Nazarene Jew...
1) Hate it...
2) Don't like, but tolerant...
3) Hate it
4) No debate about it, it is real...I just don't know if it is natural or man-made..
5) Love it
6) Neutral
7) It is real - adaptations and mutations, good and bad ones...God put room in the genome of all living things for variation...
8) Neutral
9) Hated it!!!
10) Addicted
11) Hated it!!!
12) Awesome movie
13) A wonderful thing
14) I try to do that...Good to spend quiet time with God.
15) Hated it!!!
16) Love it
2007-10-22 19:53:08
answer #1
answered by Adyghe Ha'Yapheh-Phiyah 6
I'm a nondenominational Christian.
1) Abortion: I'm against it except in extreme cases, but believe it should remain legal.
2) Homosexuality: According to Christianity, it's a sin. But that doesn't mean I have the right to judge them. I'm a nonpracticing bisexual, so I understand where they're coming from.
3) Gay marriage: Mixed feelings. I understand both sides.
4) Global warming: It exists, but I don't believe it's manmade. The Earth has gone through warming and cooling stages for thousands, if not millions, of years.
5) Democracy: Gotta love it.
6) Iraq War: No opinion either way. The only people who know what's going on in Iraq are the Iraqis and the soldiers who are there. I'm not Iraqi, and I'm not in the military, so I don't know. Being a military wife doesn't count.
7) Evolution: Within species, it's a proven fact.
8) Creationism: I believe in it.
9) Seattle Seahawks: I'm a Washington native, what do you think? GO SEAHAWKS!
10) R&S section of yahoo answers: It's interesting, how many different belief systems are here, and yet most of us get along.
11) Harry Potter series: I love it!
12) Transformers movie: Just saw it, thought it was awesome!
13) Prayer: Better than milk. Good for body, heart and soul!
14) Meditation: Can relax a person.
15) The French: I loved Paris...and I think they're very nice people. At least, they were nice to US. Maybe it's because I at least greeted them in French...
16) This question: Very interesting.
2007-10-22 21:56:04
answer #2
answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7
I'm somewhere in between being an atheist and an agnostic.
1) Abortion - Do it if you need to
2) Homosexuality - Don't mind as long as it doesn't directly affect me negatively
3) Gay marriage - Why not?
4) Global warming - Deal with it eventually
5) Democracy - Too broad, but usually a good thing
6) Iraq War - Let the Iraqi people decide
7) Evolution - I think it's real, but don't know it as 100% fact. We'll see.
8) Creationism - Needs to be backed up some more. Doubtful
9) Seattle Seahawks - They're alright
10) R&S section of yahoo answers - Touchy
11) Harry Potter series - Long
12) Transformers movie - A little corny but exciting enough to make it good
13) Prayer - Take action instead
14) Meditation - Good way to get your mind organized
15) The French - Nice accent
16) This question - A little weird but okay
2007-10-22 19:55:31
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Conservative christian
1) Abortion--sin
2) Homosexuality--sin
3) Gay marriage--sin
4) Global warming--theory, not proven
5) Democracy--good
6) Iraq War--heartbreaking, but just
7) Evolution--not proven
8) Creationism--biblical
9) Seattle Seahawks--no opinion
10) R&S section of yahoo answers--fun
11) Harry Potter series--fantasy, but to be avoided
12) Transformers movie--haven't seen it, but would like to
13) Prayer--absolutely necessary
14) Meditation--see prayer
15) The French--no opinion
16) This question--interesting
2007-10-23 04:59:44
answer #4
answered by sdb deacon 6
1. Pro-choice - it is not my place to tell any woman what she should or should not do with her body.
2. Homosexuality is natural to some people and there is nothing wrong with that.
3. There should be marriage rights for every citizen of this country - to not do so is to harbor discrimination - there never should be a separate but equal class in this country.
4. Global warming is occurring and if we don't as a global society deal with it we will ruin this planet long before its natural death.
5. Not perfect, but the best system of govt available
6. Never should have occurred in the first place - I've been against it from the start.
7. I accept the facts that have been thus far proved with the Theory of Evolution.
8. I don't believe Creationism at all.
9. The Seahawks are the perpetual Bridesmaid - no matter how close to the Superbowl they get they just aren't going to walk away with it.
10. Well, if I didn't like it I wouldn't be here.
11. A very good series of books that promotes the value of true friendships and working together to solve issues.
12. Haven't seen it - after surviving the 80's cartoon of it I've had my fill.
13. Prayer is a totally useless activity that diverts attentions away from the real issues that need dealing with.
14. Meditation can help one relax and de-stress.
15. I've never been to France and outside of Quebec have not had much interactions with French speaking peoples so I'll hold any opinions until I do.
16. Interesting.
2007-10-22 20:03:15
answer #5
answered by genaddt 7
I am an Athiest from Australia.
1) Abortion - I know this is an extremely hard decision for women to make, but they should be allowed to make this decision if they choose.
2) Homsexuality - What two consenting adults do in their own home is no concern of mine. And it's not my business or anyone elses to tell people who they can't love.
3) Gay marriage - If two men or women are willing to make that commitment, then let them.
4) Global Warming - I'm scared that if the big pollutors don't act right now, this will kill hundreds of millions of people.
5) Democracy - It's got its problems, but its the best way to stop governments going crazy with power, knowing that if they don't do what most poeple like, they'll be out.
6) Iraq War - The biggest mistake the US has ever made.
7) Evolution - A cruel but fair way of deciding what species live and what ones die. I don't "believe" in it, it is scientific fact.
8) Creationism - A pre-enlightenment way of looking at how the world was created. Should've disappeared 100 years ago.
9) Seattle Seahawks - Are they the football team there?
10) R & S - Quite fun! I can't talk about this stuff in "real life", I might lose all my friends!
