Okay, this is going to sound a little strange however I put it so here goes...
Basically, some friends and I have recently discovered a thing called reality manipulation, where a being can change their surroundings etc. by force of mind. It includes things like telekenisis, pyrokenisis and weather manipulation. Two of my friends are very good at the latter, to the extent that one can stop and start wind and rain on demand, and when the other experiences extremes of emotion the weather changes and get worse as her tension increases. For example, when she is extremely angry, a storm starts almost instantly and there is always lightning within the first two minutes, and when she cries it ALWAYS rains. She is also strongly telepathic.
For myself, it's more to do with instinct. For example, if I trust my instinct on any event, my wanted outcome always come through. I also have vague moments of clear telepathy and weather control.
6 answers
asked by
Lynn Helven