If my friend is gay and god made him does that mean god want him to be gay, as he made everyone and everything?
If god made everyone he must have made satan
If god is all knowing then he knows what you are going to do and what is going to happene, therefore you have no free will as god knows everything you will do, so you have no choice in life if god exists
As god knows everything that happened and going to happen you have no choice in any action you are going to do as it is already known
This means adam and eve had no choice if they will take the apple, as god alrady knew they would.
If god is real there is no free will as he already knows everything that would happen, if god is real he must have made satan and hell aswel, if hell is real that means that god is fine with its existance as he alows humans to be tortured, if he was all powerful he would be able to stop that.God should be able to make a rock no body not even himself can lift, but that contradicts itself...
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