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So much has been posted that europeans or people of european descent brought civilization to Africa. In many instances, when people like watzzup, post their racist attacks on eurpeans some respond by claiming that the character of Africans including barbaric slaughterings, rape etc. According to these people, we would still be swinging on the trees in African bushes.

Are such assumptions correct? Or are they being said in a hit of a moment and as a fight back strategy? Is it true that modern science started in europe? If so, where in Europe, exactly?

2007-04-11 00:18:35 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Travel Africa & Middle East South Africa

14 answers

This racial sniping is getting old. No one race has the monopoly of invention and innovation over another.
What is true is that before whites arrived, blacks in Africa lived a tribal existence, with superstition as a moral compass.
However, at some point in their past, white Europeans were tribal themselves, and just as superstitious.

What is important is that we all now live in the 21st century, and it would be advantageous to all to live and progress forward as one race.

2007-04-11 00:51:36 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 8 2

Actually Africa had a civilization that is equally as old if not older than Europe - check out the Zim ruins for starters.

Then there is that secret excavation site in the northern Kruger Park somewhere that is claimed to be as old as The Zimbabwe settlement.

Northern Africans have traded with eastern and middle eastern countries long before the whites landed in Africa.

If European settlers had not come to Africa it would have evolved in its own time and I'm guessing largely on totally different lines to how it is now but it would never have stayed as it was then, when they first touched Africa.

Even America would be totally different if the Europeans had not gone there so its quite an interesting excises to suppose what might have been if they had stayed where they were - don't you think?

2007-04-11 07:49:40 · answer #2 · answered by london.oval 5 · 4 2

Hi Zim$,

Good question, I unfortunately am one of many who said that. Then again if you look at countries like for instance your lovely country Zim going down the lat part of the drain, I dread the idea of South Africa following that route. Think back, what was the state when the whites ruled this country? If you think about the whole of Africa which is mostly black and you compare it Europe which is mostly white then what does that tell you?

I wonder what South Africa would have been like if the white people still ruled (of course without Apartheid) this country! It could've been better, it could have been worse. Unfortunately, what we had was broken down by???? YOU KNOW WHO which happens to be YOU KNOW WHAT!

2007-04-12 07:38:47 · answer #3 · answered by poepies 4 · 1 1

its people with superiority complexes who are convinced that they are racially more evolved than all others.1 -2 hundred years ago during the grab for africa,europeans were convinced of their god given right to civilize africa because they viewed themselves as the foremost of gods creatures on earth.they did not know back then that the greatest of all innovations and discoveries was made in africa, when primative african man discoverd fire and learned to harness it, enabling MAN to leave his homeland africa and begin to populate the rest of the world.

its like when india became independent from britian, all the old white supremists said that india would go to siht because the indians are not "civilized" and capable of governing themselves.today india seems to be doing just fine without european intervention.
i dont think these people say these things in the heat of the moment, i think they truly believe it.

2007-04-12 13:58:38 · answer #4 · answered by Marsattack 3 · 1 0

Yes, I think both sides you mentioned are extreme viewpoints.
Most modern discoveries we have today, were first invented in China, Europe and North America.
With a bit of research it would be possible to make a long list of inventions with the inventor, country and even city. But what would be the point of that?
The point made, is probably that very few modern technological breakthroughs came from Africa, and the few that did came from South Africa.
Also, looking at most of sub-Saharan Africa - governmentally and economically, it isn't really a success story and one can excuse reasonable scepticism.
Don't get me wrong - Africa is my home and love her and her people very much (except the criminals and politicians). But some traits, like poverty and misrule are widespread in Africa.

