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All categories - 4 September 2007

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Does anyone know the first steps I need to take to get him going? Any advice. Please do not give me lectures on NOT doing it. I want to try it and see how it goes - perhaps he can earn some money for college.

2007-09-04 05:14:36 · 5 answers · asked by cfisher4234 3 in Newborn & Baby

I am out of work and have an online loan. If I close my checking account, will I be charged with a crime?

2007-09-04 05:14:33 · 5 answers · asked by bjstree 3 in Credit

Long question, but I really need some help, so please bare with me!
I have been very busy with school, and one of my friends took it personnally. I explained to her that I wanted to do well at university, and that is the only reason why I am spending less time with her. She did not believe me, and she continued to take it personally, which resulted in her being unpleasant to be around at times. I am now in grad school, and at my going away party (I moved 600 miles away) she ran around to my friends saying "I hope I dont get ignored tonight like I have the last 4 yrs", or "supposedly she is my best friend....but not lately". This made me very mad, because not only did I have to deal with the emotional difficulty of leaving friends and family, I had to deal with her insecurities of our friendship. Now I am in a new city, and she is 'waiting' for me to contact her as a test of how much I care for her. How do I confront her about what she did at my party, or should I just let it go?

2007-09-04 05:14:29 · 6 answers · asked by Bobbi S 2 in Friends

got confused?

2007-09-04 05:14:12 · 24 answers · asked by karam 1 in Engineering

I know that in the case of Personal Property ie a vehicle, the person who looses that property can be held accountable for any balance that may be oustanding. Does this also applt to Real EState?

2007-09-04 05:14:07 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Renting & Real Estate

God keeps a lot of secrets, I am still wondering about reinacarnation here. I have heard it said many times that if it was real God would have told us. and thats just not true, there are many secrets from God he even says so. I have had many say, they dont believe it because they dont want to, they dont want to think about coming back at all, they want to be in heaven with God forever, not come back, so they refuse to even accept the possibility that we may get reincarnated. please dont say, man is apointed to die once and then be judged, I am so tired of hearing that. yes man will die one time, but how many times does he have to live before he really dies?

2007-09-04 05:13:50 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I know a few couples through other friends I met over labor day and the conversations I heard shock me! Mind you, a few details are missing but to even hear this much is baffling.

It seems as if as long as they (husbands) stay the bread winner the wife will look the other way.

One guys is a trucker and even brings his girlfriend to card night with the fellas.

The other is a manager at a wearhouse and hangs out with the fellas like he's still single and has flings on the side yet goes to church and participates with his wife in family events.

Another couple the husband is addicted to porn and never gives his wife attention but she still stands by him but now is thinking of finding a lover.

What do you make of this, am I in the twilight zone?
Nobody is forced to get married so why commit and not commit? When I was married, I only loved her,Money broke us up!

2007-09-04 05:13:48 · 25 answers · asked by Ophiuchus 3 in Marriage & Divorce

we are driving from pennsylvanian to alaska and we have to go threw canada, I dont know what kind of documentation i need please help! Dont say i need a passport because i know i dont need one

2007-09-04 05:13:39 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - United States

how do you get them eating out of your hands-playing it cool 1. if they have the same idea and 2. without loosing their interest??

2007-09-04 05:13:36 · 16 answers · asked by Bimbo 1 in Singles & Dating

Just a thank you and an update for those that took the time to send a prayer last week thursday.

He is doing well and is out of jail. He has decided that that life is NOT what he wants any longer and is grateful to have a family that loves him and cares. He says "thank you" to all that send love his way, too!

Thank you, friends. Much love to all of you. It was great to know you cared.

Sandy :O)

2007-09-04 05:13:22 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

2007-09-04 05:12:46 · 28 answers · asked by Nerds Rule! 6 in Polls & Surveys

some say his manager Chas chandler had his henchmen kill him by drowing him with red wine.... there was a little under two pints in his lungs when autopsy took place... he had many poeple after him. What do you think?

2007-09-04 05:12:38 · 10 answers · asked by Jae H 2 in Celebrities

I am thinking of becoming a train driver and was wondering if anyone knows of a book that explains the tracks and signalling etc. For example, you get the highway code book for cars. Is there anything similar for trains? For UK train systems

2007-09-04 05:12:28 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Rail

I want opinions.

