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All categories - 4 September 2007

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2007-09-04 05:17:37 · 11 answers · asked by shawna 2 in Mathematics

I would like to also know if what is the proper process in clearing my pan. Is water an option ? Soap perhaps ?

2007-09-04 05:17:30 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Chemistry

r&b singer brandy crashed her car months ago and a woman died,police said bandy was not on drugs or drunk she was on the highway the cars stopped but she didn't anyway how can the woman ex-husband,new husband,two kids,and her parents all sew bandy,not with one big lawsuit but each with different lawsuits. Why is this right? Brandy herself said she was speeding and got a ticket. I'm sorry from the lost of life,but it could happen to anyone speeding

2007-09-04 05:17:23 · 15 answers · asked by Sabrina B 4 in Law & Ethics

Is America a miracle country where you have the right to life liberty and the persuit of happiness. Does something miraculous happen where a person sets foot on American soil? Is America above and beyond other countries that do not support freedoms?
Do Mexican's have title to rights in USA that that Russia does not have in China? It is time for some Americans th face reality. Mexicans are here. Deal with it on a civilized level. If you think that abusing them is civilized or will serve any purpose there is a political position for you in Botswana.

2007-09-04 05:17:15 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

Can a family member like me?
theres these three guys - related

and they all wink at me with the left eye.

1st guy: Winked at me and checked me out. made me feel awkward. He is WAY OLDER THAN ME.

2nd guy: Just winks at me with left eye. Sometimes looks at me. About 10 years older than me.

3rd guy: Winks, checked me out & stares at me, I can see from the side of my eye, but when i looked back at him, he turned away.

whats with these guys?

There much older than me.. + we are family relateddd long distance.

2 OF THEM ARE MARRIED. The second guy is single.

2007-09-04 05:17:10 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

Judges chapter 11. Our Pastor mentioned this in his sermon and he said Jepthah was 100% wrong for doing this. I wonder why the writter of Judges even included it in the book. Is there anybody that can give me a reason why that story is in the Bible and what we can learn from this? Old Jephthah returned from battle and his daughter just wanted some time to go mourn with her friends that she was going to have to die a virgin. Isn't this like the same thing radical Muslims do when they strap a bomb to their child and tell them and make them die in the name of Allah?

2007-09-04 05:17:07 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Acting agents?

I'm not thinking of joining any amazingly good ones don't worry I don't have really really high hopes for myself but any you could name would be great xxx

2007-09-04 05:17:06 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Theater & Acting

we have an attached garage with 3 storage rooms also attached to the garage on our house the problem is we want to bring the level of the garage up about 5 inches to the same level as the slab our house is on when we get a massive amount of rain the water creeps in i guess what i'm wondering is if it is possible to do this without having to tear down the whole garage to add the extra cement or can it be done without having to tear anything down??

2007-09-04 05:16:50 · 4 answers · asked by Sasha R 2 in Decorating & Remodeling

I asked a Q's and then gave a little tutorial as I ussually do, this bothers people for some reason. I'm somewhat at a loss as to why I hear its to long and there are mistake's, I would like to think that its ussually a good read, but I might be a little to enambered with myself. Anyway it's been my experience that christians are'nt on the same page when it comes to evolution, and I'm used to that. But when I mentioned missing links such as Erectus,Habilus,Lucy,Goliath, and other humans such as Neandethal and the Hobbits the evolution crowd indicated I might be full of it. Well, unless I'm going to believe in the whole Satan is in those scientists and there lying, (crowd) I have on good authority, that scientists discovered a human species on th Island of Flores in Indonesia.They are decendants of Erectus, who then were isolated on the island and dwarfism set in, they evolved to half the size of Erectus. I throw this Q's here for obvious reason's. Have you heard about them,(plural)?

2007-09-04 05:16:42 · 11 answers · asked by wakemovement 3 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-09-04 05:16:38 · 13 answers · asked by Jean Anderson 3 in Philosophy

Looking to rent a minivan in New York and drive to Miami 18th - 31st December. Hire charges look ok but the one way drop off fee is $500. Do any mainstream rental companies not charge a one way fee??

2007-09-04 05:16:33 · 3 answers · asked by Chris J 2 in Other - United States

i need to find sum cushions 4 my bedroom. my room is pink and lilac so they need to match. does anyone know of a good online store for them pleeeease i like bright bold colours!!

2007-09-04 05:16:28 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Decorating & Remodeling

Dont forget i live in ukraine, and u can hire a hitman for a sixpack of beer!!!! PLEASE HELP!! i mean realy help!!

