I already have my own answers to these questions; I simply want to know what you think.
1. If we only live one life (as I understand it, most Christians do not accept reincarnation), where were we before we took this birth? Was there ever a time when our soul did not exist? Could we ever cease to exist?
2. Is the soul independent of the body? In other words, would you agree with the statement, "I am not this body?"
3. If accepting Christ is the only way to avoid eternal hell, what about people born into atheistic families or cultures that never have a chance to even hear much about Jesus, let alone develop faith in Him?
4. How do you explain the concept of punishment lasting for eternity (i.e. out of time) fitting the crime of sins committed within time? Why wouldn't our punishment fit our sins, one for one?
5. How would you explain why, if we have no past lives, some people seem to have innate faith, while others, no matter how much you preach to them, have no faith at all?
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