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All categories - 18 December 2007

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So, I shave but have really stubborn hair pretty much everywhere and get ingrown hairs everywhere, esp. with shaving my pubic hair. I also can never get a smooth shave with my pubic hair no matter whether I shave with or against the grain and I have used tons or different shaving creams, soaps, gels, conditioners, and expensive, high quality razors.

Any suggestions? I want that baby smooth, hair free type hair removal and want to not deal with ingrown hairs any more.

Do you gals (or guys) have problems with this stuff? I've heard they make lotions/creams that prevent ingrown hairs but I don't know if they actually work and that still doesn't help me with finding a smoother shave. I've been told that waxing makes ingrown hairs an even bigger problem and that creams don't work well on really stubborn hair.....

HELP!?! lol, and thanks!

2007-12-18 14:43:56 · 9 answers · asked by longed24ever 2 in Hair

2007-12-18 14:43:38 · 8 answers · asked by Ella A 2 in Religion & Spirituality

I have 2 of those standard size wire cages and I was wondering if there was a way you could connect the two. I tried lifting up one side on each and tieing them together, but Mister (my djungie dwarf hamster) slipped out! Do I have to apply a hole and put a tube in it?

2007-12-18 14:43:37 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Rodents

intelligent design some out of dinosaur pooop?

2007-12-18 14:43:37 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Do you think that those who believe that Humans cannot know everything about the universe and believes that somebody that is far greater than his/her understanding exists and that earthly evidence like Scientific findings cannot prove it, is less intelligent??? Its like racism you see you are judging the person based on only one thing and already assumed that you are far more superior than he is, intellectualy

2007-12-18 14:43:34 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I heard she goes farther than that, pushing limits farther than Hitler.

from her book: If Democrats had any brains they'd be Republicans
" If Adolf Hitler were discovered alive and well and living in the amazon somewhere, a republican consultant would advise him to denounce me." (Coulter, 6)

perhaps the media portrays Ann as a reactionary conservative, rather than a "thoughtful" constervative, in which republicans are hoping to win that recognition.

2007-12-18 14:43:33 · 4 answers · asked by reader 3 in Media & Journalism

There is usually a simple fix for mankind's problems. So, it may be possible to fix our planet's climate problems with simple solutions. It could be one of these, below. Which one could be the Magic Solution to climate crisis?

1) Forest Saving Device that saves every household $250/yr.

2) Become a Vegan, like Albert Einstein suggest

3) 200-Mile Diet

4) Free Recycled Battery Electric Vehicles
The world's cheapest vehicle to operate

What do you think?

2007-12-18 14:42:48 · 21 answers · asked by Climate Angel 1 in Global Warming

2007-12-18 14:42:47 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Personal Finance

My aunt was telling me about her pet rock the she had when she was younger. What is a pet rock? Sounds a little weird!

2007-12-18 14:42:38 · 6 answers · asked by Bionacca Waters 3 in Friends

how many strands do dna have? RNA?
how many letter names of bases does DNA have? RNA?
where is DNA found? RNA?

2007-12-18 14:42:33 · 2 answers · asked by BAMM! <3 1 in Biology

i only want to put in about $500 and I want the lowest possible commission price per trade

the best i found so far is scottrade @ $7 per trade

2007-12-18 14:42:28 · 4 answers · asked by nwh in 3 in Investing

i think a complete stranger because it would hurt 2 much if you died by someone you knew..

2007-12-18 14:42:23 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

..that in 20+ years, there'll be a generation of people who'll be convinced the "good old days" of music were the early 2000s when we had "classics" like Fergie, The Pussy Cat Dolls, Fall Out Boy, MCR, Ashlee Simpson & disposable Idol winners??

I mean they didn't *ask* to be born when they were, so their aesthetics of music will differ, but man, compare Fergie to....Janis Joplin

2007-12-18 14:42:11 · 27 answers · asked by Fonzie T 7 in Rock and Pop

2007-12-18 14:42:09 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Astronomy & Space

....something that just drives you crazy!

