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All categories - 15 August 2007

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So how do you know when its really over?
how do you know that the love is really gone, or if your just going through a rough spot?
When do you put your foot down and say i have had enough im leaving?
how do you leave when you still have so many ties: ie: lease on a house, dog and a car loan in my name that is really his car?

Im just tired of all the arguements over the same things, and the un willingness to comprimise or change.
one day my heart says stay and one day it says go... im so confused, i just dont know what to do.

I think the problems we are having is because we moved in together too soon.. and now we are finding that we dont really have much in common...
but now that i have been with him for 4 years its hard to just say goodbye he tells me he will change... then does for about 1 week then its the same thing all over again.

And i have no friends or family here but i cant move to another town because i have a great job please please help i feel so helples

2007-08-15 18:44:37 · 8 answers · asked by dawn a 1 in Marriage & Divorce

how important are the 10 commandments to christians?
how many christians actually incorporate these commandments into their daily lives?
NEVER said "god damn it", or "jesus christ!" in a negative way?
NEVER wanted (coveted) something someone else has?
NEVER done anything but rest and worship on Sunday?
NEVER made something else more important to you than your relationship with god (i.e. car, football, money, etc.)?
if homosexuality is such a big deal to god, why is there no commandment against it?

a lot of christians seem to talk a good game, but they sure don`t seem to follow the rules set forth by the one thing they claim to be the most important thing in their lives.
i understand that it`s hard to follow the commandments in this day and age with all the distractions we have...
i guess what i`m trying to say is--"dear self-proclaimed followers of the "one true god", PUT UP OR SHUT UP"!
don`t tell me how i should live my life when you can`t even do it yourselves.

2007-08-15 18:44:29 · 8 answers · asked by miss kitty 5 in Religion & Spirituality

Friends with benefits. Someone always develops feelings regardless of the type of understanding that was put out there in the beginning.

2007-08-15 18:44:04 · 10 answers · asked by simply_ch0c0late 4 in Singles & Dating

And then I'll be able to say "Ha Ha, I was right"

"The Spartans do not ask how many but where they are - Agis II of Sparta"

2007-08-15 18:43:54 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

My hair is a solid brown, and I want to bring out the texture with red-ish highlights.

But, I couldn't find any pictures with a sort of natural looking vibe. (Only bright reds and such)

Someone please help me out? =)

P.S My skin is very fair, and I have light eyes. Would this even be a good combo with my skin?

2007-08-15 18:43:51 · 0 answers · asked by zenayru 2 in Hair

I've been seeing a few discussions about "How can the universe be this wide?", and I'd just like to take it a step further.

So everyone knows that the Big Bang, which started the expansion from a single point somewhere in the universe 13.7 billion years ago, was the "beginning" of the universe as we know it. So if that happened 14 billion years ago, meaning that the farthest light (including any form of radiation) has traveled since then is 14 billion light-years in any direction, how can something be 46.5 billion light-years away? Does this imply that that the Big Bang, in fact, didn't actually create all of the matter currently existing in our universe, and that there is more matter out there that hasn't come from that point of origin?

Say the Big Bang was indeed the beginning of the universe as we know it. That means the farthest our planet could possibly travel from that point is 13.7 billion light-years, meaning the farthest away anything we could possibly see is 14 billion

2007-08-15 18:43:34 · 11 answers · asked by Karter4Life 2 in Astronomy & Space

I've been wondering if some companies fuels are better for mileage than others, and if the octane rateing is worth the extra cost for improved mileage. I drive different routes to different job sites, so can't keep an exact record over the same route every day.

2007-08-15 18:43:17 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Commuting

Such bizarre and unusual side effects,where on earth do these properties come from?

2007-08-15 18:43:09 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Medicine

I an looking for a breed of dog with a lot of energy, if it swims even better. I want it to be smart and be able to be trained. most would say go with a Lab, but I don't want a lab I want something different. So if you have a breed of dog in mind let me know

2007-08-15 18:42:14 · 20 answers · asked by B S 1 in Dogs

Approximately what chance does George Bush have to win the 2008 Presidential election?

