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All categories - 2 December 2006

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So I have been having an afair with a drunk, a disrespectful person. He is my ex boyfriend, I was forced to tell my hubby a couple months ago bcz this affair guy was threatening me that he was gonna come to my house so I ended up telling him. Then after I told him the affair guy said that he would have never told my husband, so he squirmed his way back to me, I dunno how but he did. He swears that he would never tell my hubby that it can just be our seceret. But now Iam so stuck, I do have ALOT of feeling for this guy, I think I love him, but I also love my hubby too, we have 2 kids together and he is a had working person, never treated me wrong! Can someone please help me out here, Iam not sure what is wrong with me HELP!!!

2006-12-02 02:49:44 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce


Two women friends had gone for a big girl's night out.
Incredibly drunk and
walking home they needed to pee, so they
stopped in the cemetery.
One of them had nothing to wipe with so she
thought she would take
off her panties and use them. Her friend,
however was wearing a
rather expensive pair of panties and did not
want to ruin them. She
was lucky enough to squat down next to
a grave that had a wreath
with a ribbon on it, so she proceeded to wipe with that. After the
girls did their business they
proceeded to go home. The
next day one of the women's husbands was
concerned that his normally
sweet and innocent wife was still in bed hung over,
so he phoned the
other husband and said,
"These girl nights have got to stop! I'm starting to suspect the
my wife came home with no panties!!"
"That's nothing" said the other husband,
"Mine came back with a card
stuck to her *** that said.....
'From all of us at the Fire Station. We'll never forget you.'

2006-12-02 02:49:43 · 16 answers · asked by Papa Spyk! 1 in Jokes & Riddles

Ok im 15 years old(probobly too young still) and i've made a couple of stories already.Can anyone tell me where i could send it in to have like a publisher take a look at it and tell me what they think of it? because i've always wanted tobe a writer. I just need to get my books published somehow.any help is appreciated.

2006-12-02 02:49:36 · 5 answers · asked by tommy7691 2 in Books & Authors

It happens all the time. People blame others for what they fail to admit in themselves. What sort of things did you get a lashing for which either at the time or later in retrospect became so obvious that was actually their own problem?

2006-12-02 02:49:31 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

And also this sentence, "I am the salt of the earth, I am the light of the world."

2006-12-02 02:49:27 · 8 answers · asked by iustus 1 in Languages

As you know, there are seemingly hundreds or thousands of different medicines on the market that are supposed to help us to get rid of our colds. A lot of people also use their own home remedies for getting rid of colds? According to your knowledge, and experience, what are the best methods to get rid of very bad colds? I think that a lot of people will be very interested in this question since it is now winter time in the U.S., and since people all over the world catch either mild or bad colds almost every year.

2006-12-02 02:49:23 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Diseases

We're in the sixth grade, but we're still pretty good. The talent show is in like, march or something. WE will only have four minutes to perform. Also, if you have and ideas for costumes or anything like that, list them. Thanks! : )

2006-12-02 02:49:23 · 5 answers · asked by Mrs.Joseph.Adam.Jonas 2 in Performing Arts

craps for about 4 years which flare up and cause lots of pain every few months. (The doctor diagnosed me with IBS a few years back). I noticed mucus quite a few months back and then,more recently,blood so went to see the doc. As my diet was very poor (i wasn't eating 3 meals a day and eating irregulary) the doc said it was probably down to this.I am eating 3 balanced meals a day now and now go to the loo more often- every other day at least. I handed a stool sample in last week and am awaiting the results. I'm v worried though, as despite eating better and going much more regualrly, i am still noticing blood &mucus. I have been looking up my symptoms on the net &that just makes me even more worried. Also, i have no pain when going to the loo.

2006-12-02 02:49:23 · 15 answers · asked by Nic 1 in Other - Diseases

Be honest now...Do you have a thing for the Bad Boys or lust for the Nice guys. Help the Males of the World understand what you want.

2006-12-02 02:49:12 · 5 answers · asked by Laughing Man Copycat 5 in Other - Society & Culture

a few days ago a neighbour i hardly know asked if i would take in his catfish as he wanted the room for new furniture i agreed and he came with the fish and just dumped it in my 50gal tank with my very healthy fancy goldfish,it darted about the tank at great speed i was a bit concerned so i found a small tank which i left overnight so that i could remove the catfish into it.next moning when i turned my light on i got a terrible shock as my fish were covered in blood it was as if every vein in their body had burst and their beatiful tails and fins torn to shreds i went right away to the pet store and they said it was finrot but they were very happy and healthy before,could this really happen so quickly? i was given meds and did w/changes eveyday that was 4 days ago this morning ihave spent hours empting the tank as all 7 have now died and i have since learnt his goldfish all died so why did he just dump it in my tank with the water from his fish.he is not at all bothered,

2006-12-02 02:49:11 · 12 answers · asked by joannie 3 in Fish

any other natural/herbal remedies that are similar to St. Johns Wort?

