The same Ideal:
"Thou shalt love the Lord Thy God with all thine heart, thy neighbor As thyself!"
The ideal is Love.
Well the ideal that most of people have now is: power. Power of money, power of position, power of wealth, power of this, that or the other.
The best Ideal for all will be: Love of God (but not as a phisical God - as you imagine, an old man, or a fiction character, etc.) But Love God, the spirit inside each and one of us, Love God the spirit that makes us one.
Believe and search. Search and you will believe.
Science is right and Religion is too. You can combine it.
(do search for other questions I asked or statements that I made, just too see that I am not an fanatic, as some religious people are) I accept science beacuse It is right, religion beacuse it is, too, right and I accept philosophy beacuse I am an writer of fiction and philosopher.
Think before you answer. Think, Research and Believe.
16 answers
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