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Religion & Spirituality - 8 November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

without the person knowing it?

2007-11-08 04:57:33 · 28 answers · asked by witchywish 2

Jesus thinks so! He even walked all the way to a fig tree thinking that he was going to get some ripe figs to eat, but when he got to the tree... there were no figs because it was not even the right season for figs!!! So he cursed the fig tree so badly that the poor innocent fig tree withered and died on the spot! Would Jesus write down this achievement in his resume? How do the Christians present their apologies for him...??? Atheistic answers are always welcome, too! We have to show Christian Yahoo that we are a civil and a well behaved abused minority in R&S... I'm collecting the answers to my questions for use in a broader public setting for everybody's benefit... Christians resent this kind of work because they hate the light... says the Bible...

2007-11-08 04:57:17 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Gods are used to explain the unknown.

Indians, for example, had the sun god as one of their gods. They believed that one needed to sacrifice an animal to make the sun rise the next day. However, now we KNOW that the sun doesn't even rise, we are merely rotating around it on a giant spherical rock.

Imagine if one were to go back in time and speak to an Indian and tell him "There are no gods" he may reply by asking you "Then how do you explain the rising of the sun, and the Growing of our Corn?" Just the way Christians now ask, "How do you explain the origins of the universe?" or "How do you explain where humans came from"? These are all unknown questions, because scientists and explorers have not yet found the truth.

Just like the corn god and the sun god fell to education, so will the Christian God, and any other god that tries to stand against truth and logic.

2007-11-08 04:56:24 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Isn't that technically a form of theft?

2007-11-08 04:55:58 · 13 answers · asked by MR TT, VT enthusiast 2

Do people not realize that by saying the God Answers prayers with Yes, No, or Wait, is illogical? That means no matter what happens, God Did it. That is a little too convient isnt it?
The same thing would happen if you prayed to the wall.
It is all just coincidence

2007-11-08 04:55:49 · 14 answers · asked by AwesomeJoeKnows 3

If you had to describe the types of answers you give in the R&S Section in one word, who would you do it?

2007-11-08 04:55:16 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-08 04:55:10 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-08 04:54:56 · 27 answers · asked by Page 4

What is your opinion?
What is your opinion on this news story?

i think the parents played god and it made me sick

i leave it up to god it is will

2007-11-08 04:53:59 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Great another thing for the anti-mormons to shred us on...

after all, they smell bad enough as it it -- can you imagine the festering after 2000+ years?

But wait - until we actually produce said shoes, we'll just all be considered part of a big con, right?

2007-11-08 04:53:46 · 10 answers · asked by strplng warrior mom 6

Even if you don't believe in God, do you think this is okay?
Also, does anyone know if they are allowing the athletes to bring in the koran?

2007-11-08 04:53:32 · 15 answers · asked by gtahvfaith 5

Today on the news I hear dof a Middle School Child who was sent to detention because she gave someone a hug?

Another High School voted the *Cutest Couples* in the yearbook as two lesbian girls

California Schools-Sigh :( say it is discriminating to say you have a
Mom and Dad have to recognize people who have a Mom and a Mom, a Dad and a Dad a Dad a Horse and 2 Moms..

Kids see teachers all over the country who want to make Bootie calls with students or School aged girls wanting plastic surgery implants, or post provocative pic's of themselves on my-space

What do you think today's schools are teaching Kids?

2007-11-08 04:53:08 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-08 04:52:56 · 4 answers · asked by MR TT, VT enthusiast 2

