My twin boys will be 7 in Oct and just finished K. One of them, Austin, is extremely mature for his age and above average when it comes to social and intellectual skills. My other son, Logan, is exactly the opposite. The cut off for school in our town is Dec 31, so the boys could have gone to 1st grade last year, but I didn't send them because Logan was no where near ready. But repeating K didn't help matters: Austin is more than ready for 1st grade again in Sept and Logan is not by any means. I've had him tested for numerous disabilities and issues, worked with him, hired a tutor, sent him to summer programs, but nothing has come up/ is getting him ready. They have a seperate class called "readyness" that I can put Logan in for the school yr that will help him in the skills/maturity department, but then the following yr he'll then go to 1st grade & Austin will go into 2nd. I can't keep holding Austin back if he's ready & I don't know what to do. Seperate them? Send Logan anyway?
11 answers
asked by
Emily M.