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Religion & Spirituality - 11 September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

2007-09-11 06:19:58 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

religion using the Jewish Bible as its foundation?

2007-09-11 06:19:53 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

im a jehovah's witness and when i was in the room watching tv, the door opened and closed slightly every minute. Please help. and my cousin who sleeps there encounters the same thing. the windows are always closed and its always hot. my cousin also hears taps on the window. we have two cats and moved in 2 years ago. im Really close to God. please help me get this away

2007-09-11 06:18:41 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

From Yahoo:

You have posted content to Yahoo! Answers in violation of our Community Guidelines or Terms of Service. As a result, your content has been deleted. Community Guidelines help to keep Yahoo! Answers a safe and useful community, so we appreciate your consideration of its rules.

Question: Did you realize that the drinking game has been going on for 7 months now?

Question Details: Crazy... Heh-heh! They wanted to categorize this in "Family Relationships--Marriage and Divorce"... ((((Tig)))

Deleted Answer: i'll drink to that *drink*

What the hell! Can someone not take a joke?!

2007-09-11 06:18:28 · 21 answers · asked by Bubbles 4

who can explain me this parable 10 points for the best answer

2007-09-11 06:17:32 · 25 answers · asked by stevie 3

2007-09-11 06:15:05 · 7 answers · asked by inbetweendays 5

Like if you loved to listen to Christian music, loved watching VeggieTales and going to Church, loved to listen to famous preachers like Billy Graham and loved to read the Bible?

I ask because I am a Christian who loves things that Atheists love - Star Trek, Dr. Who, Sci-fi, science, Simpsons etc. I know there's nothing wrong with these things, but it makes it hard to identify with other Christians & my Christianity makes it hard to identify with Atheists you know?

2007-09-11 06:12:22 · 42 answers · asked by Anonymous

Please do not use any quotes from the bible to prove your point. What actual proof is there that the bible was inspired by god? If there is no proof then why do people have faith that it was inspired by god.

What if someone right now came out with a book and said that it was inspired by god. How could you prove or disprove it?

2007-09-11 06:09:55 · 44 answers · asked by Barkley Hound 7

God is life, not death. What kind of god do you Muslims serve?

2007-09-11 06:09:10 · 18 answers · asked by Jeancommunicates 7

any paranoids, clairvoyeurs, telepathics here to help me find the truth of all-time, i.e., THE IDENTITY OF WHO-ELSE? :-)

2007-09-11 06:08:12 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

the bible is right

i've seen where ppl quote the bible and take it as a different meaning than what it actually means

EX. luke 14:26 says " Anyone who comes to me must hate his father and mother. He must hate his wife and children. He must hate his brothers and sisters. And he must hate even his own life. Unless he does, he can't be my disciple." yes that's right your suppose to love God above all else and for some ppl that hard to except. to bad that's God's word.

2007-09-11 06:07:19 · 42 answers · asked by DirtyRed 2

2007-09-11 06:06:35 · 3 answers · asked by ddking37 5

Or, perhaps, both.

2007-09-11 06:06:07 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

A. Conservatives in the US are trying to turn the country into a theocracy.

B. Liberals in the US are trying to turn the country into a communist state.

2007-09-11 06:06:05 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have read post after post on y/a where many in the non-believing community have attempted to link Christianity to everything from the black plague to Hitler and World War 2. Many of these claims are outright lies and without merit, but that is for another discussion. My question is why is it when some butcher like Bin Laden comes out with a statement like this morning, where he Praises the monsters who killed almost three thousand people, and encourages others to follow suit and kill more innocent civilians, or like last weeks statement where he urged Americans and the West to “convert” to Islam and end the war, you people or at least many of your people are silent. If these acts had been committed by a Christian, or if a Christian leader stood up and praised the killing of innocent people for for Christianity, you people would have filled the WebPages and bolgs condemning all Christians and Christianity. Why such a double standard with you folks? Do you hate all religion or just Christianity?

2007-09-11 06:05:03 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

I say because Republicans are the worst demagogues. Those who are religious are more susceptable to demagoguery because religion is emotional (it certainly isn't logical). Anyone who believes that a man parted a sea, or walked on water, or harvested pairs of every animal into a wooden boat for 40 days, etc, will believe virtually anything. And, Republicans play them like a fiddle! There is no wonder why the states with the lowest test scores and highest HS dropout rates are red states...and they are mostly in the "Bible Belt."

What do you think?

2007-09-11 06:03:39 · 4 answers · asked by Me 3

Koran 16
65. And Allâh sends down water (rain) from the sky, then He revives the earth therewith after its death. Verily, in this is a sign (clear proof) for people who listen (obey Allâh).

66. And verily! In the cattle, there is a lesson for you. We give you to drink of that which is in their bellies, from between excretions and blood, pure milk; palatable to the drinkers.