As noted earlier, economy also refers to the Church's "handling" or "management" or "disposition" of various pastoral and disciplinary questions, problems, and issues. Here again, "economy" is used in several ways.
In one sense, it refers to the discretionary power given to the Church by Christ himself, in order to manage and govern the Church. Christ referred to this when he gave the apostles the authority to "bind and to loose" (Matthew 16:19, 18:18), and this authority in turn was transmitted to the bishops who came after the apostles.
In this sense "economy" means, as already noted, "handling", "management", "disposition". In general then, "economy" refers to pastoral handling or discretion or management in a neutral sense.
But it also can take two specific forms: it can be "exact" ("precise", "strict"), which means the usual or general rule is followed precisely; or it can be "lenient" (a loosening or modification of that usual or general rule). The former is called "economy according to strictness (exactness)" and the latter, "economy according to leniency." Economy according to leniency -- a modification in the application of the usual rule -- has always been done when, in the judgment of the Church, guided by the Holy Spirit (cf. Acts 15:28, "it seemed good to the Holy Spirit, and to us") this would result in the wider salvation of souls through the extension of God's mercy.
In later usage of the terms, "economy" came to be used as a synonym for "economy according to leniency" -- that is, a deviation from the exactness of the usual rule -- often involving a practice that indeed appears more "lenient." At the same time, the newer terminology speaks simply of "exactness" (or "strictness") instead of "economy according to exactness (strictness)". Thus in this more recent use of terms, the dichotomy "economy according to leniency" vs. "economy according to exactness (strictness, preciseness)," is replaced by "economy" vs. "strictness" ("exactness", "preciseness").
It is important to observe that when economy is correctly used and applied (that is, as a modification in the application of the usual rule) such correct application of economy itself is one of the rules. Thus, if one speaks of "bending", "suspending", "dispensing with", "relaxing" the usual rule, one should bear in mind that such descriptions could be misleading, since the correct use of economy is always done in accordance with the rule of Christ, and never contrary to it. This brings up the general principle that in the Church all canons and laws exist in subjection to the rule of Christ -- that is to say, his commandments, teachings, and precepts.
An example in the New Testament of the application of lenient economy, or "economy according to leniency", is found in Acts chapter 15, where the Apostles decided to limit the number and degree of Jewish observances that would be required of Gentile converts. An example in the New Testament of the application of strict economy, or "economy according to exactness (or, strictness, preciseness) [akribeia]", may be seen in Acts 16:3, when St. Paul set aside the usual rule, just mentioned, and decided to circumcise Timothy, whose father was a gentile, in order to placate certain Jewish Christians. In both instances, economy was exercised in order to facilitate the salvation of some of the parties involved.
In Orthodox Church history, examples and instances of economy abound. Since ancient times, converts to the Church who were coming from certain heretical groups were not required to be baptized, even though the normal path of entrance to the Church is through baptism. Thus the Church, guided by the Holy Spirit, decided that under specific conditions, the application of economy (i.e. according to leniency) would be the norm in this matter. But since the usual rule is baptism, such leniency can easily be, and sometimes has been, suspended (usually in periods when the heretical groups in question were actively opposing the Church). In these cases, the Church returned to her customary usual rule of "exactness," not applying economy (or not applying economy according to lenience). In calling for the reception of converts into Orthodoxy through means other than baptism in certain cases, the Ecumenical Councils made no determination regarding the existence of sacraments outside of Orthodoxy, but only addressed the situation of the convert to Orthodoxy.
Economy is, therefore, in one sense, a bishop's discretionary power to dispense with the ordinary church discipline, or the strict application of the ordinary rules or "canons", of the Church, as they are called.This is because, while the canons are laws (rules) that govern the Church, their provisions do not always precisely cover every situation that might come up; thus their application may at times need to be modified. Such dispensations are made with a view towards putting the spirit before the letter and helping the cause of the salvation of souls.
