I was involved in a car accident in April. No cars were coming at the time I was making a left turn. The only vehicle was a bus and it was stopped in the right lane to load and unload passengers. The left lane was completely clear. When I was in the process of turning, a car came out of nowhere and crashed into me. Of course, because I was making the left, I got the citation. I believe she was speeding trying to get around the bus. This is my first accident (which technically isn't my fault, but according to the law it is). I don't know what to expect when I go to court in a couple of weeks. I don't know exactly what to plea. I have taken a defensive driving course and am planning on presenting that to the judge. I don't want to plead not guilty, because I did make the left and the court will automatically find me a fault for that. I don't want to plead guilty because I don't believe it was my fault. I have to go to court because I am under 21 (I'm 20). Would nolo be good? Please help!
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