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Religion & Spirituality - 5 October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

ok hear me out now. I was really interested in hearing what those of you who do not believe in paranormal happenings think. But consider these points, and tell me what your take on them is:

Could not things such as premonition, and other psychic phenomenon be explained by the natural world, and not simply by calling people who experience them crazy? For instance, as little as a century ago, people did not know about pheromones. Science was simply not advanced enough to provide a means of measuring and/or observing them. However now, through improved technology, we have been able to prove beyond any shadow of a doubt they exist. Stick with me now...

So if I had told you 50 years ago (if you were alive back then...) that computers are able to read the human mind, you might have told me I was crazy, needed to take medicines, ect. Yet we know clearly that through various experimentation and implant of devices which read EEG signals from the human brain, that the human mind IS able to control computers to the extent that those who have lost the ability to speak/move due to neurological damage, can now do so through their thoughts alone. Thus, the computer is able to translate electrical impulses into thoughts. (more information can be found on this at http://www.boston.com/news/nation/articles/2006/04/02/a_case_of_mind_over_matter/ ).

Ok so computers can read our minds. That's established, scientific fact. Now, let's move on to what humans may or may not be able to do: In a recent article published by the American Elasmobranch Society, (http://www.nceas.ucsb.edu/nceas-web/kids/experiments/lab/shark/shark.html ) sharks were found to have an extremely sensitive organ on the tip of their snouts, which can detect electrical impulses generated in the nervous systems of their prey- as well as magnetic impulses from the earth itself, thought to be used as a sort of GPS system for the sharks.

Ah, sharks and computers... are you sensing what I am getting at here? If not, let me explain. If a computer can translate our electrical impulses into readable thought, and a shark (as well as many other animals) is known to sense those impulses from a distance, then who is to say that it's not within the realm of scientific probability that HUMANS can also sense electrical impulses, and translate them into thought?

In other words, if Joe Shmoe asks me to "see" his dead grandmother, and I as a psychic, successfully describe what I "see", who is to say that I am not unconsciously reading what is in Joe's mind, ie, his own mental picture of his grandmother?

For the uninitiated, plenty of conclusive studies have been done to prove that there IS a basis for psychic abilities. So far we just don't understand HOW.

What is your take on this? I am most interested in doubter's opinion.

2007-10-05 19:47:23 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Many of those poor people can't hear, see or feel the spiritual world. It's not kind to pick on the disabled.

2007-10-05 19:47:17 · 27 answers · asked by J Z 4

Kinda says it all - a question for those who don't feel the need to enforce a certain way of viewing things on others.

Let me tell you a tale. I have a friend who lives in American South who married a nice Japanese gal. Now he was really, your stereotypical atheist - and i'm talking about the really Bad Stereotype. He rotated between his home and Japan, and during that time his mother in law (which he grew to like) died.

And so he went to a traditional Shinto/Buddhist ceremony and while in Japan found himself "outside of himself" or seeing things with new eyes. He even cut out his often habit of littering so as to not offend the Shinto spirits he did not believe in....rather as a sign of respect for the beliefs of his wife and mother in law.

He went home, took a long hard look at how he had been before and changed. NO - he did not convert to Shinto, or his family's religion - he's still a proud atheist. But not an angry one.

He is of course, an extreme case -

2007-10-05 19:46:34 · 3 answers · asked by D.Chen 3

Without using the bible, for which there is no proof of legitimacy.
Tell me why your deity is the creator of the world?

2007-10-05 19:46:07 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

my classmate is involved in black magic,numerology and so is his family!...i spend alot of time with him as we are in the same class,and he goes on and on about what he knows and has experienced,spooked me out basically.he does tell me what is good n not good for me,like favourable times for pursuing something,etc.i need to know if there is any way i can shield myself from all of this because i dont want to get influenced by it all.

2007-10-05 19:42:48 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am loging off, so good night (or morning)

2007-10-05 19:42:27 · 7 answers · asked by Seeker 3

When Tobit goes to seek his wife Sara he has to bring some fish to expel the demon asmodeous out of her. It's because she had 7 husbands before and each time the jealous demon killed all of her husbands before consummation of marraige. I am just curious why would God permit this demon to kill her husbands? What were they guilty of? Why was the demon in her if she was a good lady? Please let me know.

2007-10-05 19:38:32 · 6 answers · asked by Born Valentine's Day 5

God said to His chosen people (in the bible)...I will bring you all to the land of milk & honey (promised land.) Isn`t this "true" and well documented? Did anybody knew what`s in store for them?....... except our GOD ?

2007-10-05 19:36:19 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

its questionable for me how does the creation done? for me is a puzzle... how come?