In many cases only bishops can decide that the use of economy is indicated. In other cases, a general authorization to apply economy in specific types of cases is delegated to the priests. For example, the usual rule is that Orthodox Christians can only marry other Orthodox Christians. For pastoral reasons, this rule has been relaxed in Western lands where many heterodox Christians live.
Another example of the common application of economy is with regard to the usual fasting rules of the Orthodox Church which are followed during Great Lent. Modifications to the usual rules apply to the sick, infirm, small children, pregnant or nursing mothers, etc. and for this church authorities are not consulted each time. Rather, the parish priest advises and guides the individual Christian or family in the proper application of fasting rules to their situation. Here again, "economy" in one sense is an exception to the rule, but in another sense economy is the rule.
According to one source, the canon law of the Orthodox Church economia is “the suspension of the absolute and strict applications of canon and church regulations in the governing and the life of the Church, without subsequently compromising the dogmatic limitations. The application of economia only takes place through the official church authorities and is only applicable for a particular case."
The Eastern Orthodox Church intends this concept to have the result that Love, Mercy, and Compassion remain more in control than absolute law.
The normal case is akribeia (precise, exact, or strict adherence to the standards). Economia means leniency. Akribeia means strictness, preciseness, exactness.
But there is not always agreement as to what is "strictness" (or "exactness") and what is "economy". As an example of this, there was, in the Orthodox Church, the practice of a married episcopate, from the beginnings of the Church up until 692 A.D. In that year, the Quinisext Council (also called the Penthekte, or "Fifth-Sixth" Council, or Council in Trullo) decided, and decreed in its 12th Canon, that henceforth there would be exclusively a celibate episcopate. It was generally thought that this canon was an exercise of "strictness" (or "exactness") since it tightened the apostolic rule of a married episcopate, seen in 1 Tim. 3:2 and Titus 1:5-7 and in the fifth Apostolic canon. Thus it was sometimes held that there was a conflict between the Scripture and the holy canons of the Church on this point. Panagiotes I. Boumes argued that there is no conflict. Quinisext Canon 12, he says, is not an instance of "exactness" but rather of "economy" in that the usual rule (the apostolic practice) was suspended because of pastoral need which existed at the time. Some argue that today, pastoral need requires a return to the original practice or the married episcopate. Boumes writes, "If it is possible for a local synod to deviate from exactness in accordance with economy [as was done by the Penthekte Council in this matter], how much more is it possible for it to abandon economy and return to exactness?" He adds that since the canons of Trullo received ecumenical authority, it would be preferable to reverse the decision (if indeed it should be reversed) by ecumenical agree among the members of the Church. Aside from the relative merits or demerits of such a change, Boumes's argument is an example of a case where there may be debate about which practice constitutes "strictness" ("exactness"), and which one "economy."
The same could be observed with regard to the case, mentioned above, if St. Paul's circumcising Timothy. From the viewpoint of the Jewish Christians, "exactness" ("strictness") would be to circumcise all gentile converts, while the Church's decision in Acts 15 was a decision to apply "leniency." But another analysis of the same situation would be that the apostolic decision and rule set forth in Acts 15 constitutes "exactness" and in fact became the usual rule, and that St. Paul in circumcising St. Timothy, relaxed the usual rule and in so doing, practiced "leniency" (that is, a less strict, less precise, hence more lenient, application of the usual rule). If Paul's decision does not seem "lenient," the "leniency" (or in more recent terms, "economy") was in the relaxation of strict application of the usual rule, but at the same time his action was an exercise of pastoral "lenience" shown to the Jewish Christians at that point.

