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All categories - 4 September 2007

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2007-09-04 05:03:49 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

How many of you know the history of your own religion?

2007-09-04 05:03:44 · 13 answers · asked by wondermus 5 in Religion & Spirituality

what is Socrates trying to accomplish in Euthyphro?

2007-09-04 05:02:44 · 3 answers · asked by fortmajor17 1 in Philosophy

I heard a song today, the first time in ages, ` Changes ` by David Bowie, it brought back fond memories of a wonderful and beaufiful girl, it was our song, unfortunatly we drifted apart, but that song has so many wonderful memories, of my times with her.

2007-09-04 05:02:28 · 17 answers · asked by borgpicard 4 in Polls & Surveys

What does systematically mean? Please explain as best and as fully as you can!
Example: To work systematically!

Many Thanks
Ellie Hart

2007-09-04 05:01:58 · 4 answers · asked by Wise Girl 2 in Mathematics

I have a question about goats being on Land out in the country,,we are zoned for Agricultural,,,but our neighbors to the left of us do no have farms,,,but to the right we have farm after farm,,,I called about zoning and was told i could have whatever I wanted as far as animals go,,,should I worry about what the neighbors to the left of us think? When the county runs an address for zoning about goats,,do they make mistakes on wheather or not you can have livestock? Why I ask such a stupid question,,i have never lived in the country and I am so excieted about finally having goats,,please real answers,,any advice would be helpful too,,,

2007-09-04 05:01:52 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

2007-09-04 05:01:46 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

was in in the early 80's i think that Donald Syndon played her butler or something and she always had a wee dog i remember seeing the union jack and th eAmerican flag in the titles

2007-09-04 05:01:29 · 6 answers · asked by Mea 5 in Comedy

In the middle of a fight, I lost my wedding rings at a restaurant and now have no idea where they are. We have filed a police report, looked in pawn shops around the area, and the restaurant claims they have no idea what happened, even though there were no people at the restaurant but ourselves and we even returned that same day. Where are these rings and/or who has them? They have extreme sentimental value to my husband and me.

2007-09-04 05:01:17 · 8 answers · asked by whatever79869 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I haven't turned 14 yet but, my breasts developed fast. Now I'm a C cup and hope they won't develop any more. I've had some back pain. Mom said I have to get new bras, those kind of bras sometimes called "heavy duty: Much support and coverage, wide bandds and 4 hooks in the back. She says I have no choice, though I guess those bras suck. Mom wants to get me a bra like the one at this site
Tomororrow I'll have a bra fitting. I'll hate that bra, but mom keeps saying I need it, don't know if I can talk her out of it. Is she right? A bra like that sucks, doesn't it?

2007-09-04 05:01:16 · 5 answers · asked by Sandra 1 in Women's Health

So..I'm still not used to this waking up with someone next to me thing. My g/f who is visiting for a week, woke me up this morning to tell me to get up for class. Snooze went off 3 times (as I always program it to, which is why I set my alarm like 30 minutes early) This way even if I hit the alarm 3 times, I'm still waking up at the time I'm supposed to (it's a psychological thing I think to get myself mentally prepared)
Anyway, she keeps nudging me after the 2nd snooze and I semi-coherently say something along the lines of "yeah..l know what I'm doing". So the third time I'm annoyed and say "yeah..I KNOW what I'm doing..damn, leave me alone"
She got mad at me :(

So any of you guys wake up grouchy too?

2007-09-04 05:01:07 · 16 answers · asked by I_color_outside_the_lines 4 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

2007-09-04 05:00:31 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

my brother has been dating one of my really close friends for almost 3 years..he has cheated on her several times to my knowledge and the gf has heard rumors but he always denied it and she believed him. now she has proof (spoke to one of the girls my brother messed around with) and she keeps asking me for advice. im torn because shes a very good friend to me and i feel like she deserves to know what a dirtbag my brother has been in the past but hes family and i also think HE should be the one to tell her that..its not my place and i dont want to get involved but i dont have much of a choice and now im kinda stuck, she keeps calling crying askin what to do..please help im torn between 2 people i love very much :(

