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Religion & Spirituality - 17 December 2007

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I have always wondered how those in the military that directly cause the death of another by the firing a weapon rationalize this when it's in direct conflict with the 10 Commandments.

I'm an Atheist but was raised as a Protestant. I quit going to church when I got my drivers license and my parents quit driving me (I would go to the arcade at the mall ! lol). I just didn't buy it (the Bible) or any of it sounds made up to me.

I spent 6 years in the special forces in the Navy from 89-95. I fear no repercussions from my actions while serving my country because of my belief system. So for me doing what had to be done was never an issue.

2007-12-17 16:21:05 · 11 answers · asked by lv_consultant 7

what does it mean?

2007-12-17 16:20:26 · 3 answers · asked by David G 6

I am jewish so i will no if you are not.
I would like to know if you have had people herace you because you are jewish.Also is being jewish a religion or culture to you?

2007-12-17 16:19:35 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Didn't they have a different cultural and religious identity before coming to America?

2007-12-17 16:17:57 · 9 answers · asked by chiknmnkeyboy 2

2007-12-17 16:17:24 · 42 answers · asked by Josh X 2

when asked what his main weapon against terrorism would be he replied " Chuck Norris"

2007-12-17 16:15:36 · 12 answers · asked by going postal 7

Is it Chuck Norris?

2007-12-17 16:15:32 · 12 answers · asked by Princess Ninja 7

This question is for both Atheists and my fellow Christians...

Christians- If you have raised your child in a Christian home and they came to you later in life and said they are now Atheist, would you accept them or not? Would continuously quote scripture and go out of your way to bring them back to Christianity?

Atheists- If you raised your children to not believe in God and years later in life they came to you and said they had given their life to God and are now a Christian, would you accept or reject them? Would you constantly tell them that there's no such thing as God?

I'm just curious... With all the bickering back and forth between both Christians and Atheists about how each of us is constantly brainwashing our children I thought this would be an interesting question to ask.

Thanks in advance for the honest responces.

2007-12-17 16:13:48 · 23 answers · asked by scdiva79 2

I get different interpitations in different bibles. I use KJV, I have the ilumina bible, and it says Genesis 6:1-4 that it talks about taking the female race. The KJV never says anything about a race of 2 different spices. So one bible comes up with demons under the hand of God's will(for he banished them here) mating the female race...then he turns to man and blames man for being evil. and floods the whole earth.

the KJV says(to me anyway) that the powerfull people were people still with God's spirit in them and their offspring would be like men of old. God is leaving man in these verse's. We onced lived 900 yrs old, but God is angry with all this sin, and now we live 120 yrs old.

I show one verse in KJV, they come up with another bible NIV or whatever and says this one says it clearer and it means this....I ALREADY HAVE the understanding. I call it bible wars.

why is my understanding wrong using KJV, and whoever's right using there other bibles? Why don't they argue with KJV?

2007-12-17 16:13:22 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know not everyone does this, which is why I am saying "many". If I am content, and happy with my life and my beliefs (Judaism), why do you feel the need to preach to me? I am not trying to be rude here, I would like an actual answer. Do you feel you are doing a good deed by trying to convert people, or is it another reason?

I don't go around preaching to people. I respect everyone's beliefs, because I know there are many perspectives to life, and that there are many possibilities out there as to how we were created. So..why?

2007-12-17 16:10:35 · 19 answers · asked by mrr86 5

That Chuck Norris cannot be accused of murder because his roundhouse kicks are considered an Act of God?

2007-12-17 16:10:26 · 6 answers · asked by going postal 7

I have vowed to myself that I will not expose my son/daughter (when I have one) to religion until they are of age to choose for themselves what path they should follow.

For instance...when my child turns 9 (good age in my opinion) I will buy him/her books on EVERY religion (except maybe Scientology..*smiles) or lack thereof (atheism) and have him/her read them and come to their own conclusion on what truth they share with that faith.

Why? Because parental influence is very strong from the ages of 1-13. I think my child should be able to choose for themselves what religion they follow.

I don't want anybody to answer with "You need God for morality!" "You need Religion for good behavior!" because its just a really sorry excuse for a lack of good parenting (different subject entirely)

So..my question is...is this a good idea? Should I give my child a chance at religious freedom like I had?