2007-11-08 04:52:33 · 2 answers · asked by Jacob Dahlen 3

"To think that some supernatural entity can hear one's thoughts, and act upon these thoughts to effect a favourable outcome in some future event, is no less superstitious than carrying a rabbit's foot in your pocket, in the hope that it will effect a favourable outcome in some future event for the owner."


2007-11-08 04:52:12 · 14 answers · asked by Simmo 4

I know that I have a mind, that is clear to me. But the content of your mind is kept pivate from me. All I can observe is your behavior. How can I tell that everyone else but me are not zombies, void of conscious? And how can you do the same? It may be absurd or arrogant to ask such a question, but given the fact that we cannot explain consciousnessin a physical world, it is a perfectly rational question. Perhaps everyone else is normal and I am a freak.

2007-11-08 04:51:52 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

On many occasions I have been informed that there is no connection between a belief and acceptance of a higher power and ones morals. That atheist are just as moral as anyone else is. Ok I can accept that. My question is this. What do you base your code of morals on? At what point do you say that you are crossing the line from what you say is moral and pushing your beliefs onto someone else? An example would be this. Many of you, not all but many of you are tend to lean on the side of pro abortion. We dealt with a young women who was told over and over and over that it was not a child. That what ever she wanted to do with the ‘mass’ in her was her ‘choice’. This by the councilors at school, (16) by her friends and her teachers. The issue came about when she delivered the ‘mass’ and decided to dispose of ‘it’ in the dumpster. She could not understand why the day before it was nothing more than a choice, but today they are saying it is a life. When the only thing that changed was the location from within her to out side of her. Where would your moral code fit in, in this situation? As a Christian I accept and believe that it is a child from the start. I realize you do not. I really would like to know how you decide what is moral and what is not.

2007-11-08 04:51:28 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-08 04:45:59 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous

In the Eastern Orthodox and Greek-Catholic Churches and in the teaching of the Church Fathers which undergirds the theology of those Churches, economy or oeconomy (Greek: οικονόμια, economia ) has several meanings. The basic meaning of the word is "handling" or disposition" or "management" of a thing -- usually assuming or implying good or prudent handling (as opposed to poor handling) of the matter at hand.
As such, the word "economy", and the concept attaching to it, are utilized especially with regard to two types of "handling": (a) divine economy, that is, God's "handling" or "management" of the fallen state of the world and of mankind -- the arrangements he made in order to bring about man's salvation after the fall; and (b) what might be termed pastoral economy (or) ecclesiastical economy, that is, the Church's "handling" or "management" of various pastoral and disciplinary questions, problems, and issues that have arisen through the centuries of Church history.

2007-11-08 04:45:49 · 1 answers · asked by Jacob Dahlen 3

Christians often say that God loves us. But what does love mean in that sense. Love is an abstract concept. Tell me what love is in the context of a supreme being?
Don't just say "God is love" because God encompasses many thing including wrath, which is evident throughout the Bible, and wrath and love are not synonymous, or are they?.

2007-11-08 04:43:28 · 25 answers · asked by neveroutnumbered 4

assuming you believe of course...

2007-11-08 04:41:53 · 11 answers · asked by Elusive 5

Or could it be spiritual Israel and acutally be the Church?

2007-11-08 04:38:49 · 21 answers · asked by Bride of Christ 6

I hear most Christians do not find favor with any of the candidates most backslide, lie and make promises they have no intention of keeping wether Democrat or Republican....

Do you pray for Jesus to come or the Rapture so the world will not have to endure the heretics of Politics?

2007-11-08 04:34:26 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

You shouldn't accept anything without examining it rationally yourself, correct?

What evidence did you rationally examine that proved to you that the Earth orbits the Sun?

You were probably told this in 1st grade or maybe 2nd or 3rd. Did you look at the evidence at that time and rationally decide it was true? If not then, surely when you became atheist and decided that the only logical path is to personally examine everything before you believe it, you went and re-examined everything every taught to you. Including the Earth revolving around the Sun. So what evidence have you personnally examined that proves this too you? Taking anothers research on the subject doesn't fly, why should you trust them?

Lets focus on the question, lets try not to play dodgeball...notice i have never said the "G" word anywhere in this question. So the "G" word should not appear anywhere in your answer. Nor the "R" or "F" words.

2007-11-08 04:33:47 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

You know how religious people claim that God lives inside all of us?

Well its lunchtime, and I sure hope he likes Turkey Subs because thats what he is getting.

be back soon.....

(stolen with pride from Jack Handy)

2007-11-08 04:32:55 · 14 answers · asked by ɹɐǝɟsuɐs Blessed Cheese Maker 7

Lol oh I so do Love The Lord he knows exactly what every single creation is doing at any given time. What say you then? You know he created the devil against mankind, so you just going to watch it all happen again and again and say oh why did God do this to me?

2007-11-08 04:31:36 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

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