2007-09-04 05:00:31 · 8 answers · asked by jennybean7985 5 in Family

I am 19 weeks pregnant and over the weekend I heard rumor that at a party a few weeks ago, my husband ended up kissing one of the girls that was there. I hadn’t gone to the party because I was beyond tired that day. Anyways, I brought it up to my husband and he said he honestly couldn’t remember anything from that night. The next day he called his friend that had the party and asked if he had in deed kissed this girl. His friend said yes, but that it had stopped there. We talked about limitations with his drinking, and how he can no longer drink without me around (unless he is with the family). I asked him if he still loved me and wanted to be with me and he said yes... but if you want to be with someone and you love them then how can you go out and kiss someone else. Should I have forgiven him so easily? Should I believe everything he said? A friend of mine said to forgive but never forget. I don’t know... what is your opinion?

2007-09-04 05:00:28 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

1969 and nobody has wanted to go back. I don't get it.

2007-09-04 05:00:12 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Astronomy & Space

A topic no doubt brought up numerous times before, and I apologise for my curiousity but still...

In a world where it would seem apparent that the "wrong" religion or even following a religion can inflict a harsh response from people, should children be taught the basic principles of Christianity/Islam/Buddhism etc or should they be left to make up their own mind? To me it seems unfair that parents (ultimately responsible for their childs upbringing) almost enforce their beliefs on their child. Does a child have a right to choose its religion?

Discuss nicely, I know what you R&S lot are like :)
Ta muchly! x

2007-09-04 04:59:50 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2007-09-04 04:59:43 · 5 answers · asked by Kalidas 2 in Military

I have a 30 problem assignment due tonite and these are the last few questions I cannot get. I just went back to school to change my major and haven't had calc a in 4 years so don't make fun of me if these are extremely simple please =)

[INT FROM 0 to 1] x^(2)((fifth route)e^(x)) dx

[INT FROM 1 to 6] sq route(t) lntdt

[INT] 340cos^(4)(20x)dx

[INT] sin(4x)cos(13x) dx

[INT FROM 0 to Pi/2] sin^(5) x cos^(16) xdx

Any help is super appreciated. Thanks y'all!

2007-09-04 04:59:23 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

Earlier this week,

which of these are correct?
a) the previous week
b) the first days of the current week

2007-09-04 04:59:20 · 4 answers · asked by the monster 1 in Words & Wordplay

plz answer this question!! i need it tom. who ever answer this question....thank you

2007-09-04 04:58:58 · 6 answers · asked by exora12 1 in Other - Hardware

2007-09-04 04:58:48 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

The people who believe the Un has no pwer has no faith in the power of the people. The UN members are going to vote in the direction that they feel will do the most for the most without physically hurting anyone in the process.
Example: The UN votes that Mexico has rights in USA going back hundreds of years. Politics has blurred their rights but the right are still there. What country is going to vote that the USA physically throw out Mexicans. Dream on. Then when the UN votes that Mexicans have rights what do you think the Supreme Court of US is going to do? Dream again. Some racists are living in a dream world.

2007-09-04 04:58:45 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

I marrried to my husband bcos he is very nice with all the good attributes you want from a guy, honest, trustworthy, intelligent, loves me a lot, treats me very good, but Im not physically attracted to him, and he is not good at intellectual conversation which I enjoy.
So I cheated on him with J, J is incredibly intelligent and good looking, knowledgable and very fun to be with. Im very attracted to J.
I spent every weekend with J for 3 months till now, I left my husband alone at home and stayed over at J's house from saturday to sunday(we are 2 hours far away so cant get together on weekdays).
J gradually likes me more and more, and took me to meet his parents and talked about me moving in. I tried to leave J bcos J doesnt know I have a husband, but Im so fond of him.
My husband is furious when Im not at home on weekends. But he thought I just go out with some female friends.
I dont really feel guilty to my husband,I know the whole thing is too much but now I cant stop it. what to do

2007-09-04 04:58:43 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

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