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Religion & Spirituality - 11 November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

My niece just discovered the truth -- Christ was not really born on Christmas day but in March or April, and that Christ was actually crucified in the autumn, not the spring, and that it was a pope who decreed these days to coincide with pagan celebrations, and in fact it was the pagan goddess Estes whom Easter was named. After just discovering there is no Santa or Eater Bunny or Tooth Fairly, and learning the truth about Christ, she is angry at the church and the world, and refuses to believe anything that comes out a pastor's mouth. Any advice?

2007-11-11 02:58:43 · 19 answers · asked by Anne Arkey 7

Fellow atheists: Do you sometimes get the impression that we actually take this religion business rather more seriously than the godsters do? And if so, what might be the reason(s) for this?

What I mean is: They dodge and weave, make up untenable explanations, constantly revise their definitions and insist that we're misconstruing them no matter what they claim. It's been a long time since high school debate team but I'm certain that if any of us had ever indulged in such tactics, our coach would have benched us and told us to quit wasting his time.

Impressions? Speculations? "WMA, are you short on caffeine this morning?" . . . .

(Aside to believers: You're welcome to weigh in on this, or you can sit it out and say a prayer for us heathens, if you like.)

2007-11-11 02:56:46 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

and if we say "Hey bearded man, I have some doubts on Quran so I'll not believe it until you prove each n everything to me".

what will happen to me?

2007-11-11 02:54:44 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I refer to this alarming article here:
which is a personal account of a Vietnam-era Air Force member's recent experience with the "new" style of Air Force orientation for new recruits.

He writes:
"I no longer recognize the Air Force Academy as the institution I attended almost four decades earlier. At that point, I had no idea how invasive this extreme evangelical “cancer” had become throughout the entire military, that what I had witnessed was far from an isolated case of a few religious zealots."

Sinclair Lewis said: "When facism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." Has that moment arrived?

What should be done about it?

2007-11-11 02:52:51 · 8 answers · asked by kriosalysia 5

I went to catholic school for 6 years, and it was a living hell. I have gone to church damn near every sunday of my life. I dont believe in god anymore, and im sick of religion in general. I told my parents this, yet they said that I am required to go to church with them until I'm 18. They said that I am their "property" until I'm 18...is this right?

2007-11-11 02:52:19 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

i am about to do it,pros and cons?

2007-11-11 02:52:14 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I feel like my senses and my clarity of my spirituality are the highest during rain or thunderstorms.Its like I feel nature and magick are as close as can be at those times.
Does anyone know why?

Does anyone feel the same?

Do you think I am crazy?

2007-11-11 02:47:11 · 20 answers · asked by trackman 3

What separates Jesus from other known cult leaders? He claimed to be the only "way" just like other cult leaders. So what is the difference. Please this question isn't meant to offend but a chance to share your "truth" with others! Blessings!

2007-11-11 02:47:09 · 18 answers · asked by Y!A P0int5 Wh0r3 5

Works tested by fire, hope - yet constant trials, the old man gradually dying away, walking in wisdom and working out salvation with fear and trembling a constant process, etc. . .

2007-11-11 02:43:32 · 11 answers · asked by oatie 6

If God exists, does he/she approve of the war? Did he/she create the war or was it created by man? Is God happy about the war? What are you opinions.......

2007-11-11 02:41:26 · 45 answers · asked by Walking on Sunshine 2

My confirmation in the Catholic Church is coming up, and I need to choose a confirmation name. My name is Monica, and I was wondering if it's OK, or common if I chose my real name as my confirmation name, because I want to choose St. Monica.


2007-11-11 02:41:21 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

That we don't really start to feel old, until we focus more on our regrets than our dreams?

2007-11-11 02:40:42 · 28 answers · asked by Semp-listic! 7


How to I read them? Like I don't want to know my readings, I know how To do read other People?

2007-11-11 02:40:21 · 18 answers · asked by AloneFur 1

2007-11-11 02:39:07 · 11 answers · asked by krys_russell1983 1

Do you believe there is a God?
if not, why?

Has God made any meraculous miracles in your life you would like to share, if so, please do.

If you dont believe in God, or you are an atheist or whatever, please tell me why, and what do you believe?

2007-11-11 02:37:34 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-11 02:37:07 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

You are killing more of each other every day over your quarrels over religion than all other things put together, because you cannot even come to an agreement about what you think God says, or wants for you. On one side of the world God wants something different than the other. On one side of the room, in one side of your mind, God wants something different than on the other. The power is within you. You are extensions of this powerful Source Energy. You are literally God expressing in this physical body. And so, as you are standing in a thought, or in a word, or in an action that feels good to you as you are standing there--then you are fully open and allowing all of that Divine Energy to flow through you. And in that moment you are all that you said you would be when you decided to come forth into this body. You are the extension of pure positive energy. You are in your full creative power. You are thriving. You are clear-minded. You are joyful. You are filled with love. You are who

2007-11-11 02:36:53 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

why are the gospels in the back of the bible, and the other parts in the front?

2007-11-11 02:33:27 · 13 answers · asked by Olivia L 1

2007-11-11 02:32:13 · 62 answers · asked by M a d d ii _X 1

The one thing that floats my boat is when someone will blatantly say something rude to someone, and then deny that they even said it. Worst yet they try to sharpen the blow, by making the insult seem less offensive. The "I was only joking" defense is often used. Why joke like that anyway? If you say it own up to it. Plus, I have noticed on Y!A that people will claim to be a nice person, yet when you check their profile this is not the case. Don't they assume that others will check. There always seems to be some poor excuse for poor behavior; or some reason to justify it or trivialize it. Everyone seems to be perfect in their own reality.

2007-11-11 02:30:02 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I ma deeply saddened by the actions of these gundas, particularly so because they purportedly belong to Hindu family.
I would like all the right minded people of all religion to join me in condemning such acts. I hope the authority take stern action against these gundas and their party.

2007-11-11 02:29:05 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-11 02:28:22 · 7 answers · asked by krys_russell1983 1

There must be at least 100 different versions of the Bible and some are quite different from others. The one that is most often quoted by those who believe it is literal is the King James Version. What evidence is there that the KJV ,alone, was truly inspired or written by God?

2007-11-11 02:26:54 · 19 answers · asked by Mad Mac 7

please be nice.

2007-11-11 02:23:51 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-11 02:23:44 · 41 answers · asked by Anonymous

some say the devil told ronald de faieo to kill his family while others think he just wanted to do it for thier money either way he is in an asylume and his family is under the ground my question is this can a house tell you to kill your entire family or is this beyond our own comprehension well witch is it the house or otherworldly beings please i need to know the truth before i myself start going insaine

2007-11-11 02:20:48 · 10 answers · asked by OJEDA M 1

This was a vision in my meditation, when I was contemplating the "idea" of a Satan
S- Spirit
A- Adhering
T- To
A- Animalistic
N- Nature

2007-11-11 02:17:24 · 18 answers · asked by Premaholic 7

Yes. Supporting violence turns on itself. How do you know that you are not next? In Iraq, some people who were initially supporting violence tried to back out. Al-Qaeda killed them. Supporting violence only ensures that it will end up in your own back yard.

2007-11-11 02:16:29 · 5 answers · asked by jacobimmugatu 2

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