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Religion & Spirituality - 20 November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

2007-11-20 10:00:03 · 12 answers · asked by bthat 1

can you always trust what your eyes show you?

2007-11-20 09:58:45 · 15 answers · asked by katie 2


2007-11-20 09:57:46 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Matthew 7:21Not everyone saying to me:
"Lord Lord will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but the one doing the will of my father who is in the heavens will. Many will say to me in that day, "Lord Lord did we not prophesy in your name and expel demons in your name and perform many powerful works in your name. and yet then I will confess to them I never knew you. Get away from me you workers of lawlessness.
So how do you know if God hears your prayers? What makes you one of the people he doesn't hear?
You are praying to know the truth about God but how do you know it isn't satan who answers your prayer?

2007-11-20 09:57:19 · 14 answers · asked by Steven 6

Let me just mention some of the things that the bible said were true thousands of years ago and that science has just discovered to be true in recent years. These facts were all stated in the bible anywhere's from 2,000-4,000 years ago depending on which book you find it in.

1)The earth floats free in space(Job 26:7)---Job was written 4000 years ago. No one knew this fact 4000 years ago.
2)Creation is made of particle, indiscernible to our eyes(atoms, molecules, electrons,.......)(Hebrews 11:3)--- Not until the 19th century was that known.
3)There are mountains on the bottom of the ocean(Jonah 2:5,6)---This was discovered in the last century.
4)Blood is the source of life and health(Leviticus 17:11,14)---Up until 120 years ago, sick people were "bled" and many died as a result(e.g. George Washington). Today we know that healthy blood is necessary to bring life giving nutrients to every cell in the body. God declared that "the life of the flesh is in the blood" long before science understood it's function.
5)Our bodies are made of the dust of the ground(Genesis 2:7;3:19)----Scientists have discovered that the human body is comprised of 28 trace elements, all of which are found in the earth.
6) The universe had a beginning(Genesis 1:1; Hebrews 1:10-12)---Starting with the studies of Albert Einstein in the early 1900's, science has confirmed the biblical view that the universe had a beginning. When the bible was written most people believed that the universe was eternal. Science has proven them wrong but the bible was correct.
7) The earth is a sphere(Isaiah 40:22)---At the time when many thought the earth was flat, the bible told us that the earth is spherical. Incidently, for those who call christians 'flat earthers', that verse is 2700 years
8)Scripture assumes a revolving spherical earth(Luke 17:34-36)----Jesus said that at his return some would be asleep at night while others would be working at daytime activities in the field. This is a clear indication of a revolving earth with day and night occurring simultaneously.
9)Light can be divided(Job 38:24)---Sir Isaac Newton studied light and discovered that white light is made of 7 colors, which can be parted and then recombined. Science confirmed this 400 years ago, The Bible declared this 4000 years ago.
10)The continents were created as one large land mass(Genesis 1:9,10)---Many geologists agree that the earth was originally one super continent.
11)Hydrological cycle described(Job 36:27,28)---About4000 years ago the bible declared that God "draws up drops of water which distills as rain from the mist which the clouds drop down and pour abundantly on man". The ancients observed mighty rivers flowing into the ocean, but they could not conceive why the sea level never rose.. Though they observed rainfall they had only quaint theories as to it's origin. Meteorologists now understand that the hydrological cycle consists of evaporation, atmospheric transportation,distillation and precipitation.
12)Circumcision on the 8th day is ideal(Genesis 17:12)---Medical science has discovered that the blood clotting chemical Prothrombin peaks in a newborn on the 8th day. This is therefore, the safest day to circumcise a baby. If you do it before that he'll bleed to death. How did Moses know that?
13)The universe is expanding(Job9:8,Isaiah42:5,Je... 51:15,Zechariah12:1 and other verses)---Seventeen times in the Old Testament it says that "God is stretching the heavens". During the 20th century most scientists(including Einstein) believed the universe was static. Others believed it should have collapsed due to gravity. Then in 1929 astronomer Edwin Hubble showed distant galaxies were receding from the earth and the further away they were, the faster they were moving. This discovery revolutionized the field of astronomy. Einstein admitted his mistake and today most astronomers agree with what the creator told us thousands of years ago--the universe is expanding.
14)Light travels in a path(Job 38:19)--- Light is said to have a "way"{Hebrew:derek, literally a traveled path or road]. Until the 17th century it was believed that light was transmitted instantaneously. We now know that light is a form of energy that travel at 186,000 miles per second in a straight line. Indeed, there is a way of light.
15)Air has weight(Job 28:25)--- It was once thought that air was weightless. Yet 4000 years ago Job declared that God established "a weight for the wind".
16)Ocean currents anticipated(Psalms 8:8)----About 3000 years ago the bible describles the "paths of the sea". In the 19th century Mathew Maury...the father of oceanography, after reading Psalms chapter 8, researched and discovered ocean currents that follow specific paths through the seas.