11) Harry Potter - They're alright.
12) Transformers - Too much product placements and pot-holes, but I love those robots!
13) Prayer - A coping mechanism
14) Meditation - I don't do it, but I'm sure it works wonders
15) France - They're alright. they couldn't beat England, but neither could we. At least the Springbok got the Poms!
16) This question - It took 10 minutes of my life. I want it back!
2007-10-22 19:59:26
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
. 1. Is wrong. To abort is to stop, remove, terminate. Stop what? A life. You stop a life by killing it. Abortion is for those that don't want to take responsibility for their actions and have little regard for life. 2.Sucks (just ask one.) 3. Unnatural and see #2 above. 4. Need to figure out a way to stop it. 5. Might have some flaws but is the best thing going. 6. Is bad. A peaceful solution needs to be found and maintained. 7. Theory, guess work, in error. 8. Is correct. Intelligently designed. 9. Great team. Probably Super Bowl bound. 10.Visit it often but too many b.s. postings and answers. 11. Just a fictitious movie series 12. Didn't see-no comment. 13. Should be done and permitted. Way to praise, thank, and ask God. 14. Not a bad idea if done to/for proper person, place, and thing. 15. Understand are kind of "chicken" May, or may not, be good people...don't know. 16. A little long, good questions, I'll probably get more thumbs down than up but have offered honest answers and that's what was requested.
2007-10-22 20:40:36
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I don't have a religion, I'm an atheist.
1) Abortion
-I'm Pro-Choice, I think it's up to the people involved.
2) Homosexuality
-I'm fine with homosexuals, I grew up with a gay great uncle who was killed for being gay.
3) Gay marriage
-I think they should be allowed to get married.
4) Global warming
-It's very real and we are in dire need of change.
5) Democracy
-Where has my sweet, sweet democracy gone?
6) Iraq War
-Illegal and wrong.
7) Evolution
-We wouldn't be here if it weren't for it.
8) Creationism
-A false psudoscience. Nothing more than bias erroneousness.
9) Seattle Seahawks
10) R&S section of yahoo answers
-Somewhat of a melting pot, I like it here.
11) Harry Potter series
-Only read the first book, but I think the movies are nifty. I wouldn't wait 10 hours to see one, though.
12) Transformers movie
-It was friggin' awesome.
13) Prayer
-I don't think it ammounts to anything at all, but if people feel they need it and that they have to do it, then I think they should have at it.
14) Meditation
-More or less the same as prayer.
15) The French
-I have French blood running through my veins.
16) This question
-Two points!
2007-10-22 20:04:01
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
1) I am pro-choice AND pro-life.
2) I don't support it
3) I don't support it, but I don't think there should be a law against it. I'm not in favor of the government making laws based on religion. Christianity already has its own laws, and it is not the role of the government to force those upon everybody. (Although, it would be awesome if everyone was able to follow those laws regardless.)
4) It's a concern. I hope that we can make a change without more laws and restrictions being placed.
5) I prefer a Republic over a Democracy (there IS a difference.)
6) I don't believe in killing, but you will never see me in an anti-war rally
7) I don't believe in evolution
8) I believe in this
9) They only stand a chance this season because both Matt Leinart and Kurt Warner are injured!
10) Surprisingly, this section seems to be mostly atheists. That's ok, I guess.
11) It's a great series and probably the greatest young adult series ever.
12) Awesome movie. My favorite so far this year.
13) important
14) I don't do it
15) don't care
16) you missed some important issues, e.g., embryonic stem cell research
I'm in religion limbo
2007-10-22 20:15:38
answer #9
answered by rath 5
1 Cannot understand why anyone would want to kill their own child
2 God made us all equal
3 However, Marriage is the basis of a family, to have kid (at least naturally) it takes a man and a woman
4 Yes it is a problem, and we should take care of the earth that God gave us, However, I think all the federal money being spend on that kind of thing is a waste because in the long run: Jesus is coming back and the world will not end due to global warming
5 I am a democrat, just don't always take the Democratic side of everything
6 We should have not been in Iraq in the first place
7 Oh sure the idea that we came from monkeys is more believable then the thought of am almighty God designed are very complex bodies
8 In the beginning God made the Heavens and the Earth.............
9 What?
10 ????
11 So what, children's book series
12 see above omit book add movie
13 Christianity is about a relationship with Jesus/God, cant have a relationship without talking
14 I meditate on Gods word
15 What about them?
16 Trying to stir up some heated debate?
2007-10-22 19:58:25
answer #10
answered by JWilridge 3
I'm a freethinker.
1. Abortion should be allowed. I would rather abort a handicap baby then let him be in this world and suffer more.
2. Homosexuality should not be a big matter. Its a personal preference.
3. Gay marriage should not be banned. We humans should learn to be less selfish and think about others too.
4. Global warming is getting more serious and countries should put in more effort in conserving the environment.
5. Democracy is ugh. In certain countries, they emphasize on democracy but in the end, its mostly the government making the decisions. So much for democracy.
6. Iraq war is stupid. People fight over almost everything. World peace!!
7. Evolution? The world is evolving very quickly. And I don't think its a good thing. In a few years time, manual labor would be taken over by robots and unemployment rate would be higher, especially for those with not much education.
8. I believe human evolved from monkeys.
9. I don't watch American football..
10. Not much of a religious person so no comments on the R & S section.
11. Harry Potter is awesome!! No comments about Dumbledore being gay. Anyway it just makes the whole series more interesting.
12. Transformers is good, awesome graphics and stuff.
13. I pray sometimes.. And sometimes, the prayers come true.
14. Meditation scares me..
15. The French..? Paris is beautiful..
16. This question took me 10 mins to complete.
2007-10-22 19:56:57
answer #11
answered by Booyah! 3