2007-08-15 18:42:12 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

And why do they call them turtle doves?

2007-08-15 18:42:10 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

I want something to say to people to why they shouldn't tickle me.

2007-08-15 18:42:00 · 4 answers · asked by turducken2k1 1 in Other - Health

describe his style and use of the 'hero'

2007-08-15 18:41:44 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in History

I have 3 kids and recently divorced.No child support yet and I need to move ,because I have to have more than 2 bedrooms for the kids.
Anybody knows where I can get help with low income housing San-Jose,CA ?
I would realy appreciate...never been in this situation before.

2007-08-15 18:41:26 · 7 answers · asked by Juliet 5 in Renting & Real Estate

With my first pregnancy (in 2006) I had horrible nausea that was very severe....lost weight, couldn't eat hardly at all. My baby is now 10 months and is beautiful...reaching every milestone. Hubby and I are working on #2, and I am worried about having the nausea again. It was awful! Any comments on second pregnancies?

2007-08-15 18:41:14 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

I'm studying for a MAJOR exam right now, so if someone could please tell me what 'High Relief', and 'Relief' in general, I would be extremely grateful!!


2007-08-15 18:41:11 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Earth Sciences & Geology

I'm 24, I'm thin not fat, but I'm not in shape either. How does a guy like me get ripped abs? Should I lose weight in my stomach? Should I work my abs like crazy at the gym? or is it a combination of the two?

2007-08-15 18:41:08 · 10 answers · asked by SimplePlan 1 in Diet & Fitness

they had pimples on their face? Why or why not? I have a few blemishes on my face always and I'm really self-conscious! Especially in the sun...

2007-08-15 18:41:05 · 34 answers · asked by SuperFox 1 in Polls & Surveys

hes never said something like that before. I've never had a guy say that to me before, as i'm not the type to use such language. maybe it was a slip of the tongue?

2007-08-15 18:41:05 · 9 answers · asked by talkingator 1 in Singles & Dating

He asked me to go with him to an attorney for collaborative mediation. He is depositing his checks into a separate checking account now, but says he will put enough money into our joint checking to cover bills. He told me to take him off of all the credit cards (he's only an authorized user).

Why would he do this, but continue to live in the same manner as before?

2007-08-15 18:40:55 · 19 answers · asked by I do 26.2 4 in Marriage & Divorce

2007-08-15 18:40:32 · 14 answers · asked by Neeraj K 2 in Physics

it's insane, i crave different stuff every like 5 minutes. counting to 100 doesnt help. and like uhm, snapping a rubber band on my wrist helps. kinda?!

2007-08-15 18:40:13 · 5 answers · asked by C squared 1 in Diet & Fitness

Is season 3 out yet?

Please help. im a big fan of my name is Earl.

2007-08-15 18:39:59 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Comedy


I have had severe headaches in the back of my head since March 2nd. They are not considered migraines by doctors. I have seen an immunologist, 2 neurologists, an allergist, a rheumatologist a chiropractor, plenty of ER doctors, an optometrist, and opthalmologist, a neurosurgeon and countless other doctors. Pain medications like Vicodin and codeine do not affect it. I have had a CT scan and 2 MRIs, all of which were normal (I have considered Chiari malformation, but my MRI/radiation tech doesn't see it in my film. I have had many blood tests, all returning normal(negative). I wore a neckbrace and took muscle relaxants for a week on the demand on my neurosurgeon. I have also had an angiogram to rule out artery damage. My mom wants be to try Botox injections, but they aren't proven so I'm not sure. Any suggestions for help?

2007-08-15 18:39:53 · 1 answers · asked by questions 2 in Pain & Pain Management

2007-08-15 18:39:35 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

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