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hey i was just wondering, i want to take a few photos of me and my girls, but i dont want the usual poses.. i want something special.
i was thinking...
- holding a daisy
- lying on a beach
- sitting on rock
- flower in hair
- leaning on tree trunk

if you found this useful please star me.
do you have any other ideas? or tips?


2007-07-14 23:59:57 · 9 answers · asked by ... 4 in Photography

2007-07-14 23:58:53 · 10 answers · asked by turkey_bird_27 1 in Engineering

"Madeleine McCann's mother has returned to the UK for a brief visit - as a new campaign is launched to raise awareness about the missing four-year-old.

Kate flew out of Portugal with her brother and sister. They are joining Madeleine's father Gerry, who is already in Britain."

Well I guess this development answers a few things but also raises some questions.

1) It looks as though the McCanns don't have any travel restrictions put on them by the police and are free to come and go as they please.

2) Where the hell are the twins? The article would definitely have mentioned it had they taken them with them so once again the twins are left behind in Portugal.

3) Who is paying for the other McCann family members to keep coming out to visit them? You can bet your bottom dollar its coming out of the 'fund'. It says Kate returned with her brother and sister. The McCann's relations are always flying back and forth to the Algarve. Is this coming out of their own pockets?

2007-07-14 23:58:40 · 28 answers · asked by dave s 2 in Current Events

I am a US citizen, and my English is fluent, but it is not my native tongue an when I am tired, my foreign accent comes out. It is actually quite slight, but still audible.
Often, when I would apply for jobs over the phone, I would notice the interviewer would become tense and ask me the " Where are you from originally?" question. When I would answer, there would be a mood of grave concern on the other end and they would never call me back. Mostly business jobs and all.
I also got called a "foreigner" on one job and told to "get out".
Once I was applying for a job as a teacher and the school asked me to fill out an application form. They had a "Place of Birth" box" which is illegal". I brought it to their attention and they said that the parents in the school were mainly Chinese and they would ask "where the teacher is from" before allowing that person teach their kids. What are legal recourses for foreign-born US citizens to combat such discrimination?

2007-07-14 23:58:13 · 3 answers · asked by MumbaJumba 2 in Law & Ethics

I feel like I'm going to break apart... Just found out that my lover is dying from lungs cancer now. I can't lose him just like that.
He promised that he would marry me when I'm older... Any advice for me? I KNOW I'm just a teen, but I'm mature enough and I know that I truly love him.

2007-07-14 23:58:10 · 32 answers · asked by FloralLover 6 in Polls & Surveys

It's my man's birthday and we recently bought a home. We also have lots of toys; 4 wheelers, jeeps, and snowmobiles. I puchased a tool chest and now have to fill it with everything he could need to do home repairs, vehicle repairs, you name it! Everytime he goes to fix something he never has the right tools and he feels bad always having to borrow. If anyone would like to offer a list of items I should purchase, please let me know! I only have until August 5th!

2007-07-14 23:58:06 · 2 answers · asked by wckdspoild 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

if so do you think it will take place before or after the tribulation? why do you feel this way? answer all 3 questions please.

2007-07-14 23:57:16 · 11 answers · asked by warrior*in*the*making 5 in Religion & Spirituality

I was speaking to a friend about increasing the signal on my WRT54GS so I can use it 2 floors up in my house (in a new extension)... Currently I get 0% signal, but after buying a Linksys Range Extender (putting it halfway) I could get about 50%...

But he said to me the best way to increase signal would be to use a hacked firmware such as HyperWRT (I know there are many others but he recommended this to me) which is simple to install, and would allow me to increase the antenna power (increasing the signal).

Apparently EU models are restricted to 28mW, whereas American ones are 50mW, but the full limit is 250mW (which would damage the router)... You can only change the power with the hacked firmware..

I was wondering:
a) does increasing the power leave a health risk?
b) how far could I go up without damaging the router?


2007-07-14 23:57:13 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Computer Networking

My mother passed away last year and I inherited everything in her 10-room home. She was a collector - big time. I attempted to contact antique dealers and estate liquidators, but nobody was interested. It seems the antique market is flooded right now and no one is taking on any new consignments. I've been attempting to sell the house contents by staging a private estate/lawn sale on weekends, but it's just too much work for me. I also discovered that people won't look through boxes - they want it out on display, so this makes a lot of extra work for me. Yesterday it took me two and a half hours to pack it up. Today I can hardly walk after the exertion of carrying packing up dishes, glassware and carrying tables and pallets around. Added to the fact that most people that come don't buy the large, expensive items, so I'm left with them to lug in and out. I don't want to give the stuff away - it must have some value. I could use the money! What is the best way for me to proceed?