Contrary to all the jibberish you hear in todays secular humanist public schools about how we used to believe a lot of myths in the bible and then science came along and proved the bible wrong.....on the contrary, the bible was way ahead of science. Even though the bible is not a scientific book, when it does speak on science it is accurate. To quote Robert Jastrow:
"This is an exceedingly strange development, unexpected by all but the theologians. They have always accepted the word of the Bible: In the beginning God created heaven and earth... [But] for the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; [and] as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."

- Robert Jastrow
(God and the Astronomers [New York: W.W. Norton and Co., 1978], 116. Professor Jastrow was the founder of NASA’s Goddard Institute, now director of the Mount Wilson Institute and its observatory.)

PS---Robert Jastrow is not a christian.



2007-11-20 09:55:14 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous

Often, people say "if you don't believe in god (side note: when they say "god", they generally mean "the Abrahamic, Judeo-Christian, Biblical deity Yahweh") and accept his son as your messiah and personal savior, god will grant to you in the next life what you chose in this life: separation from him".

Really? Even if I absolutely cannot bring myself to believe in something I know to be nonsensical and self-contradictory, hence logically impossible? Even if I'm never able to bring myself to accept faith as a valid epistemological exercise?

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Now listen - I'm not actually worried about going to Hell, so I'd appreciate keeping chatter about "if you're worried about it, you must in some small way believe" to a minimum. I'm asking people who DO believe, and asking within their framework so that we can bypass attempts to prove that this god exists. That takes too much time so I'll grant you this premise for the sake of argument.


2007-11-20 09:54:13 · 19 answers · asked by ZER0 C00L ••AM••VT•• 7

I was baptized as a Catholic and as a child I attended mass every once in a while. I when to RE, but stopped after I got my first reconciliation. My mom says that when I was little I was very religious. I would cry to her, "why don't we ever go to church?" and if we passed a religious statue I would want to stop and pray. As I got older church seemed much more boring to me. I didn't feel the spiritual connection. I haven't gone to a Catholic mass in years.

Lately I have been going to my friend's church. It is a very small non-denominational Christian church. There is a lot more energy and they focus a lot on a personal relationship with the Lord. I really like it there, but I'm not quite sure if I want to leave my Catholic faith. What should I do?

2007-11-20 09:53:19 · 57 answers · asked by Anonymous

Its a simple concept .. I do not know of any Anti Baptists, or
even Anti Seventh day ( your own roots I might add ) .. and before you answer "the Devil Made them do it" or my personal favourite "We are persecuted like Jesus" Seriously ask yourself the question.. why is there so many people trying to get you to think differently.. and moreover .. and why do they do nothing to use your own publications to do so .. .. why does your own history cause you fear when someone mentions it

2007-11-20 09:48:27 · 16 answers · asked by Wondering Faith 2

where does time pass quicker

2007-11-20 09:46:41 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

He was a Jew, so ....

2007-11-20 09:45:29 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does it somehow make justice more likely? How does it scare Christians into telling the truth, and people with other beliefs an advantage? What good is it really, other than yet another form of government supported proselytization?

2007-11-20 09:44:44 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

This supernova was seen in 1987. It was 168,000 light tears away. This means it exploded more than 150,000 years before it was created. The distance was determined by measuring the size of several gaseous rings (planetary nebula) that were illuminated by the initial flash.

2007-11-20 09:44:12 · 15 answers · asked by novangelis 7

or did you demand evidence?

Could it be that the main difference between you and us atheists is that we're far more stubborn and that you conform more easily?

I mean, if you did have questions from the very beginning, should you have chosen the path of logical reasoning, would you have eventually become atheists?

So that's it...we just kept asking the questions, you didn't challenge the answers you got...

