Well, I will take the serious approach. Try or not, you did.
These men and women put their lives on the line dealing with the violence in lands afar so that it does not visit my children here at home. Yes, they are very much my heroes.
2007-01-09 18:27:05
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
That would depend entirely if their moral code matched yours, to be more direct, if they held your views then I dare say they would not join in the first place. However, there is no way you can make a comparison between the actions of the soldiers in today's conflicts and the atrocities carried out by the Nazi's. In these conflicts our service personnel have gone where the Government ordered them to go. We are not engaged in Genocide of a race, we do not gas millions of innocents, so I am afraid your argument on that front is heavily flawed. Our service personnel have done and continue to do a very tough job and they are fighting and dying almost daily. I am personally opposed to the way the war has been brought about. But I cannot and will not condemn our service personnel for the heroic work they are doing. I do not know if you have ever been in battle Mr Hairyman, it is a pretty frightening place, added to that the fact that these guys can get blown up by concealed devices at any time, and you might start understanding the mental strain and pressure that these people are under. They continue to do the job, being in fire fights (shootouts) many times a day with the ever present and very real threat of impending death or hideous injury. I do not have the concise Oxford dictionary to hand, but I think the work they do and the conditions in which they do it is pretty heroic by any standard.
2016-05-23 02:30:18
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
looking at some of these answers all I can think is "wow"
first, it should be kept in mind that only a fraction of our armed forces are involved in actual combat, calling all soldiers murderers is way out of line
second, people join the military for all different reasons, some feel that it is their responsibility to defend the liberties that we enjoy here in the US, some join the military because it gives them the opportunity to go to college whereas before it would have been impossible (the GI Bill is a large draw), some join because of the values instilled such as dedication and responsibility, the list goes on
third, before anyone calls all soldiers illiterate maybe you should check out how just how difficult it is to get into the service academies, or how many businesses are run by people who used to be in the military
finally, before you judge somebody for what they do, you should first know really what it is that they do, and second why it is that they decided to do it in the first place
2007-01-09 18:59:14
answer #3
answered by Bucky 2
No, my image of a hero is a person that has left his loved ones and gone to keep our country free. Doing what he was ordered to do, protecting our land from people that would want to harm us and take our freedoms away. If it wasn't for the soldiers, then you may be living in a communist nation, or worse. Yes, that is my hero and they get my support and love for doing a damn hard job. They don't kill, unless they are being killed, or an attempt to save your @ss from being killed. Have you already forgot what happened during 9/11???? Have you forgotten that some of the countries we have gone in, has actually ask for our military's help??? Because some other country was invading them?? Have you forgotten all of this?? If you don't consider our US soldiers, as heroes, why don't you get your sorry @ss out of this country so that they have one less unappreciative @sshole to protect??
By the way @sshole, I have 4 nephews in the military right now. One is in communications, two are in IRAQ getting shot at, and the other one is in the MArines and apparently they are calling more Marines into Iraq. So don't try and feed your bullsh!t to me!!
2007-01-09 18:38:53
answer #4
answered by nevada nomad 6
I have two very dear friends of mine who I have known for 15 years in the air force and the army and everyday I consider them heros. They have both done tours in Iraq and we currently do not know where they are because they are classified. I think any person who is willing to give their lives up for the freedom and safety of their country is a true HERO! ^.~ I adore the soilders and everything they do for us. They are over there protecting this country and trying to bring democracy to another country so they can experience the freedoms and liberties of our lives. They aren't over there just to kill, they are over there trying to end terrorism. I think that there shouldn't be any question, they are heros. This is my oppinion. You wouldn't be asking this question if you had family or friends serving in the armed forces. So, just remember everytime you lay your head on your pillow to sleep, it's because of those brave men and women that you are able to do so without fear. God bless you and have a wonderful night. And no matter your opinion on the soilders over seas please pray for their safe return to their family and friends.
2007-01-09 18:47:38
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Do I support the war in Iraq? No.
Do I have anything other than the utmost respect for a man or woman who is willing to sacrifice his/her life for what is perceived (rightly or wrongly) for his/her country? Damned right.
I am not a fighter, but I couldn't be more impressed by those who are. Sports figures are not heroes. Soldiers are.
2007-01-09 18:27:55
answer #6
answered by balderarrow 5
Yes they are heros, and yeah a soldier has to kill sometimes. But if it was not for soldiers you fricking pu$$ies could not say the things that you are. You would not have the freedom to do so. Those soldiers are out there fighting and dying so that wussies like you can stay home and whine and cry. You want to impress me. Sign up. Until then stop giving our soldiers crap. You give them crap you give me crap.
2007-01-09 18:30:53
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Several people have answered this question with clarity and a lot more patience than I have. Joseph C, Darknes and Gah to mention a few.
Since they have already said it well, I will get right to the point.
Phuc k you.
The end.
2007-01-09 18:52:26
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Hell yeah, they are heroes! They are out there face to face with the enemies, that want to kill them, and their only option is to fight back, who could look down on them for that. We are so lucky that people volunteer to be in the military and sacrifice so much in their own life just to keep us in America safe and out of harms way at all possible.
2007-01-09 18:41:00
answer #9
answered by X's Mommy 5
Do you even know how to load a gun, let alone fire it? Could you do that while being shot at? You suck.
Allah, watch over the soldiers, saliors, airmen, and marines of the United States Armed Forces.
2007-01-09 18:30:13
answer #10
answered by RoninShonen 5