2007-04-11 12:22:59 · answer #5 · answered by Vango 5 · 4 3

The modern World as we know it today started with the Agricultural Revolution in 1750 and the Industrial Revolution which started around 1780 although the affects were only really felt in the 1800's. Both started in the United Kingdom and there were many,many inventors frome Steam engines through to the Spinning Jenny. ( you can research for yourself).
Modern civilisation was brought to Africa by Europeans and it serves no purpose to play the racist card in denial and tell Europeans to go back to where they originated since many are now living on the African Continent for generations. Slaughtering of animals in the 21st Century is regarded by most Europeans as barbaric and the use of the culture excuse is suggestive of a people who have hardly moved on in 2000 years.Violent crime such as murder and rape etc is not the sole possession of Black people but one cannot ignore that the majority of such crimes seem to be committed by them.
In South Africa you had probably the best opportunity of all the African Nations to achieve a level modern democracy comparable to the West. Instead of recognising and embracing White people for what they have contributed to your Country the ANC choses to villify them and make them the common enemy of all Africans. In so doing you have driven much of the intellectual capital out of your Country and you will and are paying the price for that in terms of a diminishing of standards across the board.It is no joke to suggest that South Africa is headed down the same route as Zimbabwe for their are numerous valid comparisons. Glorifying Mugabe and all the other African despots may make you feel good inside but the reality is that the more you drive Whites from the Continent and the more Western Governments and their people tire of pumping endless amounts of aid into the Continent then the more you face self destruction.

2007-04-11 09:24:23 · answer #6 · answered by ? 2 · 6 5

I prefer to think its words tossed in the heat of the moment... even though articulately put.
Its pretty sad to realize thats what people just think about us blacks...
They aren't aware of the great upbringing people had back then, when justice was bigger than man. When men respected women and treated them like queens instead of sloeries...
When leaders only wanted the best for their people, when everything was still all natural and beautiful...
Honestly, I dont think I'd have been bothered... I would'nt know about technology/convenience, thus I wouldnt care much for it...
I'd be living off the earth, healthy and unaware of poverty... my dad would have a fair share of cattles, land to farm etc

Really who cares? What happened, happened and if it hadnt... same difference to me.
I dont care if Europeans or the Chinese did what or whatever... I just hate people being refered to as baboons who belong in the wild (unless they're murders and rapists, which would apply to anyone of any race doing this)...

The real racial/prejudice twilight zone is in the culture and group category (crowded by beautiful happy Americans of a great place - not generalizing of course), and I think South Africans are smarter than that. The real racism happens in there where extremely dumb people will refer to others as animals and all sorts of names that arent at all appealing...

2007-04-11 08:03:23 · answer #7 · answered by Reb Da Rebel 6 · 4 1

The Glory that was South Africa is gone. It is on a down slope now from a once very advanced society. They were credited with the first human heart transplant, the deep mining leader of the world, the sixth nuclear power 1972{(yes you did not know that, before the black government took over, SA destroyed 12 bombs and all the engineering)FACT}
Presently anybody with a decent education in medical or related science field are bailing out to GB, Canada and Australia, leaving the rest of you to rely on Tokelosi and witchcraft

2007-04-11 09:53:41 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

I know from my side, my blood boils everytime I even sense the presence of Watzzzup. Liken my ranting and raving when he is around to the inhouse fighting of a married couple, words are always exchanged in anger, often exagerated and not even meant, they are only spoken to be hurtfull.
My apologies for losing my temper yet again.

2007-04-11 08:29:49 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

ah so good to be back in the driving seat.there is only one huge difference between the b/w thing going on here.
the white not only receives info and utilizes it to the extremities of its limits,but can take anything made by any other and better it.we have the capability to take anything of usefulness or harm,and better it. e.g. when white Romans entered England and showed how they made a rd we English didn't sit on our poo palls and say oh that's great, and wait till the cobblestones disintegrated and go back to mud tracks!!!!!
there is much proof of a 15 percentile difference in mind power and processing ability between the two groups.
please read up on the subject as we are not the same.
in Africa however,cobblestone example is a minute picture of the huge one I'm trying to portray so as to let those who only think they have it upstairs and are the same standard,r sadly mistaken.
as a token of my effort in the prev example however,i suppose that as south Africa basks in what the Caucasian built,we shall soon see how these mod things shall stand when a person who can break an anvil stays put in leadership for too long.regeneration comes very slowly to those who only use whats given, and does not facilitate growth through experiance,but through parrot learning fashions of anothers culture.

2007-04-11 19:04:24 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

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