2007-11-20 09:43:09 · 9 answers · asked by Lex Fok B.M.F. 3

Words like ‘faith,’ ‘believe’ and ‘salvation’. I mean, their entire doctrine comes from a translation from Greek or Hebrew into Latin then into English as we know it and at all of those steps, there must have been at least a few situations where the words that replaced the original text were chosen with a ‘close enough’ mentality. But the guys doing the translating had a backup plan anyway; all they had to do was make people believe they were inspired by God during the translation and they would burn in hell if they questioned it then the people would believe anything. Pretty clever plan, don’t you think?

2007-11-20 09:41:22 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am mormon, and have been my whole life. I believe the church is true, but I have to be honest, most of the so called explanations for the DNA evidence are disturbing to me. I know I have been taught my whole life that American Indians are descendants of the Lamanites. But when this new DNA evidence came out, the church is saying that they never taught it. I thought maybe I just assumed, but upon doing some research on lds.org I found numerous places in the D&C when Joseph Smith, and God in revelation to Joseph Smith refer to the American Indians as Lamanites. I also found numerous references from Prophets and apostles who did the same. Besides the intro which was changed was written by an apostle and it kind of bothers me that the church is throwing Bruce R. McKonkie under the bus to explain why it was wrong. Wasn't it written under direction of the first presidency? I want to believe, but this is trying my faith. Other Mormons, who can you reconcile this with your faith?

2007-11-20 09:38:26 · 25 answers · asked by bjnljholloway 2

2007-11-20 09:38:01 · 34 answers · asked by April 5

Then why do they need constant reassurance that they are? So many ahteists on here claim that they are smarter than Christians...then they will all post the same link to the one "study" that "proves" this.

So the ones that do make this claim over and over...what is that saying about them?

Isn't it like a football player who is no good, but still thinks he is better than others because he is on the football team?

Or the ugly cheerleader who still thinks she is hot because she is a cheerleader?

And why is it that theses two examples are usually the most arrogant of the group...self esteem problem?

So when an atheist makes a claim that "atheists are smarter than Christians", is he/she really trying to just feel better about themselves? Are they really saying, "I'm an atheist, so I must be smarter than Christians"?

2007-11-20 09:37:49 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

I want to know what you think about hell? Please give Biblical references if possible.

2007-11-20 09:35:28 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

The Aztecs Inca's and Myans followed their gods to the death, they did what they thought was right, and still we condemm them for being murderers, how can we do that? Will they go to hell because they didn't have a chance to follow Jesus, because they didn't have a chance to know him? That doesn't make sense to me, they did what they knew was right is it really their fault?

2007-11-20 09:33:59 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I need a picture to see all the offshoots of the religion.

2007-11-20 09:33:19 · 7 answers · asked by S K 7

Im Gay!

2007-11-20 09:32:42 · 25 answers · asked by Dark Spidey 1

When you are a child you are told that santa claus, the easter bunny, and god are true. As you become older you realize that there is no tangible or visible evidence of any of these beings. So why do you stop your belief in santa and the bunny, but still believe in god?

2007-11-20 09:32:28 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

come on, ... we all have our different views, whether right or wrong. we still are all awesome so whats there to matter? WOOHOO, LETS JUST PARTY!

2007-11-20 09:30:42 · 20 answers · asked by J.A 4

How do I know that through my ministry, I glorify God not myself...

2007-11-20 09:29:39 · 12 answers · asked by jmdanial 4

why are you experiencing the illusion that I made up and posted on the illusion called Yahoo! Answers?

Please illude me a star if you are experiencing my illusion, so i know that my illusion is, well, whatever...

2007-11-20 09:29:08 · 13 answers · asked by Gruntled Employee 6

NOTE - Atheism is not a religion. This is mainly aimed at Judaism, Christianity and Islam, but any religion will do.

Why are you right, when everyone else is wrong? What knowledge do you have that makes your faith the right one, over everyone elses? Can you prove it?
If, for example, you're a Christian born in the US, would you still be a christian if you were born in Saudi Arabia? If you were born in the middle east, and you were a Muslim instead, wouldn't Islam be the right faith?
Why are you the lucky one, to be chosen by god to have the one true faith, simply by demographics? Did god see to it that you were born where you were so that you would know the right faith?
Or has something else changed your faith along the way so that you don't follow what your parents follow? What was it?

2007-11-20 09:28:39 · 18 answers · asked by romyn_79 2

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