The tank has 10 mollies, 2 hatchet fish, 6 tetras, 3 sword tales, 4 shrimp(~1.5" long), 2 unknowns but tropical community, and an algae eater, 200watt heater set at 78deg, under gravel filter and a rena filstar xp3 filter, and live plants. i want to do this with the least amount of stress on my fish, all tho i realize it will stress them anyhow, any advice would be appreciated, i know i need to save as much of the water as possible, was looking at probably saving 25 gal. would this be enough? and as for the filter should i leave water in it to avoid killing the good bacteria? i figure when i move the fish themselves, i will put them in a 5 gal bucket with a bubble stone to keep them happy :) the move is only about a 1/4 mile but will of course take time to get the tank down and set back up (probably a few hours). again any advice is appreciated. thanks
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