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All categories - 28 February 2007

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I want to buy lingerie for my girlfriend, but i want to buy something practical that she will actually enjoy wearing. Should I buy her a cotton bikini? Boy shorts? Teddy? One piece? Lace? Silk?

2007-02-28 19:22:29 · 9 answers · asked by Phillip 4 in Other - Beauty & Style

How about Undertaker and Bret Hart?

2007-02-28 19:22:20 · 25 answers · asked by boy_bawang 1 in Wrestling

Hi. I have a Canon Pixma iP3000. Changing from portrait to landscape is easy. The problem is I cannot get back to portrait AND, "have it stay there". Each time I return to print, it has set itself back to landscape & no matter what I do, it just keeps returning to landscape. I have tried everything I can think of to get it to stay on portrait, but without success. It should be simple. BUT. & yes I do press OK after setting the page to portrait.

2007-02-28 19:22:15 · 4 answers · asked by topcat 2 in Printers

Why are martyrs who die in islam offered sex with 72 sexy maidens but female muslims are not given any? Authoritative Islamic hadeeths teach that there are more males than women in Islamic ‘heaven’.

So, who are these martyrs actually having sex with? And if these are virgins what happens after the 1st round of mating? They are dumped after use?

2007-02-28 19:22:05 · 9 answers · asked by Lion Killer 1 in Religion & Spirituality

I love him.I always miss him.I care about him.But he dont care about me...he selfish.....he more listen to his family than me as a wife.......he never understand when i need attention.....even i already told him what my problem is...i cry nobody with me ..now i very very stresssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!until one day someone come into my life, but as a wife i feel guilty with my hubby.....God ...what should i do....

2007-02-28 19:21:29 · 4 answers · asked by naruto_ultragirl 1 in Marriage & Divorce

i need to become photogenic because my sister weeding near to come but i practice on the mirror but it doesn't work, i pose on the camera but my image doesn't good enough ..help me pls!!! i much more handsome than in the picture>>

2007-02-28 19:21:25 · 10 answers · asked by joel l 1 in Other - Beauty & Style

A magistrate wants to allow an ex-husband to have access to two very young children when he has already been charged with kidnapping them (they were rescued back from him) and has spent time in jail for attempted murder of his ex-wife. He has now been granted access to the children's school by the magistrate.

2007-02-28 19:21:22 · 2 answers · asked by furbaby 1 in Law & Ethics

I started taking Ritalin about 2 months ago. The stuff was great! I could get all of my homework done in seconds. Here lately I have been noticing a difference. There really isn't any other way to describe it except that I don't get my high and am having a hard time concentrating again. Its almost like my body has gotten use to the dosage. The doctor upped the dosage back in the beginning. How come it isn't lasting as long as it did back when I first began taking the medicine?

2007-02-28 19:21:22 · 7 answers · asked by tayloroates@sbcglobal.net 2 in Medicine


I've asked so many questions on here but I love to hear others views. Me and my ex of 7 years broke up and he moved 2000 miles away..Well, he moved before we broke up..I know there isn't another woman. I am pregnant with his child and we are very young...22 & 23. We had our wedding planned before the baby. Dr. said I would never be able to have kids..my ex wanted one and I ended up getting pregnant. We wasn't trying because of what the Dr. told me. He was very excited while I was kind of depressed because I wanted to be married and have my degree. Now, I wish he comes back and I know alot of people thinks that is stupid. We had a pretty good relationship, His father walked out on him as a baby. He tells me he misses me and loves me but picks stupid fights..Does distance really make the heart grow fonder?? I told him last night we shouldn't talk until we clear our heads..Has this every happened to anyone?

2007-02-28 19:21:17 · 5 answers · asked by angelsdeath420 2 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

What is the scariest...or funniest, or lamest...?
(I crank called my little brothers school friends and claimed I was "the Micheal Jackson Hotline" in a British Accent! It worked ...then later it bombed! LOL!)His "little girlfriends" were ready to skewer me in half, when they found out who I was!!! LOL!

