to get goo grades like my sister & brother did , && im supposed to go over to a friends house on thursday ?


kay thanks! =]

2007-12-18 14:54:27 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I don't get it. I try my hardest to exercise, eat right, yet I'm gaining fat, and I'm sure it's fat because I jiggle more, and I look even worse. Even if itw as muscle, I don't want muscle, and I need to lose weight, not gain it. What am I doing wrong, and what more can I do to be at least 130-140 by March? (Okay, maybe that's a little much, but at least 180 by March) I'm 220 or something currently (believe me, I know that sounds REALLY fat, but I'm not that bad, I guess, at least, no one believes me, and they guess that I'm 170 until I prove it).
I'm tired of being told to take up a sport and stuff, because I did, and I can't anymore because my grades aren't good enough and my mom can't afford a league, and I have asthma. It's hard enough walking home everyday.
Help, I don't know what to do anymore.

2007-12-18 14:53:57 · 8 answers · asked by Embarrassing. 2 in Diet & Fitness

Have you ever heard a commercial use bad language before? And if so, could you sue them?

2007-12-18 14:53:47 · 4 answers · asked by crystal 2 in Other - Advertising & Marketing

2007-12-18 14:53:33 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

besides the obvious fact that all 4 gospels were written by different authors, why are there differences in the 4 gospels?

2007-12-18 14:53:24 · 14 answers · asked by Janie 2 in Religion & Spirituality

Are you not completely confused with her at the moment? Whoo, that's some stuff. I guess, though, it is her heart and her life. But opinions?

2007-12-18 14:53:23 · 4 answers · asked by paigel2005 2 in Celebrities

i know you will see the first two minutes and just hit the back space but watch the whole thing and let me know how this affects your belief in your own religion and other religions if at all.

2007-12-18 14:53:15 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

My friend sold bb guns and brass knuckles (and some blades) at school and got caught and was suspended indefinitely and will stand trial. I have another friend who makes fake ids (i dont know how), could he get in the same amount of trouble? Could he get suspended from school?

2007-12-18 14:52:52 · 5 answers · asked by Q Vidal 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

ballet dancing dances by felling vibration late 70s to early 80s

2007-12-18 14:52:37 · 8 answers · asked by Debdo 1 in Movies

I am 14 (I was an a cup before 6th grade), I am 5"2 and about 105-110 pounds, and I wear 34 b//32 b, but I also fit into an old c cup bra my mom gave to me. Do you think my boobs are big for my age?

2007-12-18 14:52:33 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Beauty & Style

2007-12-18 14:52:29 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

for science project...

2007-12-18 14:52:09 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in STDs

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