Please answer all questions truthfully this is an anonymous and confidential survey for a research study being conducted for an Intro to Sociology course.
1). Let’s say you have a little sister/ brother and one day they come home with a black eye and bloody lip and they tell you they were jumped by a group of teens. How would you respond?
a). You would go and get physical retaliation on these people who jumped your little brother/sister.
b). You would just report the whole situation to the police and let the officials handle it.
c). You would tell the principal of the school so the kids who did it could be penalized.
d). You would plan to get even with them in a non-violent way.
e).Other(Please explain):
2). Let’s say your walking down the street and two people are walking by you and one purposely runs into you causing you to drop what you had in your hand. How would you respond?
a).You would just pick up your belongings and keep moving.
b). You would catch up to the person and push them back purposely
c). Would you confront the person by shouting at them
d). Other(Please explain):
3). Have you ever been involved in a physical fight?
a). Yes
b). No
4). How many times have you ever been involved in a physical fight?
a). 1-3
b). 3-6
c). 7-10
d). Never been in a fist fight
5).Do you think there is a relationship between alcohol, drugs, and violence?
a). Yes, usage of alcohol and drugs causes people to act violently
b). No, alcohol and drug use does not contribute to violence
c). Other(Please Explain):
6).On a scale from 1-10(1 being the lowest,10 being the highest) how much exposure to violence would you say you have been exposed to?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
7). Briefly state what values your family taught you about violence(Check all applied)
• Violence is wrong
• Walk away from violence
• Everybody gets what they deserve
• Never inflict violence on others
• Violence is ok sometimes
• Other(explain)
8). What are your moral values on violence?(Check all applied)
• Violence is wrong
• What do I care about violence as long as it doesn’t involve me
• Where you grow up(example: suburbs or urban neighborhoods)has a big impact on how violent you are.
• Violence is sometimes ok and the only way to solve a problem.
• It is not right to inflict violence on others
• Other(Please explain):
8 answers
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