My parakeet is 2 years old. About 1 month a go her body seemed to turn to rubber and we thought she had a seizure, but weren't sure. Now we know she has, this has been happening more often,and all of a sudden. she also doesn't want to be messed with. The vet said it could be a bacterial infection,but it hasn't gone away and the other birds aren't having seizures. She is a otherwise healthy/happy bird with no previous problems. We also though it could be heredity but her 2 sisters aren't having the same prob.
If anyone has any ideas plz let me know. We live in a small town and none of the vets around here specialize in birds...they just guess. The pet store we got her from hasn't even heard of anything happeni9ng. If you know what could be causing this, or what to give her, plz let me know. except for the seizures and her body turning to "rubber right b-4"yopu wouldn't think anything was wrong.
1 answers
asked by
Alexis and Abbigails' mommy
Other - Pets