2007-02-28 19:21:16 · 7 answers · asked by Rivka 1 in Friends

I use cold cream for my peeling, i mix 1 tablespoon of lemon juice(the green little one), about 4 tablespoons of cold cream, and 2 tablespoons of granulate white sugar, every third day i do this mix and scrub it on my wet face, i'm 38 years old and i look like 21, my only concern is that i was after this my face whit neutral soap, what is better liquid or bar???

2007-02-28 19:21:15 · 2 answers · asked by Beatriz G 1 in Other - Beauty & Style

2007-02-28 19:21:11 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Science

I have about 1000-1500 baseball cards a lot of which are late 70's and 80's. I have Bo Jackson, Nolan Ryan(rookie card as well) Barry Bonds, Mark Mcguire, Ozzie Smith, etc.

2007-02-28 19:20:57 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Baseball

I dont know anyone personally that has money in their account at least not that they want to give up to me...lol.I have used virtual gift cards to circumvent the us prohibition against real money on-line poker playing in the past but that avenue has been shut down recently as well...any suggestions?

2007-02-28 19:20:43 · 3 answers · asked by honesttothepointofrecklessness 1 in Gambling

I've asked so many questions on here but I love to hear others views. Me and my ex of 7 years broke up and he moved 2000 miles away..Well, he moved before we broke up..I know there isn't another woman. I am pregnant with his child and we are very young...22 & 23. We had our wedding planned before the baby. Dr. said I would never be able to have kids..my ex wanted one and I ended up getting pregnant. We wasn't trying because of what the Dr. told me. He was very excited while I was kind of depressed because I wanted to be married and have my degree. Now, I wish he comes back and I know alot of people thinks that is stupid. We had a pretty good relationship, His father walked out on him as a baby. He tells me he misses me and loves me but picks stupid fights..Does distance really make the heart grow fonder?? I told him last night we shouldn't talk until we clear our heads..Has this every happened to anyone?

2007-02-28 19:20:37 · 3 answers · asked by angelsdeath420 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

2007-02-28 19:20:36 · 6 answers · asked by apple 3 in Singles & Dating

ive got this word study sheet for homework and ive got to say who invented these things so shrapnel?!!!!!! any body for that

2007-02-28 19:20:22 · 4 answers · asked by alexandrabrown1996 1 in Words & Wordplay

Following Jesus casting demons out of some men, the demons went into the pigs and ran off the cliff.

"Then the whole town went out to meet Jesus. And when they saw him, they pleaded with him to leave their region"

Isn't that strange? They wanted Jesus to leave. They must have been more concerned about the pigs than the demon-possessed men. Also I wondered why there would be some pigs there since the Jews didn't eat pigs did they? Were they for the Roman soldiers then?

2007-02-28 19:20:04 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I was never diagnosed with PPD but alot of people told me I had the symptoms of it. I can't really afford to go to the dr. So I just bared with it and tried to make it through hoping that it would just go away.

I have been, recently, having more and more disturbing images pop into my head for no reason and they are so bad that I just want to throw up. For instance today I was out side with my brother holding a gun because he was cleaning up around my mom and my families house and the gun was for protection against venimous snakes that might be under some of the things he was moving around and hauling off.

Well I looked over at my son, who was in a play pen on the pourch so he would be safely out of the way and still be in eye view, and for some reason the image of him with a bullet hole through is forehead popped into my head and him lieing in the play pen with blood all around him.

(contiuned in additional details..please don't answer yet)

2007-02-28 19:20:01 · 5 answers · asked by Roe 2 in Toddler & Preschooler

I've asked so many questions on here but I love to hear others views. Me and my ex of 7 years broke up and he moved 2000 miles away..Well, he moved before we broke up..I know there isn't another woman. I am pregnant with his child and we are very young...22 & 23. We had our wedding planned before the baby. Dr. said I would never be able to have kids..my ex wanted one and I ended up getting pregnant. We wasn't trying because of what the Dr. told me. He was very excited while I was kind of depressed because I wanted to be married and have my degree. Now, I wish he comes back and I know alot of people thinks that is stupid. We had a pretty good relationship, His father walked out on him as a baby. He tells me he misses me and loves me but picks stupid fights..Does distance really make the heart grow fonder?? I told him last night we shouldn't talk until we clear our heads..Has this every happened to anyone?