2007-10-05 19:31:17 · 8 answers · asked by joe 1

Okay...here is a question.
Please dont get all offended!
It is scientifically proven that Homosexuality is not a choice people are born with it, many of them are my friends. I find nothing wrong with it.
Its a fact...not a theory.
So...here in lies my problem.
Christians have had a big problem accepting gays, infact I was watching the Morning Show with Mike and Juliet when I was flabbergasted.
There was a Christian man on there saying he could convert homosexuals to being strait.
Infact this man said yes, it is true that gays are born gay, but it is a sin to continue on the homosexual road, and to keep practicing homosexuality.
So what are you saying God made a mistake??
You admit that Gays are born gay, so obviously god made them that way, you also say that God made everything good, but you say no, do not continue on the road god set you on..
Any one else see my problem?
I am not placing this because of this one man, but many people .

2007-10-05 19:28:49 · 38 answers · asked by lady_of_the_stars97412 2

People say that to me almost every day, so I assume it must be a Bible verse, but I can't find it. Maybe its in the apocrypha?

2007-10-05 19:28:19 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-05 19:24:39 · 22 answers · asked by My account has been compromised 2

Im so confused, it doesnt make sense to me...

2007-10-05 19:24:24 · 26 answers · asked by Pierce 2

I am looking for any articles, books, or essays on the struggle people face with their own inner hidden evil nature and good. All people have evil thoughts and ideas, but seldom express them. I want to find something on the theories people have formed on the nature of evil, especially the evil that everyday, normal people refuse to acknowledge in themselves.

2007-10-05 19:23:51 · 11 answers · asked by shybusch 3

baptism sposed 2b dying to sin (right?)
.. so circ represents........what?

2007-10-05 19:22:50 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Write a story on how the universe was created

...be creative

:D this should interesting

2007-10-05 19:21:52 · 14 answers · asked by Eddy 1

There is really nothing you must be and there is nothing you must do. There is really nothing you must have and there is nothing you must know. There is really nothing you must become.
However, it helps to understand that fire burns, and when it rains, the earth gets wet.

-Zen saying

2007-10-05 19:20:23 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have been censured for the following wind up reply.

Obviously Yahoo management are involved in banning attacks on religious hatred by not allowing my comment. Sectarianism is a cancer and must be criticised strongly at every opportunity. Not to do so is wrong.
I challenge Yahoo to state their policy on religious hate crimes publically.

I wrote:"This is just what happens if you allow uncontrolled immigration! For some years, we have allowed Irish people to come to Scotland. Many of these people are just pure Fascist filth and bring their evil sectarian habits with them. The union flag represents the good honest protestants in their fight against the evil roman catholics; the Irish flag represents the good honest roman catholics in their fight against the evil protestants. Fortunately when they die, they go straight to a special Hell with a big wall around it! Also there live Pol Pot, Hitler, Stalin and all the other fascists . It really is Hell! Almost as bad as Glasgow!"

2007-10-05 19:13:10 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Others can answer if your atheist but this questions is mostly for seeker...

2007-10-05 19:12:24 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-05 19:11:37 · 7 answers · asked by §♫♪‹(•¿•)›☼»-(¯`v´¯)-»\\ 6

I am not a Christian, but I have heard the LIE that many Christians believe that it doesn't matter how good of a person you are, if you are not a Christian you will be tortured in Hell FOREVER when you die.

That is NOT true. Christians do NOT believe this. Agree?

2007-10-05 19:10:12 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

all the days of your life especially when going up to receive our Lord in Holy Communion?

They say your angels are happily in attendance with you when you are doing good deeds, and are at the altar with great joy when you receive Holy Communion with respect and reverence.

If you committed bad deeds and are unconfesses, your angels are sad and grievous when attending you to go to Holy Communion. Your thoughts.

2007-10-05 19:05:44 · 5 answers · asked by Born Valentine's Day 5

I mean not that you change your faith completely but do you sort of question your faith? Im not asking this in a derogetory way...I am Atheist so I was just wondering...

2007-10-05 19:04:46 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous


Do you think they are the real deal?

2007-10-05 19:04:33 · 10 answers · asked by Subconsciousless 7

I'm new to Traverse City and am looking for other freethinkers... are there any out there? It looks pretty conservative from my current vantage point.

2007-10-05 19:04:28 · 5 answers · asked by imrational 5

Lets just say that they talk to themselves when they are alone and only alone and hide this from everyone they know but somehow you caught them in the act and they don't know it.

Would your views on this person change?
What would you do?

2007-10-05 19:04:22 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why is it that non-Catholics can be validly married outside of the church. But two Catholics married outside the church constitutes fornication? Are Catholic souls different than non catholic souls?

2007-10-05 19:02:51 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

God wants us to believe in Jesus through our hearts. It is here that we do our most growing.

2007-10-05 19:01:17 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

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