*I mean no offense to minorities, majorities, or anyone. I am simply pointing out a fact in our society that just doesn’t make sense to me. Call me racist, call me stupid, call me whatever. This is my opinion and I am as entitled to it as you are to breathing.
4 Things-
First, everyone knows about the conflicts in the Middle East. Those are caused by extremists.
Second, there are religious extremists. In schools during december, decorated trees get reported by the Jewish League. In reality however, most Jews do not mind getting a Christmas present.
Third, anti-racism extremists. Have you noticed that in every T.V. show the characters are either 25-35% or in some 90% black? The real percent is around 17%. However, the makers may get attacked if all of the main characters are white.
Fourth-Minorities nowadays receive so much extra aid from government, schools, etc. that it is putting majorities at a disadvantage!
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Other - Cultures & Groups