2007-02-28 19:19:58 · 7 answers · asked by angelsdeath420 2 in Singles & Dating

Shouldn't footballers be subject to the same employment terms as mostly everyone else in this country, and be sacked when they overstep the line?

I've only heard of it happening in very extreme situations.

2007-02-28 19:19:55 · 9 answers · asked by www.shutup.com 2 in Other - Football

Full Time Night Shift, College and Weight Loss... A losing battle?
Hi All,
Well... here's the deal. I am prone to weight gain. Always have been. If I don't eat very healthy and exercise daily I WILL gain weight... and fast. I currently work 40-65 hours a week (it varies) from 11:30pm-8:30pm and am going to college full time persuing my BA... so I don't have to keep up this job LOL. My job pays well and has very good benefits so I am reluctant to leave. Not to mention I support myself and have to keep the bills paid! However, I barely have time to study and fit in 5-6 hours of sleep... much less exercise. Does anyone have any suggestions or tips that may help me stay in shape? I am planning on taking the summer off so I can get back into shape, but the weight will only come back once school starts back up if I don't keep up the exercise. I need to lose about 40 pounds to be healthly. I know the night shift isn't helping at all but I slowly keep gaining weight. Help!!

2007-02-28 19:19:47 · 5 answers · asked by flcaoh 2 in Diet & Fitness

okay i just got him a few days ago so i know he probably isn't eating that much except 2 pellets cuz he is stressed but is he supposed to be so skiddish? Also he looks like he is sneezing, what happens is he goes into his shell (arms,head, feet, tail) really fast and comes out really fast and he makes a funny noise and he does this under water. What is he doing? also i heard that they are mainly meat eater and i heard they are strictly vegitarians so which is it? and PLEASE give a website so i can make sure its the right answer. Thanks!

2007-02-28 19:19:27 · 3 answers · asked by THE 3 in Reptiles

me and my other half are avid lost fans but we are also virgin customers

are virgin not living up to their agreement in the sense that when i agreed to cable contract it would be on the understanding that it would include sky one

as they have not kept their side of the deal would i be right this is not keeping to their contract and i should be allowed to leave straight away or have a reduced cost inmy bill

2007-02-28 19:19:23 · 10 answers · asked by ♥Pink Princess♥ 3 in Television

I've asked so many questions on here but I love to hear others views. Me and my ex of 7 years broke up and he moved 2000 miles away..Well, he moved before we broke up..I know there isn't another woman. I am pregnant with his child and we are very young...22 & 23. We had our wedding planned before the baby. Dr. said I would never be able to have kids..my ex wanted one and I ended up getting pregnant. We wasn't trying because of what the Dr. told me. He was very excited while I was kind of depressed because I wanted to be married and have my degree. Now, I wish he comes back and I know alot of people thinks that is stupid. We had a pretty good relationship, His father walked out on him as a baby. He tells me he misses me and loves me but picks stupid fights..Does distance really make the heart grow fonder?? I told him last night we shouldn't talk until we clear our heads..Has this every happened to anyone?

2007-02-28 19:19:21 · 4 answers · asked by angelsdeath420 2 in Marriage & Divorce

when i want to connect to internet . i receive theis message:"the modem is already in use or not configured property...". and when i query my modem in device manager i receive this messgae: "the port could not be opened...".
i'm very angry for this problem.please help me.please

2007-02-28 19:18:56 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Hardware

Surely in this day and age we can find a better system of finding out if someone is guilty or not of a crime apart from asking a bunch of 'joe public' for their opinion, especially now they have done away with the 'double jeopardy' rule in the UK ? With all these miscarriages of justice, the whole thing is obviously not working is it ?

2007-02-28 19:18:52 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

2007-02-28 19:18:50 · 8 answers · asked by littleheadcat 6 in Other - US Dining Out

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