2006-12-02 02:49:10 · 2 answers · asked by modernlifeisrubbish 2 in Alternative Medicine

i just watched it last night and like. i enjoyed the movie but i dont know if im understanding it right. i just wanna know what other people thought about it! thanks!!!

2006-12-02 02:49:09 · 6 answers · asked by guitlamo13 2 in Movies

What I mean is: Has anyone developed an itchy rash, or blisters on their ears, nose, or cheeks when in cold windy weather? Not like a simple wind burn, I mean a real allergic type reaction. How do you treat it, or what do you do to prepare for such situations?

2006-12-02 02:49:07 · 5 answers · asked by bvet421728 1 in Allergies

2006-12-02 02:49:03 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Wrestling

As i have sensative skin, and can only wear silver that will not tanish.

2006-12-02 02:49:00 · 2 answers · asked by Rona T 1 in Fashion & Accessories

When you're looking to astrology for compatibility, you should be looking to compare the mans MOON sign with the females VENUS sign to see how they'd relate in love? I've only heard that once but it stuck in my head.
So in that case me being a scorpio venus in scorpio & him being pisces moon in aquarius, seems like a tricky match huh? Thanks!

2006-12-02 02:48:58 · 4 answers · asked by Ashley 4 in Horoscopes

My daughter is to the point that she is so tired of hearing her dad yell at me that she is willing to quit to make it easier and I have told her that this is between the two of us and for her not to worry about it. He is the type of person who feels because we can afford to give them what they want they shouldn't have to work he doesn't even agree with making my son carry out the garbage. I am proud of my daughter for wanting to do this and that is what try to tell him. She has done it for 6 weeks now and has already saved $300 and bought herself somethings she was wanting. He thinks the child supoort should be enough and it is the kids have what they need a lot of wants and still some in the bank for college. I explained if he makes her quit she will resent him and his words were so be it I am not going to have people thinking I can't provide for my kids. He has threatened another court battle over it and I am afraid of that.

2006-12-02 02:48:54 · 7 answers · asked by Martha S 4 in Parenting

My fiance has an old friend that he used to be really close to but they rarely even talk anymore. Reason is because the guy is sort of a self centered prick. He is the type that talks behind peoples back and thinks hes better than everyone. I really dont want him to be invited. But I think my fiance feels badly because there are other friends from that circle that will for sure be invited. Not to be a Bi*ch but I am not sending an invitation. But how should I tell my fiance nicely that there is no way in heck this guy is getting invited?

2006-12-02 02:48:46 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weddings

I am overnighting some perishable food. Do I need to pack it in dry ice or can I just put it in a styrofoam container packed in ice in a cooler????

Or is there a better way to send perishable food???

2006-12-02 02:48:39 · 3 answers · asked by Pink 2 in Other - Food & Drink

I'm in a long distance relationship. My boyfriend is grieving right now (lost a family member) and has been very cold lately. I've tried my best to cheer him up and sometimes It works and othertimes he just wouldn't talk to me! Like for days! 3 - 5 days!Oh gosh! what to do! should I just end this? I mean, It is hard to love someone who is being cold.

2006-12-02 02:48:39 · 13 answers · asked by venom! 6 in Friends

2006-12-02 02:48:33 · 2 answers · asked by Rajendra J 1 in Sculpture

Could you please let me know what we must to see or test in Turkey ?

2006-12-02 02:48:26 · 11 answers · asked by Kevin H 1 in Turkey

I'm thinking if the max sentence is served before the preliminary hearing, then the DA would no reason to press charges. They would the charges be dropped and the person's record cleared?

2006-12-02 02:48:18 · 8 answers · asked by dtshaff 3 in Law & Ethics

what does "all peril" refer to? i know flood insurance is seperate for some claims but does not "all peril" include flood?
my interest is with personal property issues of loss due to flooding.

2006-12-02 02:48:10 · 5 answers · asked by blueJean 6 in Insurance

I wouldn't like someone who looked just like me, acted like me, and have the same likes/ dislikes as me... Yeah, I know that's supposed to mean something in psychology, but oh well!!

2006-12-02 02:48:06 · 21 answers · asked by misery 7 in Polls & Surveys

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