*67. And from the fruits of date-palms and grapes, you derive strong drink (this was before the order of the prohibition of the alcoholic drinks) and a goodly provision. Verily, therein is indeed a sign for people who have wisdom.

Now the prohibition of alcohol Koran 5:90:

O you who believe! Intoxicants (all kinds of alcoholic drinks), gambling, Al­Ansâb, and Al­Azlâm (arrows for seeking luck or decision) are an abomination of Shaitân's (Satan) handiwork. So avoid (strictly all) that (abomination) in order that you may be successful.

Please provide your opinions or quotes. Thank you.

2007-09-11 06:03:01 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

The subject of Jesus' deity is introduced here with great frequency. It seems that different people seem to have different understandings of the doctrine of the Trinity. I thought it would help me if I knew how people understand it. So, will you share with me, please, the Official, specific, complete, definition of the Trinity? Can a Protestant please give me the definition as he understands it as well as the Catholic definition? (They may differ, I am not sure). I do NOT want scriptural citations. I just want the definition from sources such as encyclopedias, dictionaries and also from your pastors and priests.

2007-09-11 06:01:22 · 15 answers · asked by Hannah J Paul 7

but what is her name I need the name please someone got to know it?

2007-09-11 06:01:09 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

gh the new testament is also mostly written by Jewish men?

2007-09-11 06:00:36 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

They're on a mission to make this country "One nation under 'Gawd'."

2007-09-11 06:00:33 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Here is an outline of my understanding of common objections to the Catholic Faith:

Marian Devotions - These would include recitation of the Rosary, Immaculate Conception, Perpetual Virginity of Mary, her role as mediatrix and co-redemptrix, the Assumption.

Sacraments - Infant Baptism, The True Presence of Jesus' Body and Blood in the Eucharist, Confession to a Priest who is but a man, Priestly ordination of men only, and celibacy requirement.

Purgatory - Praying for the dead, indulgences

Communion of Saints - Intercessory prayer, statue worship.

Papacy - Infallibility, Successor of Saint Peter, titles such as Holy Father and Vicar of Christ.

Sacred Traditions - traditions of men, non-Scriptural, discouragement of reading the Bible, private interpretation of Scripture is invalid, adding books to the Bible, changing the Ten Commandments.

These are some of the objections I have heard circulating here on Yahoo Answers and elsewhere. Have I missed anything?

2007-09-11 05:59:32 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

( celibacy meaning no sex and no masturbation )

A 2001 study[8] examined the effect of a 3-week period of sexual abstinence followed by masturbation-induced orgasm. It found that abstinence over such periods "does not change the neuroendocrine response to orgasm but does produce elevated levels of testosterone in males."

2007-09-11 05:57:08 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

i love hebrews myself.. but any i can look into?

2007-09-11 05:56:57 · 18 answers · asked by dontregretwhatmadeusmile 2

This may have been asked before....but I'll ask it anyway:

Do you agree with using contemporary Christian music during a worship service?

Call me old fashioned (I'm only 37) but.....I'm a hymn person.
I love the Gaithers and I love Michael W Smith (and a few others). But isn't it true that certain types of so-called Christian music that's out there should have no place on the platform in church?

Just curious.

2007-09-11 05:55:27 · 21 answers · asked by primoa1970 7

Maybe a silly or childish question .... this is what I was told when I was growing up. My cat is getting old, I'm not sure how much longer she will make it and it's breaking my heart to think that she is going to just cease to be. :.o(

2007-09-11 05:52:34 · 55 answers · asked by J C 3

I am a novice in researching Christianity but I have formed some opinions. I have also accepted a belief in the existence of the old Hebrew God, Yaweh and his son Yeshua and the basic Bible story and time line.

However, the Bible which Christianity stands by, whatever version, is fundamentally a collection of books, letters, verses, psalms etc etc written by various people over a spread of time. The New Testament came into being I am told by Constantine forging Christianity as the official religion to pacify his Empire, intergrating other religious beliefs and customs.

Constantine effectively was the editor and publisher (?)

So, how can we trust that the presentation of the Bible is as God wanted? It's a bit like an author writing a book and selling th film rights where the film is pretty much a different story, at least a different message, but the general population take the film as being the true original story.

What texts were left out?

2007-09-11 05:52:19 · 20 answers · asked by mathias 1

really just future glimpes of ourselves when we continue to evolve?? will we become the higher intelligent species riding around in flying cars??

2007-09-11 05:51:42 · 9 answers · asked by slopoke6968 7

"The Lord said unto me, 'I will take my rest and I will consider in my dwelling place like a clear heat upon herbs.' " -- Isaiah 18:4-5

2007-09-11 05:49:54 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

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