2007-12-17 16:07:19 · 34 answers · asked by iColorz 4

seems as if god wasn't really aware of the rest of the world and had no information about the future of the world. strange, since he or she knows everything. maybe a guy wrote those books, eh?

2007-12-17 16:06:06 · 16 answers · asked by heyrobo 6

that it is impossible not to break and the punishment is eternal?

2007-12-17 16:05:50 · 6 answers · asked by going postal 7

2007-12-17 16:05:05 · 23 answers · asked by Lost. at. Sea. 7

and you choose to read my question and then some of you choose to answer it. We choose to react this way or the other when facing situations in life. We choose to have good thoughts, we choose to do good deeds or not.

Based on this afirmation, I suggest we all choose to spread the Peace!!

Some of you will say "nonsense, I can't make peace alone. If nobody is doing it, I will not do it, besides what will my friends think about me?", because we worry about what they think about us. However, I say that if you serve as an example to a single person in your life, you achieved your purpose, and I garantee you many will follow you.

Make peace!! Spread it, talk about it, breathe it, eat it and you will see the result. A better world around you.

Would you follow me?

2007-12-17 16:03:02 · 19 answers · asked by Janet Reincarnated 5


2007-12-17 16:02:46 · 4 answers · asked by RG 5

2007-12-17 16:01:29 · 20 answers · asked by Shinigami 7

but Chuck Norris considers him a promising rookie?

2007-12-17 16:00:43 · 11 answers · asked by going postal 7

1. Was Jesus critical of religion?

2. If Jesus was critical of religion, should his followers be also?

3. If the followers of Jesus are called 'Christians' then should Christians be careful and critical of all types of man-made religions?

4. Is the criticism of man-made religion as a warning to others a Christian duty?

5. Do non-Christians constantly take scriptures about Judging Others out of context and try to use them to contradict Jesus Christ and His teaching?

Based upon the Bible, what is the duty of a Christian in relation to other religions?

2007-12-17 16:00:35 · 14 answers · asked by realchurchhistorian 4

What if they're really really bad?! Or if they wish harm upon you?

2007-12-17 15:59:46 · 16 answers · asked by Josh X 2

For those who do not know the three Laws

1.An object will remain at rest, or continue to move at a constant velocity, unless an external net force acts upon it.

2. Net force on an object is equal to its rate change of momentum.

3. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

The thing is that there are exceptions to the three laws. In particular when very small scales, very high speeds, or extreme gravity come into play.

Dose that mean we should no longer teach the three laws to school children, or should we stop a sixth-grade class to explain General relativity?

2007-12-17 15:57:02 · 15 answers · asked by Gamla Joe 7

How lucky are they?

Joyeux Noël, Buon Natale, Feliz Navidad, God Jul, Feliz Natal!

2007-12-17 15:55:33 · 17 answers · asked by Run James Run 2

The recent question on the Mayan calendar (ending in 2012) got my interest. Having studied astrology and several ancient calendars in the past, I now have to ask 'what year are we really in?

Herod, who ordered the death of Jesus while still living obviously, died 2BC according to history while Dionysius ('Little Dennis' of Constantine fame) miscalculated by another 4 years. So we have 6 to 7 missing years already!

The Bible (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth) tells us that this will happen. The Sabbath has been changed to a Sunday in prep for global Sun worship; the new year has changed to 1st january and we even believe (well, non or marginal Chritians at least) that Christmas marks the birth of Jesus!

Are we not in, at least, 2014? Can we use the Jewish/Chinese/Indian calendars etc to really establish the year? Using these facts and actual history, can you establish what year we are really in?

2007-12-17 15:53:44 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Would you kneel down and cast your eyes to the ground in profound reverence and humility?
It is much easier to be a servant than to be a master; have a good look at the world.

2007-12-17 15:51:43 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm speaking to all the non-believers out there.

If you will just tell him,"get thee behind me SATAN", you could be pure and think clean like me and be free of all the DEMONIC thoughts that you have. At least that's what the preacher told us at Landover Baptist Church last Sunday. I tried it and I didn't think any dirty thoughts for several minutes. Try it, it works.

2007-12-17 15:51:36 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

12. Anti-Scientology propaganda is just that, propaganda. If you wanna know about this propaganda see my blog: http://www.myspace.com/129727315



2007-12-17 15:51:07 · 3 answers · asked by Me I 1

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