I am 23 and I have been to vegas 3 times all with friends... Next week since everyone is busy with Christmas I am going alone. Will this be ok? Everytime I go to Vegas I just spend my time at the poker, blackjack, sports book tables as my friend(s) do what they are doing... Most of my time is at the poker table and my friends don't play poker so they go play slots or blackjack and all we meet for is to eat dinner or something but everyone still has a great time. The only draw back is sharing a room when you bring a girl up... Next week I am going to Vegas next week for 5 days alone... Has anyone ever taken a trip alone before? I will have my own room to bring girls up to and the rest of the time will be at a sports book or in the poker room as I have done/seen everything in Vegas before. Thanks
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Las Vegas