2007-07-14 23:56:48 · 5 answers · asked by debodun 2 in Other - Home & Garden

2007-07-14 23:56:45 · 37 answers · asked by sarahmoose2000 5 in Polls & Surveys

Which is the worst university in the USA for medicine? I think it must be towards west and central area.

Which is the easiest university to get into for medicine in the USA?

Which is the cheapest uni in the USA for medicine??

2007-07-14 23:55:43 · 3 answers · asked by wonderful 1 in Higher Education (University +)

from the Lincoln Rhyme series by Jeffrey Deaver

2007-07-14 23:53:25 · 10 answers · asked by sarahmoose2000 5 in Polls & Surveys

Mam would have been baking all day, making all the food for the next week and my sister and I would have been helping her by the time everything was bagged, in the freezer/tupperwares and the kitchen cleaned it would be about four o clock.

Tea was an hour or two later and was a Do It Yourself Kit. Basically, you went into the kitchen and helped yourself to whatever you fancied, usually, sandwiches, cakes, scones, rock cakes, biscuits ... basically we ate what we'd just cooked then we'd sit down and watch the footie scores come in.

We bairns would sit quietly and let Dad check off the pools coupon because we knew that Seaside Special, Doctor Who and for Mam, The Generation Game was coming up afterwards.

Ahhh, happy days.

2007-07-14 23:52:10 · 22 answers · asked by elflaeda 7 in Polls & Surveys

2007-07-14 23:51:56 · 24 answers · asked by sarahmoose2000 5 in Polls & Surveys

does any one else have a barmy yorkie? Our female dogs party trick is weeing . bearing in mind that most females will squat she not only squats but also cocks one leg like a male dog and also stands on her two front legs like an acrobat is this normal?
Does anyone else have a pet with crazy antics?

2007-07-14 23:51:36 · 9 answers · asked by crazy wild 2 in Dogs

If so what is it .

2007-07-14 23:51:07 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

Hi! i am trying to choose my pathway and i wanted to know which one is better. I mean by better is getting paid alot.
1. Business Administration
2. Accountant.

I am planning to work in India and i want to know which is better according to the salary?

2007-07-14 23:50:51 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Higher Education (University +)



2007-07-14 23:50:40 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Celebrities

I'm considering on buying one. I'm no professional but I want to learn. I'm just worried I wont be able to develop the pictures.

2007-07-14 23:50:27 · 6 answers · asked by Eclipseoftheheart 1 in Photography

2007-07-14 23:49:57 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

2007-07-14 23:49:27 · 29 answers · asked by Sea Eagle 6 in Polls & Surveys

why didn't he tell me! I don't mean 2 be a ***** but what is up! ......... >= (

2007-07-14 23:49:25 · 13 answers · asked by ~*L0c@*~ 2 in Singles & Dating

How long did it take you to reach the conclusion that atheism was the right choice for you? Given that the World is inundated with propaganda that is pro religion and often we are taught/indoctrinated with R.E. in school, by parents and society in general etc. It is a decision that is often not made lightly, how much research into the bible and soul searching did you do?

2007-07-14 23:48:52 · 27 answers · asked by mia 5 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-07-14 23:48:43 · 12 answers · asked by weee♥ 2 in Philosophy

Me and my friends live in katy,texas. We are going to galveston in a couple of weeks and we are all 16 or 17. We have cash and one of us has a credit card but he is a complete douche and wont us it. I was looking at some hotels website but they dont say anything about it. I heard you had to be 18, have a credit card and photo i.d. I was wondering if there was anyway around this? Thanks for any and all help

2007-07-14 23:48:35 · 9 answers · asked by Jared S 1 in Houston

my computer getting loaded with too many errors. and i cant get a software that is free. my computer could get a virus. somebody please help.

2007-07-14 23:48:32 · 3 answers · asked by KK 2 in Software

How does a person or a party pay for the law suit when they are found guilty of a crime if the amount of money is something they do not have? For example, the Roman Catholic Church of Los Angeles may be paying over $600 million dollars to people who are effected by the sexual abuse scandel. How would the church pay that much money??? Or anyone???

2007-07-14 23:48:15 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics