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All categories - 9 January 2007

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f.y.i. the red head guy from csi miami

2007-01-09 18:22:20 · 10 answers · asked by haught c 1 in Television

2007-01-09 18:22:13 · 19 answers · asked by alirette70301 2 in Women's Health

if you were god, how would you feel about all these chuckleheads all throughout history who have done horrible deeds in your name?
eg: all the idiots during the crusades or the spaniards who killed the incas while trying to conver them to worship you

2007-01-09 18:22:13 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in History

We are coworkers and I gave her a nice compliment saying I enjoy being around her. She said "that's so sweet." So as I left she went and asked one of my coworker friends if I had a cursh on her. My friend said yes. She said well I think he's cute. My friend told me she thinks i'm cute so I went and told her that I have a crush on her. She said "that's so sweet. She gave me a hug and after we hug I told her I would of told her sooner, but she you have a boyfriend. She didn't say anything about that really. So the next day she starts to flirt a lilttle. I didn't flirt back because she has a boyfriend.I gave this girl this letter well here's what it said When we first talk and after the conversation was over I started to like you. So everytime when you talk to me I get butterflies and feel tigly inside. Also when we make eye contact I get nervous. That's why you see me not making too much eye contact with you. I enjoy your company. I still have a crush on you.When you told me you might get another job I was sad. You're such a sweet,kind, and caring person. Your very pretty.You have such a beautiful smile and it makes me smile too. You have pretty blue eyes. I can't stop thinking about you. Your always on my mind. If you don't like me the way I like you. I'll understand and we can just be friends.
I gave it to her 2 weeks ago and when I saw her the next day she didn't say anything about it. But she was receptive she gave me a big smile and I was too stupid to do nothing. I was kinda down that day and really didn't feel like talking. Anyways I didn't tease her back or flirt with her back because she has a boyfriend. I played it cool and kinda ignore her I just wasn't in the mood to talk. And she knew that. Anyways she thought I lost interest in her so she said "You don't like me anymore" and walk away fast and look back at me and smile at me.When she said that I knew she kinda like me. She knows I still like her, but she has a boyfriend. Her boyfriend makes her come into work crying sometimes. I don't know why she stays with him, but she does. Anyways she didn't say anything about the letter still. She show all her co-worker friends the letter and told them I like her. She never told them that she likes me. I gave her a christmas present. It was a glass angel. I also wrote a note to her this is what it said. "If I could talk to angels, I'd ask the one who watches over you to make sure you always know how much you mean to me and how much your kindness has touched my heart. May you be blessed by the Lord. The maker of heaven and earth. May he watch over you and bless you with good health and happiness always. You're a wonderful person and a very special friend and today just seemed like a good time to tell you so. This gift is the angel of friendship. She reminds me of you. I hope you have the best christmas you ever had. I hope you are well and smiling. She was about to cry after she read it. I told her not to and she gave me a hug and that was it. She talk to friend and he told me what she said. "Well she like it, but she didn't want it because her boyfriend would be so mad at her for accepting it." She didn't give it back to me, she left it in the front office and told the manager about the situation. She told him that I like her and treat her different than other girl employees and she feels uncomfortable around me. And told the manager she just wants to be friends with me. She did keep it after she clock out of work. So this past wednesday I was walking near her and the manager and she thought I was walking towards her, but I wasn't she walk away pretty fast in a different direction. So we both ignore each other that night. And havn't seen each other since. Her coworker friend said she talks about me, but nothing negative. I think the manager question her about the angel when she brought it in the office and that's why she told him. Were both in our late teens. Some of the girls that work there are jealous of her. I guess it's because the manager saids to the other girls "If there were more girls like her are business would be alot better." He said that because she is really nice to the customers.
She flirts with customers at work. But, aren't all girls like that and don't mean anything when they flirt with them. She doesn't do it alot just sometimes. I guess she does it because she see's the other girls doing it at work. The girls call her a s.l.u.t. and a w.h.o.r.e.
I haven't seen her at work in a week. The managers tried calling her, but she hasn't answer the phone. There thinking she quit. She miss three days so far. I go to school with her, but I haven't gone in 3-4 days, but i'm going tomorrow. Do you think she's testing me to see if I really care for her and wants me to chase her and tell her this tomorrow? What do you think? I really do like her. I'm so confuse hear are some of the answers I here earlier.

1. FROM Y2K---" Dude go rescue her from her controlling boyfriend. She likes you go chase her. I think she scared of what her boyfriend might do to you. Fight him you can take him."
2. FROM Dipti---" let her go...she's not worth it, and she's taken"
3. FROM Roxy Girl--- " i think you should tell her and not let the chance go by"
4. FROM The right thing--- " way to complicated... don't go after her.... girl are like, the more u want them , the more they reject u.. and vice versa....
5. From Cheyb_92--- "Ok, hun, that was so long I feel like I know you know, lol. Shew, complicated! Uh..........well I had a similar sit. i think, and this guy was always real nice to me and at the time i had a bf, but this guy told me he was gay, and then i was a lil more comfy round him u know, and then he bought me earrings and said that ive changed him, ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, totally freaked me out, I avoided this freak 4 weeks, and still do, but u seem sweet and non perverted like that guy, so main point, move on a lil, and see if shes really in 2 u, give her a lil time, and if she misses your companionship, then she'll let ya know, good luck, you seem sooo sweet, wish i was her......lol, the angel thing was deep, good job.
6. FROM noble_rub--- "well, u have shown that you are the sweetest guy in the world. Give her some time. If she misses u, she'll come back.
Many situations that a girl still loves her bf, but cant help flirting with another guy because he treats her so good. Love is not all receiving nor giving. U should wait for her response. I believe what u have been doing is excellent job and i can see that u have thought a lot before make a move. Im sorry to mention, but if u are not good looking and her bf really is, then maybe she is still confused. Give her time to make her mind up.
You melt my heart. Never seen or heard anything like this in Hollywood movies. Good luck!

P.S: You deserve a lot more than just chasing a taken girl. Give her a chance. But its her loss if she is too dumb to understand.
7. FROM Cole S--- "oh my goodness i say you should be there for her as a friend and if she accepts that you can be something more. Her boyfriend sounds like a jerk and obvestly she likes you. Its hard to say things to people, so maybe shes just at a loss for words. If your ment to be together than it will work out. Just be there for her
8. FROM Number on--- "she wants you to chase her. the next time you see her, say something along the lines of "wont your boyfriend let you come to work anymore?" and see what she says.
9. FROM Kelly W--- think you should go for it. She needs someone better than that loser bf that she has. Tell her how you feel. Even if that does not go the way that you want it to go you will not have to keep wondering what could have been and you would know b/c you asked her. What harm could it do.
10. FROM meghanw1--- You said it a million times: she has a boyfriend!! Even if things are rocky between them it doesn't matter, you don't know the whole situation. Wait until she's single. Otherwise you'll just be her rebound or she'll just use you when she's going through a hard time and just hurt you. If things are meant to work out, they will. She knows you like her, let her decide. Don't write her letters or give her things at work, it'll get you in trouble. If she told the manager about you, it's a sign that she doesn't want to be bothered like that. She has a BOYFRIEND. Let it be. She's not testing you. She's messing with you. If she flirts with a lot of other guys, then how are you more special than any of them? Find someone that can commit 100%. You deserve it. She sounds like she has problems. Don't get involved, you'll get crushed. Sorry to be so negative. Just be patient.
11. FROM JB--- I'd be careful on this one, not because of the boyfriend. It was great you made your feelings known to her, but you don't want to overplay your hand. As much as I hate to say it, you have to play the game a little (for the record, I hate "the game"). Work on the friendship aspect, and try to be comfortable about that for a while. Get her to talk about that **** of a boyfriend and be there to help open her eyes. Just don't push her too hard, and as much as it is flattering to her, it doesn't make you look any more attractive to her.
12. FROM LittleEFA---
I agree 100% with y2k. i think that she is in an abusive relationship that she is afraid to get out of!1! Maybe he has beaten her up and she is not going outside because he may have left bruises on her or something! Have one of your friends that know her to go and check on her to make sure she is okay and let her know how you feel. No woman deserves to be in an abusive or unhappy relationship whichever it may be in her case. Go and get her!!!!!! Good luck!!!!
13. FROM SarahBear--- Not to be mean, but creepy! I tell you what, I'm sure you're a nice guy and everything but love letters and love notes in Christmas presents are middle school! Or something you give your wife, but not someone you aren't dating. Honestly, she probably did have a small crush or physical attraction to you at first but as soon as all the creepy love notes started coming in it pushed her away. I know you probably only see her at work but you're reaching stalker status. Do you stare at her at work too - even if it's just an admiring 10 second stare and we act like we don't see it believe me we do! From your story she liked your attentions at first, even a little after the first note, but now she obviously doesn't. The fact that she showed and read your letter to other people is not a good sign either. And when she told her boss that you make her feel uncomfortable - she wasn't lying! You probably do! Back off buddy! You already ruined this one and pretty much any chance of getting with her. The fact that she already has a boyfriend takes your chance of redemption from zero to zilch. She's probably already told her boyfriend about you which is why she's not coming in to work. Unless she tells you from her own mouth that she likes you - any information from anyone else is worth nothing. Since she's been avoiding you since your Christmas present, that's obviously what she wants. I'm really not trying to be mean, just honest. You're probably just an emotional romantic guy but to bring it on all at once like that is overwhelming and not something a girl, especially a teenage girl, is looking for. Save the love notes until you find someone that openly admits that they like them or you're in a comitted relationship. As for this girl, leave her alone and act like you're over her - she'll probably be relieved and it'll take the pressure off of her - after awhile of ignoring her you might have a chance to apologize for making her feel uncomfortable. Lose the romantic feelings for her though before you do that! Find a new crush and take it.....slow!!
What answer 13.SarahBear said made me feel heart broken and now i'm worrying and can't sleep. I know this is long and I thank you for takin the time reading this and helping me.

2007-01-09 18:21:49 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I've met filipinos who say they have spanish blood in the US , although I must admit the ones I've met most do look hispanic/even spanish and could pass for one.

2007-01-09 18:21:44 · 15 answers · asked by krissy_gaviola 1 in Other - Cultures & Groups

Concurrency Theorems In the Theoritical Geomentry

2007-01-09 18:21:43 · 5 answers · asked by jan_ani 1 in Mathematics

2007-01-09 18:21:31 · 10 answers · asked by Dino 4 in Religion & Spirituality


2007-01-09 18:21:22 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

you think a job dedicated to killing people is a hero?
so. your image of a hero is: a man who's job is killing people.
why should soldiers get any applaud?

im not trying to offend anyone. i just want your opinion.

2007-01-09 18:21:21 · 21 answers · asked by Charles Darwin 2 in Polls & Surveys

have you ever heard of the legend of the bell witch? i grew up in middle tenn. and my father was one of the original desendants of the bell family of robertson county. tell me your story if you have ever been to the bell witch cave or the old bell homesite or school!!!!!

2007-01-09 18:21:18 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mythology & Folklore

2007-01-09 18:21:06 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Painting

2007-01-09 18:21:04 · 10 answers · asked by jai 1 in Other - Cultures & Groups

I know that I have a high chance of never getting taller, my brother whos 1 year older than me is of the exact same height as me and my dad, is like looking at my future. My mom's 5.2". I've heard people saying that height is genetic, my gradfather from mother's side is 5.7" and from my father's side is 5.4". I've done a lot of stretching and exercising from when i'm16 and no result, I need help on determining whether I have a chance on becoming taller before my growing period ends, will masturbating a lot and rarely make a difference?. Is it true that sleeping 8 hours a day really does make a difference than sleeping less. I tried stretching my legs whenever I get the chance to do it, anywhere, in class, while walking, during shower, it's become like a habit for me ever since I'm 16, but I've never grown an inch taller, not even a mm , please help me, especially if u have ever been short and managed to grow, give me any advice, anything would do. but NO funny shoes, HGH.

2007-01-09 18:21:03 · 1 answers · asked by levis_88 2 in Diet & Fitness

I love my BF to death. Ive known him for 8 years or so, but we've been dating since the end of summer. Im not sure if it's something about him, or me being afraid of losing him, but at times I have no trust in him. I worry he would cheat on me, and it would just kill me. Ive talked to him about it, and he swears he would never do that, but I worry. There is one girl particularly, who on his myspace I read things like "oh we need to get wasted together, and oh jess will be there" like its some big deal she is there for him. Is it just me being paranoid? Hes never done anything to make me worry, but I do. Now im worried about him going to this party. Also, he has this girl as number 1 on his myspace, and me #2.. i know its stupid stuff, but i worry.

2007-01-09 18:20:48 · 13 answers · asked by Immortal Angel 1 in Singles & Dating

Why do guys and girls get so jealous of friends????
I mean if your not flirting and just being nice whats the problem?

2007-01-09 18:20:47 · 20 answers · asked by sherrie C 2 in Singles & Dating

I've met filipinos who say they have spanish blood in the US , although I must admit most of them do look hispanic/even spanish and could pass for one.

2007-01-09 18:20:43 · 8 answers · asked by krissy_gaviola 1 in Other - Cultures & Groups

If you find that the world has turned,
And you are covered in darkness.

Squashed by humanity,
And looked down apon,

You feel like you can't take it,
You wanna breath.

Theres no way out,
Your sufficating.

Just remember me,
I ain't no emo
I don't cut
or crave pain.

But yet I am worse off then you,
But i don't feel the need to harm.

I draw and write.

And everyday I hide behind my fake smile,
I am afraid to be alone again,
I hide my feelings,
Lock 'em up tight.

So no one can see my pain.
No one knows the true me,

They can only see what they SEE.

They can't look past my looks,
All I want is to be me and be happy.

2007-01-09 18:20:30 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

is it because i sat too close to the t.v or genetics? which is weird because i think im the only one in my family EVER to become nearsighted

2007-01-09 18:20:24 · 5 answers · asked by Lynn 4 in Other - Health

2007-01-09 18:20:20 · 12 answers · asked by massum 1 in History

2007-01-09 18:20:14 · 5 answers · asked by alxaut 1 in Military


2007-01-09 18:20:12 · 2 answers · asked by Mr.Archie G 2 in Mathematics

2007-01-09 18:19:36 · 12 answers · asked by nick 1 in Singles & Dating

2007-01-09 18:19:28 · 5 answers · asked by gigi726 1 in Television

my hubby left me and 3 of our children about 3 years ago because of his job, his in the airforce and now he is back and wants to file a divorce, i think he is seeing someone, should I look for advident that he is having affair, I called a few of his colleague and they told me they don't know that we have been separated. he alway act infront of them that he is a good husband and a good father. he alway want his face, I just want his colleague to know he is bad and they will watch his movement everyday. no more act.

2007-01-09 18:19:17 · 10 answers · asked by ICE 2 in Marriage & Divorce

Does anyone know how i can do this. I heard that the process is long and tedious but i want to do it. and if you do know how, do you know if thier is consequenses

2007-01-09 18:18:58 · 8 answers · asked by Cyrus The Great 3 in United States

fedest.com, questions and answers