2007-09-04 05:16:26 · 19 answers · asked by just call me vadim 2 in Singles & Dating

Ever since he got the playstation 3 that was the end of of us, now it's just him and a whole bunch of people who play online, what can I do to get his attention? I have done everything even got naked in front of the TV, should I break his PS3?

2007-09-04 05:16:13 · 19 answers · asked by emigirl6363 2 in Marriage & Divorce

Last week, on a tight budget, we took our kitten to the vet. She had earmites. We've been treating her with drops. Now within the past few days, both of us have noticed that we are developing circular sores on our arms, chest, and one on my back. they are circular and the skin in the middle of them is somewhat scaley. Does anyone know what this could be or if(hopefully) it could be the earmites? Please help me!

2007-09-04 05:16:10 · 8 answers · asked by mattluke_2000 1 in Cats

I'm trying to get turn my 99 firebird into a firehawk... I just want a supercharger and the ram air hood... could anyone price this for me or tell me where I could go to purchase the parts?

2007-09-04 05:16:07 · 2 answers · asked by Monkey 4 in Pontiac

Join my fantasy football league! Its for fun, girls only! (Its free!!)


2007-09-04 05:16:01 · 1 answers · asked by just wondering 2 in Other - Sports

If Universe is created by some million year old technical civilization or whether it got created by itself , i think everything got created from EMPTINESS , emptiness became so dense that it actually caused material elementary particles to be created which evolved with time . What do you think ? Then question can be asked that what caused the emptiness to become dense , so many questions ...

2007-09-04 05:16:00 · 7 answers · asked by Devil 4 in Physics

different colors come out of the water, and they have a chart of what that color represents eg. liver,kidney,nicotine,heart (problem)etc. A magnet(electric) is also dipped in the water, said to be made in germany or korea. Does it really detoxify? Or have you seen anything like it?

2007-09-04 05:15:31 · 2 answers · asked by Bryan O 1 in Other - Health

I asked a Q's and then gave a little tutorial as I ussually do, this bothers people for some reason. I'm somewhat at a loss as to why I hear its to long and there are mistake's, I would like to think that its ussually a good read, but I might be a little to enambered with myself. Anyway it's been my experience that christians are'nt on the same page when it comes to evolution, and I'm used to that. But when I mentioned missing links such as Erectus,Habilus,Lucy,Goliath, and other humans such as Neandethal and the Hobbits the evolution crowd indicated I might be full of it. Well, unless I'm going to believe in the whole Satan is in those scientists and there lying, (crowd) I have on good authority, that scientists discovered a human species on th Island of Flores in Indonesia.They are decendants of Erectus, who then were isolated on the island and dwarfism set in, they evolved to half the size of Erectus. I throw this Q's here for obvious reason's. Have you heard about them,(plural)?

2007-09-04 05:15:31 · 3 answers · asked by wakemovement 3 in Biology

“I’ve got God’s shoulder to cry on, and I cry a lot.” In what Mr. Draper interpreted as a reference to war casualties, Mr. Bush added, “I’ll bet I’ve shed more tears than you can count as president.”

2007-09-04 05:15:30 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

what are the advantages of having a pretest whan conducting a questionair that has closed questions

2007-09-04 05:15:10 · 1 answers · asked by jimp1174 1 in Mathematics

I have an Airport Express base station. I am able to use the wireless connection it supplies with both my iBook and my PC no problem, however on my Mac G5, I can't! I have an Airport Extreme card properly installed, it's right there on my System Profiler, yet it can't find ANYTHING to connect to - even though in this area there are at least 4 networks including my own that my PC has no trouble seeing. I am tearing my hair out here!! Help!!

2007-09-04 05:15:10 · 2 answers · asked by Bapboy 4 in Computer Networking

We usually say a place's very "far away." So can we say "the sky's very high away" or " the sea is very deep away?"

2007-09-04 05:15:05 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Primary & Secondary Education

2007-09-04 05:15:02 · 15 answers · asked by devil_or_rebbel 1 in Other - Society & Culture

I am trying to look for a decent beach to have a BBQ, particullary somewhere with cliffs or places we can BBQ away from the sand. I want to be close enough to the beach to swim but a little bit away from the sand so our food doesn't get sandy. I was thinking Windansea because they have cliffs with little sand but I don't like that beach...the waves get way to crazy for me. So if you can suggest a beach that would be great!

2007-09-04 05:15:01 · 9 answers · asked by Manda Panda 1 in San Diego

Please give me any and all baby verses that you know which pertain to babies or can be appropriate for an announcement. It's really important to me that I have the word of God on my son's announcements. Thank you!

2007-09-04 05:14:44 · 7 answers · asked by April 1 in Religion & Spirituality

fedest.com, questions and answers