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Religion & Spirituality - 20 November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

how come when i ask atheists questions like, what's 1+1, they all answer 2? can't they think for themselves? i mean cmon, creationists have proven that 1+1+1=1. certainly, that takes quite an open mind to accept, not necessarily an intelligent mind, but an open one nonetheless.

2007-11-20 08:35:53 · 17 answers · asked by just curious (A.A.A.A.) 5

i belive in god a lot but i f he didnt write the bible how do you know if thats what he really wants? please tell me your thoughts on this thanks.

2007-11-20 08:34:34 · 13 answers · asked by XXGreenEyedBeautyXX 3

2007-11-20 08:34:24 · 48 answers · asked by April 5

Will you please pray for my family?
My husband and I have recently adopted our fourth child (we have two biological children and two adopted children :D) and we're very excited. Is it at all possible that you could keep my family in your prayers? If it's possible, can you also pray for my parents? I lost them in March in a terrible car accident and they weren't alive to see my children born/taken home. I'm very sad and I pray for my family & friends each night and I know this may be a lot to ask; praying for people you don't even know...but please. Please, please! Thank you so much!


2007-11-20 08:34:05 · 21 answers · asked by ♪♫Noelle© 4

maim, murder etc..for your entire life, yet the last day of your life accept Jesus in your heart as the true savior..will you be give an opportunity to serve god in the second coming?

2007-11-20 08:31:14 · 38 answers · asked by tyler durden 3

Ezekiel 18:4 "In STRONG" Words Just Quoted says that the "Soul" (CAN) DIE ! ! !

SO; How can any REASONABLE Person Believe that tHE Soul Is "Immortal" ???

2007-11-20 08:30:44 · 5 answers · asked by . 7

2007-11-20 08:29:45 · 49 answers · asked by Linz VT•AM 4

Can you name one morally virtuous act that could only be motivated by a religious person and not a non-believer?

On the other side, can you name one morally reprehensible act that could ONLY be motivated by religious belief?

My guess is that you cannot come up with one example for the first question, but can come up with many for the second.

2007-11-20 08:28:53 · 26 answers · asked by RcknRllr 4

2007-11-20 08:27:48 · 55 answers · asked by April 5

I'm a Christian and have been for many years. I have chosen to be alone until God sends the right man for me. I want a christian man who believes in God too. Worldly men want you in the sack fast and if you don't their off like the road runner. Just my experience, i know all men are "not" like that!!!
Anyway, a few months ago i met a nice guy. I can't believe it really he is pretty much what i'm after but, he isn't born again. He is a believer a Catholic.
We have been seeing each other once a week and last week he wanted to kiss me and i said no, that i'm not ready.
I have told him i'm a christian and christians don't get physical till marriage and spoken like a true worldly man, he said.. 'Sex is healthy and it's a sign 2 people are attracted to each other'. I explaned my side. I thought he would never call again after i told him no Physical stuff, but he did!.
Christains, what do you think i should do with this guy? Do you think i should stop seeing him, or keep seeing him??

2007-11-20 08:27:23 · 9 answers · asked by Purity 4

from dictionary.com:
prayer1 /prɛər/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[prair] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. a devout petition to God or an object of worship.
2. a spiritual communion with God or an object of worship, as in supplication, thanksgiving, adoration, or confession.
3. the act or practice of praying to God or an object of worship.

so isnt praying to mary and the saints and act of idolatry?

2007-11-20 08:26:44 · 10 answers · asked by Chippy v1.0.0.3b 6

I like to know how your ego affects your life. Does it affect it in a postive or negative way? Personal answers only please. Thanks 2 all.

2007-11-20 08:26:00 · 9 answers · asked by Peace! Lotus Flower 5

As I read the clearly-marked "AM" and "VT" responses in R&S, I find an eery cult-like consistency among the responses. And I'm not talking about answers that consistently reflect a thoroughly vetted philosophy, but rather a consistent use of keywords that express a simplistic idea. So is there some sort of underground cult meeting place where atheists agree upon certain keywords while chanting above a bust of Charles Darwin? Or is atheism just some sort of low-level pavlovian response to religion that invokes identical responses?

2007-11-20 08:25:54 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

is that why god wants you not to touch yourself? to save it for the bursting point till then?

2007-11-20 08:25:13 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

i was raised as a baptist although i now don't even consider myself Christian but i was curious as to what the majoor differences are.
i know Martin Luther had the first large group to separate from the roman catholic church but what issues split up the protastant groups?

2007-11-20 08:23:53 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Or just that god and evil exist but no higher power ?

2007-11-20 08:23:30 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Then we define a day as now?

Could you back up your beliefs with Biblical quotes (wow, I almost never ask for those!) as well as your own reasoning on the subject? Did the antediluvian people live in time separated by days & hours? Knowledge of ancient calendars would be a plus here as well. This is not a subject I know a great deal about and I'd love to hear what you all think and know about it and perhaps learn something new.

