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Religion & Spirituality - 20 November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Join me and other fundamentalists as go to war with the athiest of YA!R/S. You will randomly be placed on a team either Christian Jarhead or the Atheistic Leathernecks and we will duke it out; with a breath taking fight to the finish! Beware both have a special move. The Jarheads have the massive Wrath of God which automatically converts a certain number of athiests depending on the teams spiritual level as a whole. The Leathernecks have the impressive Big Bang which mysteriously explodes from nothing and creates a mountain. Tune in next time for Episode # 4: Leatherhead

2007-11-20 08:55:48 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

OK first off let me just say God is not sending people to Hell cause they were Bad or unworthy...the problem is nothing unholy CAN BE in the presense of God it can't BE it would burn up because his holiness is to Awesome. the ones that will be going to hell i think are the ones who accepted the gift of eternal life and then turned their back on him.....NOT ATHIEST....thats what i think......I don't think the people are (coping out) i think they are confused
2 minutes ago - Edit - Delete

2007-11-20 08:55:44 · 15 answers · asked by Lee's Wife 5

I keep hearing about how the world is going to end blah blah blah.....

2007-11-20 08:54:55 · 12 answers · asked by JD 6

2007-11-20 08:54:45 · 39 answers · asked by April 5

but not in the "give away all you possessions" way?

2007-11-20 08:54:02 · 4 answers · asked by JWill 4

I feel like Plumbs song, "Cut". Too much to mention, but sometimes it feels like all the weight of the world is upon me and that sometimes is now.

Here's the link of the song btw: http://www.godtube.com/view_video.php?viewkey=5f93b2906ef8917facca

2007-11-20 08:53:13 · 8 answers · asked by ®¤Gµ€.×Î 3

...and then return to talk about it. "23 minutes in Hell" by Bill Weise and another book a woman wrote about Hell being shaped like a body are good examples. How could they possibily go to Hell (or Heaven for that matter) when the Bible clearly says the dead are sleeping in their graves until the Tribulation? It's a fire and brimstone tactic to scare people. What do you think?

2007-11-20 08:52:19 · 6 answers · asked by primalclaws1974 6

Is it the people you have met;
the requirement of believing with faith;
the scandals associated with faith;
what is it that keeps you a non-believer?

This is a question out of pure curiosity about the motives and thoughts of others, thanks in advance.

If you are a believer and you would like to answer,
what has happened in your life to confirm your faith?

For me, the strength and joy that has kept my head up while trying to finish school while raising 3 children in a tough personal situation has most certainly confirmed the presence of the Lord in my life. I have had many weak moments where I wanted to never leave my bed, yet I have continued to get up every day and have somehow found a smile on my face. Only the joy and strength of the Lord could have made that happen here recently. I look forward to all of the comments.

2007-11-20 08:51:01 · 39 answers · asked by future dr.t (IM) 5


Just wanted to get a moral perspective on it...

This question is for everyone, no matter what your religious/non-religious affiliation is.

2007-11-20 08:48:06 · 42 answers · asked by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7

I believe the Earth is a living organism ans it has a spiritual consciousness, much like we humans. When you look at a satellite picture you do not see the individual living organisms, you see one major organism. Therefore, similar to the bacteria in our stomaches that digest our food, we humans are one type of micro organism on Earth, and there are many different types of micro organisms might I add... Are there any other spirits who are not self righteous and do not suffer from a superior Godly complex?

2007-11-20 08:47:57 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

" Christianity isn't a religion. It is a relationship with Jesus Christ."

How about this one:

"Islam isn't a religion. It's about surrendering mind. body and soul to Allah."

2007-11-20 08:47:16 · 26 answers · asked by Shawn B 7

Is there a difference? Either way you're screwed.

2007-11-20 08:46:45 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

This question was posed by an eight year old boy to his teacher. I know what the teacher's reply was and will tell before choosing best answer.

2007-11-20 08:45:04 · 18 answers · asked by mumtaz 6

…knowing full well that I truly believe that Jesus was God come to earth as a human… ?