2007-12-18 14:42:06 · 53 answers · asked by *LiLy* 4 in Singles & Dating

Anyone would like to share some facts about the civil war and new jersey? Im doing an essay and my brain is fried and can't think of anything anymore!

2007-12-18 14:42:01 · 1 answers · asked by WackyJohny81 1 in History

2007-12-18 14:41:59 · 2 answers · asked by Marvie S 1 in Biology

My husband has had 5 emotional affairs. But with no intercourse (there have been implied things and such) or oral. Nothing has "touched". But my husband sees NOTHING wrong with it. I already know my definition. But what guys out there believes in emotional affairs are true? Whats your definition on it?

2007-12-18 14:41:58 · 15 answers · asked by ? 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I'm going through a very difficult time in my life at the moment and cannot possibly see what good can come out of this. I have financial issues, don't have a job yet (still in school), and have been quite depressed lately. I just don't see that anything good can come out of this.

Do you believe that everything happens for a reason ? Does God care ? Why wouldn't He send me some help ? How much longer do I have to bear this ?

I'm afraid I cannot take it much longer.

Please advice me ... ?

2007-12-18 14:41:49 · 19 answers · asked by JustANiceGuyHere 4 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-12-18 14:41:39 · 5 answers · asked by r.l. c 1 in Words & Wordplay

2007-12-18 14:41:24 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dental

just another stupid question of mine
but seriously :D

2007-12-18 14:41:17 · 6 answers · asked by nickname 4 in Words & Wordplay

Linear and Quadratic Modeling Application Report

Selecting and Interpreting Your Model: In Weeks 3 and 4, you used the linear and quadratic models you created to forecast the food CPI for the next month. Include both forecasts in your report. Then, plot your forecast on the same graph as the data for each of the models. Use a visual inspection to decide which appears to best fit the general pattern of the data. Explain why you chose your model.

Writing the Report: Once you have decided on a model, write your report using the following format

2007-12-18 14:41:13 · 1 answers · asked by Nicole 4 in Mathematics

We bought a forclosed home, and there were no light fixtures, and all of the shelving & everything was stripped out of the house. There were no appliances. The neighbor claimed that the bank came by with a flatbed truck & tore all the shelving out of the garage a cpl. wks. bbefore we moved in. However, there was no shelving in there a month before we moved in b/c we had saw it. I don't think a bank would come by & want to take light fixtures and shelving out of a forclosed home before selling it, would they? I am thinking that the neighbors took everything out of here. They were also acting really funny during the times we came to look at the house before we moved in, they were very snoopy and rude and would park in our driveway & have their friends as well. They also threw all their leaves in our yard. Would a bank take things out? I don;t see what they would want w/ shelving! I am aware that I can't proove anything or so anything about it, I am just wondering.

2007-12-18 14:41:11 · 6 answers · asked by Olivia 3 in Renting & Real Estate

I am learning about Candle magick and it says here to consecrate the candle in the name of the lord and lady... But doesn't elaborate any further.

2007-12-18 14:40:39 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

So here is the thing. My GF and I of 9 years have seen a decline in our relationship over the past three or more years. But we have stuck it through regardless. This past year though I have been cheating with another girl, I feel guilt for this, I would feel far better if I had broken off things with my GF first, but you know how it goes. So now in essence I am going to move out in the new year , I don't want to break things up before Christmas. My only thing is that I want my GF to be happy; safe and taken care of; that somehow we can remain friends. When she showered this past month or so I would sneak and read her text messages, and clearly she has also been seen some guy , to a certain degree. And also some days she showed up late 3 or 4 in the morning , claiming that she was visiting some female friend from work. I would not really care because I reckoned if she were cheating then all is well.Today I saw her cell phone for the first time in a while, and it seems as if the guy ..

2007-12-18 14:40:30 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

What are the long and short term effects of soaring oil prices? Thanks in advance

2007-12-18 14:40:30 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Economics

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