For my non-Christian friends, this is a religious question aimed at Christians for the most part but, like myself, I know many of you have read the Bible and formed your own opinions on the subject. What did you interpret the Bible as saying about the length of days? Did you feel it was clarified or contradicted throughout the rest of your reading? Please give examples too of how ancient calendars and ideas add to or take from your belief.

I understand why days are as they are today. This is a question about the past. Thank you for your answer!

2007-11-20 08:23:05 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

i'm just wonderin', tell me why u do or don't beliebve in god

2007-11-20 08:22:06 · 16 answers · asked by lionshondoallstar_29 2

Is this idea found in the Bible, or did it come from the freethinkers of the Enlightenment? Please cite specific authors and works, or chapter and verse.

2007-11-20 08:21:54 · 19 answers · asked by Bruce 7

Jesus has just given his judgment. There are now two groups before you: 1) those that Jehovah (YHVH) will allow into Heaven and 2) those that Jehovah won't allow into Heaven.

He has left the responsibility of deciding where they will go to you.

Obviously, you decide that all those who may enter Heaven, will go to Heaven. They have been forgiven, so you count on Jesus' judgment of them.

Now you are left with those that aren't allowed in Heaven. Obviously, you can't send them to Heaven. It's already been denied to them. But you find that, contrary to everything you thought you knew, you have two more options left to you: you can 1) send them to a place of eternal torment or 2) have Jehovah completely erase them from existence.

For many this is an easy decision, but I know some of you will have difficulty with this because, as far as you're concerned, IT'S EITHER HEAVEN OR TORMENT. I understand this, but it would be great if you tried anyway.

Here's my question:

What do you decide?

2007-11-20 08:20:08 · 6 answers · asked by Homeland Security 1

wouldn't it be better not to pick a best answer until a day or two has past, instead of just an hour or two?

2007-11-20 08:19:44 · 11 answers · asked by His eyes are like flames 6

We mostly eat tacos and listen to Pearl Jam....

sign up here_________

2007-11-20 08:19:13 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does faith require any arguments or explanations?

Many Creationists are constantly intent on disproving Evolution, by means of prefabricated arguments, like "If we evolved from monkeys..." or "We're yet to see those transitional fossils"...

Science measures the data provided by reality and facts...it's your problem whether you want to believe it or not.

Science is not trying to disprove religion, religion disproves itself with its own load of absurdities.

So keep the faith....or accept the facts, but don't even try to dream that your minds can even faintly entertain the thought that "faith" can disprove facts with "arguments"....

2007-11-20 08:19:04 · 20 answers · asked by Lex Fok B.M.F. 3

Or honestly are you/we just responding to some of these questions with no sense at all? Do we believe in accountability or not? No wonder...

2007-11-20 08:17:27 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Honestly, a local Baptist church had its parishioners hand out little comic books on Halloween telling little kids that it doesn't matter if they are good people or not; if they don't accept Jesus as their lord and savior then they will go to Hell.
Apparently, according to this, it is Satan who tells people that being a good person is important. God tells us to be Christians, because that is the ONLY thing that matters.

The new face of terror, Chick Publishing.

2007-11-20 08:17:06 · 21 answers · asked by The J Man 5

Why do Catholics pray to saints, many wonder

In the Catholic understanding, prayer is a "request". When we pray to those who have gone to heaven ahead of us, we are making a "request" of them. And what is that request? It is that THEY pray for US. Protestants do it all the time, but they limit themselves to making this request only of people still on earth. In this, the protestant view of the Church is very narrow. You see, Romans 8: 38-39 says: "neither death nor life... ...neither the present nor the future.. ..neither height nor depth, nor anything else.. ..will be able to separate us". The Family of God transcends death. We ALL LIVE IN CHRIST.

It is important to note that praying to saints is not a requirement of Catholics, just an option: Just as a protestant doesnt HAVE to ask a friend to pray for them, but they can

Heb 12: 22-24 says that as we approach God, Jesus and the angels, we also approach "the spirits of righteous men made perfect". In other words, THE SAINTS

2007-11-20 08:15:35 · 13 answers · asked by Catholic Crusader 3

if anything its the christians morals i question...i dont need a book or a boogeyman to tell me killing is wrong.

2007-11-20 08:15:17 · 43 answers · asked by go_set_yourself_on_fire 3

Jesus did not start Christianity; it is an effigy, a hollow symbol like all religion.

A humanly conceived pretense held up while emulation of that upon which faiths are claimed remains mostly unseen in many.

Jesus was neither Christian nor accepted as Jew.

Mohammed was not Muslim, Buddha was not Buddhist or accepted by the status quo in their time either.

They stood against false idol, unkept ideal, the worshiping empty image, and sustaining of imbalance and inequity.

Things have been set in motion that cannot be stopped yet most chose this way.

We destroy Eden, this is forbidden of any form of life that is sustained.

We have roughly five years to prepare as systems, infrastructures, economies and empty beliefs collapse.

Those who remain in the rubble beyond have approximately one thousand years to prove if indeed there is any worth in our species, other then the empathy found in so few of our souls.

2007-11-20 08:13:30 · 7 answers · asked by weofearth 2

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