I keep seeing all these questions about moving out at 22 b/c "you're an adult" You can be an adult by law all you want. But, if you don't have the financial backing, than your screwed. Why leave home at 22 to incure debt? It's just stupid. It doesn't build character or hard work. It just breaks down the soul when you're 30 and realize you don't have anything. You pay rent and don't own a home. I'm sorry, but I think its more sad to be over 30 and paying rent, then is it to be 24 and living at home. The first seems much sadder, the second more forgivable.
What do people think? In this day and age, with our economy and gas prices at $3.50 a gallon, isn't it better to be 24, debt free and living at home, than moving out a getting into debt. America has a huge debt problem, yet people think moving out to learn financial responsiblity and build character are more important.
My advice is to go to school, get a good job, save up for 2 year or so OR pay off
33 answers
asked by
Answer Girl 2007