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All categories - 13 June 2007

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Growing up my grandmother and mom always kept a dish of butter out on the counter. My b/f is telling me butter need to stay ice cold or it will go bad like milk. How true is this?

2007-06-13 06:23:50 · 13 answers · asked by dnt4get2luvme 4 in Other - Food & Drink

What's your favorite natural sound?

1. The sound of the wind in...
* 1a. Tall grass
* 1b. Leaves in a deciduous forest
* 1c. Needles in an evergreen forest
* 1d. Other wind susurration (please specify)
* 1e. Wind noise other than susurration (e.g. whining, whistling, roaring: please specify)

2. The sound of the ocean surf, waves breaking on the beach, the water flowing back again.

3. The silibant pattering of a rainstorm, with grumbly thunders now and then.

4. The sound of water...
* 4a. Through rushing rapids
* 4b. At the bottom of a waterfall
* 4c. Other water noise (please specify)

5. Bird calls (which birds?).

6. Animal noises (which animals?).

7. Insect noises (which insects?).

8. Some combination of the above (please specify).

9. Some other natural sound (please specify).

2007-06-13 06:23:49 · 47 answers · asked by elohimself 4 in Polls & Surveys

I need to register a gun that my dad is giving me. I have never registered a gun before. I was told I can go online and get a registration form and mail it in. What do I do?

2007-06-13 06:23:48 · 11 answers · asked by adam W 2 in Hunting

Has anyone had the tuberculosis jab also known as TB JAB. whats it like??

2007-06-13 06:23:47 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Respiratory Diseases

I read on an answer on here that you have to take a test after getting a passport? Is this true or what? If so what kind of test? I never read anything on the government website about this...

2007-06-13 06:23:47 · 8 answers · asked by J. 4 in Other - Destinations

2007-06-13 06:23:38 · 7 answers · asked by Engle K 1 in Non-Alcoholic Drinks

1. i mean by that the white people who came from Europe to south Africa and live there do you call them African's " in general" ???

2.Another Question in my mind African-American they considered black ? or under what category " in general" i mean when you say African- American what comes on your mind black or white!

this was a discussion between me and someone and we decided to post it on yahoo.


2007-06-13 06:23:34 · 10 answers · asked by MMG A 1 in Other - Cultures & Groups


ATHIESTS HAVE NEITHER, SO WHY ARE THEY HERE??????????????????????????????????????????

2007-06-13 06:23:27 · 15 answers · asked by Best Xian 1 in Religion & Spirituality

Are any of you Stewart fans dissappointed with Gibbs for not picking up Jr. ? Also how will this change the alliance the 2 of them have on the track?

2007-06-13 06:23:20 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in NASCAR

Is it ok to feed your dog pieces of the bagged baby carrots?

2007-06-13 06:23:16 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

Fella, asserting that there's "not one shred of evidence for evolution" only highlights how ignorant and ill informed you are about the modern 'mainstream" scientific principles and explanations of the natural world.

There has been many references forwarded here, allowing access to all the "evidence" you could ever want regarding evolution, but you WILL NOT see it.. This doesn't make it non existant..!

You are merely parroting old and easily countered ridiculous religious dogma, so don't try to look clever, because you aren't..!

Maybe try: talkorigins.com, then do your research from there. Only then will you realise what a complete fool you are making of yourself when debating something you know nothing about with those who are more informed than you..

The question here is in the title..!

2007-06-13 06:23:12 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

please explain what is educated man and the advantages of being educated man, and also what is a learned man and the advantages of it.

2007-06-13 06:23:03 · 5 answers · asked by jjv 1 in Primary & Secondary Education

Clinton's my hero even though what happened to those 32 American kids is far worse.

How long did those kids scream while burning as Clinton sat in the White House?

This won't happen again under Hillary. Right?

