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South Africa

[Selected]: All categories Travel Africa & Middle East South Africa

How do you say 'Good evening" in the 11 official languages?

2007-05-03 02:38:59 · 15 answers · asked by The Dude 2

i'm leaving. i'm emigrating.


2007-05-02 04:51:38 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

these are xhosa ones i know : iqaqa laqikaqikeka eqaqeni laphantsu' qhaw'ka uqhoqhoqho ( the skunk roled down the hill and almost broke hie windpipe)

lama qab' aqab' imbhol' aqhath' amagqira athi aqeqeshekile ezinqondweni. (sorry but this one is too hard to explain in English)

2007-04-30 12:06:11 · 14 answers · asked by tee 2

with good primary schools, Good polite neigbourhoods, good safe townhomes to rent for 1 year . Please help me gather those info for my next move there. I prefer to live in the suburb of cape town. also please tell me life about cape town

2007-04-25 02:26:55 · 15 answers · asked by nikonan21 1

"A Better Life for All"
I ask in respect of "all" and not the few who may be better off. In which way and what have they delivered to the "masses?"

2007-04-25 00:12:26 · 13 answers · asked by ? 2

And why? Another fun question, you guys! Be creative in your answers!

2007-04-22 04:05:47 · 13 answers · asked by Porgie 7

I'm a proud South African, but must admit that I only listen in on international games. How about you?

2007-04-22 04:04:15 · 6 answers · asked by Porgie 7

According to recent studies, the Cape region still has the highest recorded levels of fetal alcohol syndrome in the world, even though the 'dop system' was abolished in 1980. Or is it because Capetonians just love to drink? When will we lose this legacy? Or is the legacy of the 'dop system' like the effects of a nuclear attack? Will the children of the children of the victims ever recover?

2007-04-22 04:02:10 · 3 answers · asked by Porgie 7

Should Mandela be in the company of these great men? Disraeli served his country for 3 decades and Churchill was one of the most important leaders in world history! It's gonna be erected on Parliament Square in London.

2007-04-22 03:56:07 · 10 answers · asked by Porgie 7

Is it to ensure a film's success or is it blatant prejudice? There are many South African and African actors that can play in big budget movies, but only a few are selected. Why is this?

2007-04-22 03:48:46 · 2 answers · asked by Porgie 7

Please, i need to have an answer a.s.a.p ! so please someone help.
i need to see if this guy is a real person or not!

2007-04-21 21:08:46 · 9 answers · asked by sexytriplexy 1

I live in florida. Does anyone ship it or know where Ican order it?

2007-04-21 11:55:45 · 5 answers · asked by jennifer d 1

In these times of sports rivalry, I just couldn't resist posting this. Hope the Aussies read it in a good spirit of humorous rivalry.

A South African was sitting with an Aussie and a Kiwi in Saudi Arabia , sharing a smuggled barrel of beer, when all of a sudden the Police entered and arrested them.

They were initially given the death sentence but contested this and were finally imprisoned for life. But as it was a national holiday, the Sheikh decided they should be released after each receiving 20 lashes of the whip.

As they were preparing for their punishment, the Sheikh suddenly said:

"It's my first wife's birthday today and she asked me to allow each of you one wish before your whipping, but you can not wish to not be whipped!"

The Kiwi thought for a second then said: "Please tie a pillow to my back before whipping." This was done but the pillow only lasted 10 lashes before the whip went through. The Kiwi cried in pain.

The Aussie saw this and said: "Please tie 2 pillows to my back before whipping." This was done and lasted for the whole 20 lashes. The Aussie stood up smiling.

The South African saw this but before he could make his wish, the Sheikh said: "As you are from South Africa with all that crime, a cricket team who is always losing in a final and a rugby team who can't win anything, you are permitted to have two wishes!"

The South African thought for a second, then said: "Thank you most Royal and Merciful Highness. My first wish is to receive a hundred lashes with the strongest, toughest whip available."

"If you so desire," the Sheikh replies with a questioning look on his face, "and your second wish?"

"Tie the Aussie to my back"

2007-04-20 18:54:02 · 12 answers · asked by Vango 5

As you can see by the elephant question posed a little b4 this the answer is no.So too,you as a white cannot be a white african.a black born in the u.k cannot become an englishman either.tou remain in ur ethnic group 4 ever unless u go mixed,then becomming a new entity,identity non original.

2007-04-19 08:33:44 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

then be called brittish elephant,and the following generations known as brittish elephants???

2007-04-19 07:55:11 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Should Mbeki be forced to end his policy of 'quiet diplomacy' when it comes to Zimbabwe and can South Africa choke the Zimbabwean economy into submission?

2007-04-16 01:03:42 · 9 answers · asked by Porgie 7

Seems like only political dramas and comedies are coming out of South Africa. Suppose you had the money and other resources to make a movie in South Africa, what would it be about?

2007-04-16 00:59:38 · 14 answers · asked by Porgie 7

South African Minister of Environmental Afairs, Marthinus Van Schalkwyk, says this is the last resort to "control this growing headache". What's your take on this?

2007-04-16 00:56:47 · 7 answers · asked by Porgie 7

I only have one. And what about you?

2007-04-12 23:57:57 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Yahoo Answers, is, in my opinion, a brilliantly designed network that encourages moderated debate and information sharing.
Aside from being a fun information tool, it forces serious participants to research opinions and events in order to participate intelligently in any kind of debate.
On the issue of South Africa, I have learnt things I had no clue about until I became a participant here.
I've been forced to read and acknowledge the opinions of people I might not even like, but at the end of the day I've come out informed and more well rounded.

2007-04-12 22:15:28 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-04-12 21:43:52 · 5 answers · asked by choma754 2

i was born in south africa and moved to Australia with my parents and i grew up in Cape Town.
I was just wondering how South africa is doing as i havent been back home in about 5 years.


2007-04-12 00:38:47 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

i was wondering if it was possible to get dstv in countries such as canada & the u.s.?

2007-04-11 18:20:16 · 13 answers · asked by christine p 1

So much has been posted that europeans or people of european descent brought civilization to Africa. In many instances, when people like watzzup, post their racist attacks on eurpeans some respond by claiming that the character of Africans including barbaric slaughterings, rape etc. According to these people, we would still be swinging on the trees in African bushes.

Are such assumptions correct? Or are they being said in a hit of a moment and as a fight back strategy? Is it true that modern science started in europe? If so, where in Europe, exactly?

2007-04-11 00:18:35 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I want a city either near Durban or cape town. I don't want crowded cities I want the safest city in south africa. possibily near great schools and greats universities.
-want to know if a bachelor obtained in SA is recognized in europe and north america( usa, canada)?

2007-04-09 17:16:48 · 13 answers · asked by nikonan21 1

Europeans generally have the wrong impression that they are essential in SA. They are land thieves, as in Zim - and worse than useless. They injure the country by their economic and political sabotage and constant carping. They bribe the poor to become Christian and follow their propaganda. Let them enjoy Europe, immediately. They came as invaders and deceivers empty handed. That is how they will return to mother Europe.

2007-04-08 07:42:15 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I certainly think so. Often when one posts humorous answers in other sections - which, as we all know, are mostly viewed by Americans - it gets a thumbs down rating, while in the SA section funny answers are almost always welcomed by other answerers. And the Yanks wonder why the world doesn't like them...
Thumbs up to you South Africans!

2007-04-06 07:57:05 · 19 answers · asked by Vango 5

He should really keep his opions about one love and about the freedom struggle to himself cause he has no idea

2007-04-04 01:42:25 · 26 answers · asked by MR Cash 2

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