2007-11-20 08:44:25 · 33 answers · asked by jamestheprophet 6

In response to a question asking where, if you were given the choice, you would send people judged to be unworthy of Heaven, a girl said to me:

"This one is so easy...I don't! I am not God and never will be so those decisions will never be in my hands."

Many Christians that believe in eternal torment won't answer this question because "It will never happen." But it seems to me at least that this is simply an excuse to keep from considering the possibility that there is a more just judgment than eternal torment. Say, nonexistence for example.

IOW, if they answer the question with anything other than "burn them," they're basically saying that their god is infinitely evil at best.

What do you think? Is my perspective too narrow to appreciate the potential complexity of their reasoning or is this usually a simple cop out?

Thanks for your sincere answers.

2007-11-20 08:43:25 · 10 answers · asked by Homeland Security 1

And many of you want to see it become completely secular, to the point that it is ‘freedom FROM religion’ Then consider the most recent census claimed that 87% of the US population were of the Christian faith. 9% of other faith, and 4% of no faith, can we assume that the Make up of the US Armed forces to be about the same? These percentages can be checked by running a search on US Census Religious statistics for those who think I am making this up. Anyway. IF we assume these numbers to be about the same in the Military, how long before those of Faith stand up and say that they are no longer willing to put their lives on the line for a atheist, or heathen nation? And if so, how will the 4% defend what is left of this country, that is if there is anything worth defending? Why lay down your life for ‘nothing’

2007-11-20 08:42:17 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous

When we disbelieve in any god, do believers hear that as a personal attack?

2007-11-20 08:42:02 · 10 answers · asked by NHBaritone 7

Some goof asked this question:
Why have more people died in the name of religion, than in the name of humanity?
He then went on to cite: Persecution of Christians by Romans, The Holocaust, The Crusades, and Islamic Fundamentalism

He - and everyone else who asks this question - misses one crucial point: More people have died in 20th century wars than all other centuries combined, and those wars were ALL SECULAR: The BIG one being WWII, plus Viet Nam, Korea, WW I, Civil War, Russin Revolution, Spanish American War, and plenty more.

So the premise of his question was wrong: More people have NOT died in the name of religion, than in the name of humanity.

Throw in Atheist mass murderers: Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Kim Il Jung and friends, and secularism takes the cake for WAR

2007-11-20 08:41:59 · 12 answers · asked by Catholic Crusader 3

2007-11-20 08:41:14 · 44 answers · asked by Anonymous

has anyone actully called her or asked her something and she was right or some proof she is true or false ??

2007-11-20 08:39:58 · 19 answers · asked by ஐSunset of the Sycamoreღ 3

Is placating your confrontational nature more important to you than Intellectual or spiritual honesty?

Be honest, were you drawn to this question by the simple fact that you were asked to stay away from it?,

2007-11-20 08:39:58 · 47 answers · asked by Anonymous

so it'd be ok if you pray to me right? since all your doing is communicating to me?

your god wouldnt mind?

2007-11-20 08:38:36 · 13 answers · asked by Chippy v1.0.0.3b 6

2007-11-20 08:38:18 · 14 answers · asked by April 5

Shouldnt we put forth a stronger effort and take a stand against these bad stereotypes against us and our faith? For example: dont trust him he might have a bomb, or he's a terrorist, muhammad(pbuh) preaches savage violent acts, just the way a lot of our middle eastern brothers or all of us for that fact have been treated and stereotyped since the U.S. government took down the wtc and killed thousands of innocent people including muslims and blamed it on so called muslims. Shouldnt we be trying harder to get the message straight, not in a violent type of way, but with mental strategies, public speaking, rallying, protesting, or should we just keep to ourselves and not defend what our belief is truly about?

2007-11-20 08:37:29 · 16 answers · asked by layn da smckdwn 4

I don't think the Chinese saw many burning bushes. I don't think the Aboriginees saw many seas parting.

2007-11-20 08:37:20 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

"How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am stll with thee."

2007-11-20 08:36:14 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

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