2007-06-13 06:22:55 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-06-13 06:22:50 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

has anybody seen the film swat if so can someone please tell me the name of that item they use to look in the room just be for they enter it is like a microcamera
if i have any of this info wrong please tell me

2007-06-13 06:22:43 · 5 answers · asked by lil t 2 in Military

Found this intriguing snippet http://uk.news.yahoo.com/pressass/20070613/ten-extremists-threaten-celebrity-chefs-5a7c575.html

Their name suggests a terrorist organisation - No?. Can we expect that they will be dealt with in a similar fashion to other terrorist organisations?

2007-06-13 06:22:39 · 16 answers · asked by bobfleming25 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

2007-06-13 06:22:39 · 22 answers · asked by Cutie6190904 2 in Vegetarian & Vegan

my neck has been stiff and sore for days now, it hurts to move it. i didn't sleep on it wrong or anything (it started BEFORE bed). i didn't fall or anything like that. it just feels really tight and sore. it hurts to move it. it has been like this for 3 days now is there any way to fix it?

2007-06-13 06:22:32 · 5 answers · asked by ? 6 in Pain & Pain Management

2007-06-13 06:22:14 · 61 answers · asked by * Xanthippe 6 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-06-13 06:22:12 · 2 answers · asked by whoppers1975 2 in Other - United States

I used to get bad migraines, where there would be an aura visible whether or not my eyes were open. The aura would start of like a small speck of light in the middle of my vision, almost what it looks like when you look at a small very bright light and then look away and blink, but more extreme. This aura would grow in diameter and then hollow out in the middle, like a bagel, and cover about 3/4 of my eyesight. I could still see through it but it would be painful to try to. An intense headache came along with it and I would feel very nauseaus.

I first got this in grade school, I can't remember if it was 3rd-5th grade, but I remember it happening on the playground and I was very scared (I didn't tell anyone though, and it went away in a few hours). I would get them periodically, once or twice a year, but now I am 21 and haven't had one in 4-5 years. The only thing I have changed is to drink much more water throughout the day, everyday.

Anyone know why they went away?

2007-06-13 06:21:37 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Diseases

From an article in latimes.com:

Born July 10, 1917, in Waconia, Minn., Herbert later moved to Minneapolis and then La Crosse, Wis. He graduated from LaCrosse State Teachers College in 1940 and could have taught English or general science — his majors — but he recalled later that he was more interested in the theater.

He worked as an actor and stagehand in a Minnesota theater group before moving to New York City in 1941.

A year later, he volunteered for the Army Air Forces. As a B-24 bomber pilot, he flew 56 missions over Italy, Germany and Yugoslavia and received the Distinguished Flying Cross and the Air Medal with three oak-leaf clusters.

Herbert wrote several books, including "Mr. Wizard's Supermarket Science" and "Mr. Wizard's Experiments for Young Scientists."

...I feel like one of the pillars of my childhood is gone. RIP to that groovy guy.

2007-06-13 06:21:29 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I have heard some say the stories are racist. I don't seethat. I think the stories tell a very true tale of life and people.

2007-06-13 06:21:28 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Toddler & Preschooler

I have been in a long distance relationship with my boyfriend for 5 years but he still doesn't want to get married. Should I be worried?

2007-06-13 06:21:20 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Why would u buy a hybrid car?
dont tell me because it will save u money and gas mileage and it helps the earth i kn that

2007-06-13 06:21:20 · 9 answers · asked by Harmony t 2 in Singles & Dating

I cant stand her she thinks she all that, but she aint s***!!!!

2007-06-13 06:21:12 · 16 answers · asked by $Baby Gurl$ 3 in Celebrities

now that W has broken that barrier

2007-06-13 06:21:04 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I'm a senior in high school and I don't plan on enlisting until I turn 18 b/c my family won't support me, but since I have all this time, I'd really like some advice on how to get into tip top shape.. I'm a little overweight w/ strong legs but virtually no upper body strength.. What are some tips about ANYTHING that can help me with building strength, endurance, and dropping the extra pounds.. Also if anyone knows the weight requirements for females, that'd be a big help also!!

2007-06-13 06:20:52 · 5 answers · asked by kitty.rina 1 in Military

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