A woman is pregnant. And Men get all frustrated because she is sick most of the time, always hungry, asks him to go out at 2 in the morning to buy her some strange food that she is craving...

My opinon is that...Men need to suck it up and put up with it...because in the end, its the woman that actually has to push the human being out of her body!!!

....If you guys dont think thats fair then maybe we can switch, I'll lie and tell you you dont look like a cow and that your beautiful...and you can have the feeling of doing the splits of a stick of dynamite!

2007-09-04 05:12:25 · 7 answers · asked by Megan 3 in Other - Family & Relationships

or because you like what you do? Is it bad to choose a career solely on the fact that you'll be making a lot of money? What if you need the money to pursue your dreams and to be really happy and fullfield?

Ex: A girl's dream is to own her own clothing store. She wants this more than everything. She wants to be her own boss. If all goes well with the clothing store maybe she'll invest in other things. But, to do this she needs money. A Lot. She decides that in order to make money she needs a high paying career, so she decides to be a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist. Annually she'll be making around $150,000. With this money the clothing store is possible. If all goes well she will leave her job and dedicate herself and time to her business. If not, then she will have her career. Good plan? Bad plan? Horrible plan? If it's a bad plan, then what are her other options?

2007-09-04 05:12:16 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Careers & Employment

Has started calling me like all the time now....saying stuff like he wanna hook up, see me, basically get back together...... We broke up because he cheated on me and now wants to make up for it...... My current boyfriend is so mad, he wants to beat him up, saids I should change my #, because if I don't he will never stop calling....... I don't really want to, then I'll have to tell all my friends and family a new #....I've had my # for almost 2yrs..... What should I do? Help????

2007-09-04 05:11:52 · 5 answers · asked by Cinnamon79 5 in Polls & Surveys

I am opening a christian club in my school!! i live in rosenberg yexas its ghetto and there are a lot of ppl that are not in order with God!! So me and two of my friends are openeing a club but what is like the best way to catch the kids eye?!!? i need as much help as i can!! Please!!

2007-09-04 05:11:46 · 2 answers · asked by Precious_Jewel 1 in Other - Cultures & Groups

I have a 3 month old and am exclusively breastfeeding. I believe I have already been having periods. I was talking to my friend the other day about how this 'period' was weird and I couldn't figure out if I really did have period or not. I bled just a little (brown tint) for 2 days. She looked at me like I was crazy. I asked why the look and she said it sounded like implantation bleeding. So, now I'm just thinking, if I was pregnant while breastfeeding, how would I know without taking a pregnancy test? If I take one, I'll take a hundred, and I just don't know. It's only been 3 months since I had a baby. 7 weeks since the end of the 6 week post partum bleeding. My breasts are always tender because I'm breastfeeding. Should I wait to see if I have a another 'period' should I just take a test? What would you do and what do you think I should do? Me and my husband are always doing it.

2007-09-04 05:11:46 · 15 answers · asked by thezookeeper 4 in Pregnancy

I know that Jews are not supposed to eat milk and meat together [or within some time] but how did they manage with cheese before the advent of vegetarian rennet?

Previously cheese would have contained an animal product.

2007-09-04 05:11:39 · 3 answers · asked by Davy B 6 in Other - Cultures & Groups

2007-09-04 05:11:29 · 15 answers · asked by ? 6 in Polls & Surveys

because they are very intellegent to find it out that why they like to chase there tails ?????????????????????????

2007-09-04 05:11:22 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

How do they get so big? What kind of workout do you need to do or what kind of supplement do you need to take?

2007-09-04 05:11:11 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Football (American)

2007-09-04 05:11:11 · 4 answers · asked by sryn31 1 in Other - Diseases

and what church or parish did he belong to?

2007-09-04 05:11:07 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Yes like i said i am trading my car for another car. This is a private party transaction and there is no money involved. Both of the cars are paid off and have no leins, also both owners have the titles to the cars. So, my question is do i need to get a bill of sale if SO how do i get one. I live in Alabama, Usa.

2007-09-04 05:11:02 · 7 answers · asked by cbowles05 2 in Buying & Selling

I keep seeing people talking about that, what is about?
Is it in the movie theaters?
What is all the fuss about it?

2007-09-04 05:10:46 · 6 answers · asked by ateo 2 in Religion & Spirituality

Why not just ship them back to where they came from when they get in trouble with the law here.

Why do they have the rights of our constituion period?

2007-09-04 05:10:29 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

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