I am new in my husband's country (Canada), so a month ago, I started exploring a church called the Evangelical Fellowship. I was approached by a young woman at the supermarket who asked me if I wanted her church to pray for my needs and took down my contact details. A week later, I was invited for a variety show at the church. My husband is an Atheist , so I went alone bcoz I wanted to meet new friends and to remain in touch with my spirituality. I was ushered next to a girl with a bubbling personality, and right away she was acting like we've being friends forever. She invited me for coffee to meet her other women friends and they claimed that all their friends were from this church and they were like family. But I didn't know what I was getting into, until the leader of the gang said she would invite me over for a party with the girls,and I said I wanted to bring a dvd to watch together, but she said we wouldn't have time. I was very confused, and wondered why we were meeting if time
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Religion & Spirituality