Ok, I'm 16 years old and there are quite a few things I'm worried about and I really want to see a doctor. 1) I have a daily vaginal discharge (normal smell, color, etc.) but it seems like a rather large amount sometimes, so I want to check and see if there is something wrong. 2) When I first got my period (at 15) it was really, really irregular and there would sometimes be three months in between before I got it again...now it comes approximately every 29 days, but doesn't last for very long...so I'm worried I'm infertile or something. 3) I once did something with a guy (bj), which could have potentially given me an STD and I really doubt I got one, but I want to get checked out for peace of mind.
The problem is I live in a tiny town where everyone knows everyone, so I can't get checked up where I live. So how can I go to a bigger city to get checked without my parents knowing? Or how can I tell my parents to make an appointment for me, without having to tell them the details?
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Women's Health