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Religion & Spirituality - 18 August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I have cut & paste (below) pieces of that "CommonSense" guy's questions and randomly mixed them up into a cut-up poem. Does it make as much sense as his typical meandering nonsense?:

Hard to believe whatever or whoever seduces the excretions principle when they expunge higher realization from their hypnotic Biblical influence, a curse. Those who go gung-ho for woman can make sex seem as folly, a NASA rocket onward to ever greater folly, even if you happen to be fallen into this system. Just look at the animalistic compensations behind that statement, beguiled by the boasts as progress. We can have no special human identity as you today when in likeness of God for the wrong choices, pride reality of his variations on his fallen self of his reverence for overriding a woman perpetuating to an endless chain, with bigger family he rejects God’s great ancient monkeys or is a challenge, yet moves pridefully,she satisfies his need.
How can she do this?

What says you?

2007-08-18 03:56:21 · 8 answers · asked by Don Desengrasador 2

Would You all please pray for my grandson Samuel Craig
Carson he is a baby who seems to have the exact unexplainable headpain that causes him to pass out,His father has had this his entire life.Please ask Jesus to heal this child.
Thank You All, God Bless !

2007-08-18 03:56:01 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

What is your thinking on his statement:

"science without religion is lame, and religion without science is blind."

[lame = fractured, broken, not whole or in part]

If you disagree, why?

2007-08-18 03:52:12 · 16 answers · asked by LadyB!™ 4

-please note that i'm not on any side,okay-just wanting to know what do people think about it.& if u can,tell me what r u?(a muslim or Christian or others..)

2007-08-18 03:51:17 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is it someone who does everything by the book and wants the government to force everyone else to have to live laws by the religious text? I hear it a lot never really paid much attention to fundies but I am curious.

2007-08-18 03:50:30 · 12 answers · asked by daisy322_98 5

if 2 people commit to loving one another for the rest of their life, does that not constitute? Where does it say in the bible that man shall not marry another man? And where specifically does it say a man shall not have sex with another man within the bounds of marriage? I believe this is another area that has not been fully read into context.

2007-08-18 03:50:21 · 15 answers · asked by Matthew V 1

2007-08-18 03:49:37 · 12 answers · asked by norrieboy69 1

Iam back after a month of high level of tension :S .......... my 11th grade result was out on aug 7th .... n i have passed 11th garde with flying colours ..ALHUMDOLILLAH ... thankx to those who prayed 4 me .... :D ..... may Allah bless u with His blessings ... ;) ..... .... thanx to every bro n sis in islam ..who have been a source of support for me .... ! THANKS ALOT
terrorismbuster ...

2007-08-18 03:44:01 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-18 03:41:03 · 16 answers · asked by Nice try 5

I have an experiment for us all to take part in. Sceptic or not, please join in.

Have a look at the latest horoscopes, and see what comes up.

First supply your birth date

Then your star sign

this is where the horoscope comes into it:

Look at ALL of them, and supply which one relates most to you today.

I've noticed a common theme on mine, and I want to know if anyone else gets this:

DOB: 13/09/83
Sign: Virgo
Closest match to my life is always Libra

Never fails me at all. Always Libra.

2007-08-18 03:35:58 · 16 answers · asked by ? 5

A extraterrestrial species, hundreds or thousands of years more advanced than we are, would possess technology that would appear to us to be not the result of applied science but entirely supernatural, pure magic.
A supernatural event of world shaking proportions, occurring in a faithless time when only science is believed to have the power to work miracles, might appear to be the work of an extraterrestrial species hundreds or even thousands of years more advanced than we are.

In my opinion the government is covering up unexplained phenomenons for reasons only they can fathom.
If God does truly exist and does return most will probably perceive it as a alien invasion.
Being Agnostic gives me the tendency to seek answers from all sources and of these two paragraphs I mentioned above the second seems more likely to fit into revelations, it also worries me to no end!

Thanks for your thoughts!

2007-08-18 03:30:44 · 10 answers · asked by Forsaken1 3

just Christianity or ALL faith-based religions? I usually only see athiests bashing Christians. I just wonder if they bash Muslims, Jews, Hindus, etc.
Also, do athiests not believe in anything they can't see, for instance ghosts, UFO's, yoga, global warming, etc.?

2007-08-18 03:28:12 · 19 answers · asked by sister_godzilla 6

does he really have any business singing about creating life if he never will?

2007-08-18 03:18:17 · 49 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-18 03:18:01 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I did a little test, just to see how clear God's word is.

"And the duke has said, "leaves he has to there a scope between the water and separate water of water." Thus the duke has done the scope and the water under the scope of water above its separated. And she was thus. The duke has the scope "sky" mentioned and there same, and day suffered of morning the second."

That's a randomly picked Bible quote. I entered it in Babelfish, and translated it into French, and after that back into English.

Either Babelfish is rather bad (which I don't believe!!), or God's word is rather difficult to translate.

Can you guess which verse it is?

2007-08-18 03:13:42 · 16 answers · asked by ? 6

For me I couldn't write it on here and there are no words for me to express... if I never knew my Lord.

I need Him like the air we breathe

2007-08-18 03:09:24 · 34 answers · asked by ? 6

I theorise that I can feed 5000 people.

Not on two loaves and five fish (or whatever it was), but on just ONE SLICE OF BREAD.

Does this mean I am Jesus?

2007-08-18 03:00:08 · 23 answers · asked by ? 5

What do you think?

Allah (SWT) said: "Those that say, when afflicted with calamity...

'Inna lil-lahi wa inna ilay hi raji'oon' (Surah Al Baqarah 2:156)

English meaning is: To Allah we belong, and to Him is our return.

...They are those upon whom (descend) blessings from their Lord and Mercy. And they are the ones that are guided." (Surah al Baqarah 2:157)

Umm Salama (RA) said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (SAW) saying: "There is not a slave afflicted with a calamity who then says:

"Inna lil-lahi wa inna ilay hi raji'oona, allahumma'jur nee fee museebatee, wa akh lif lee khay ran minha" (Reported by Muslim, and is #114 in The Authentic of Good Sayings)

English meaning is: We are for Allah, and we are, to Him, returning. 'O my ilah grant me reward in my calamity, and cause it to be succeeded with good consequence for me.

... except that Allah would grant him reward in his calamity, and would succeed it with good consequences for him." (Muslim)

2007-08-18 02:58:18 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

For example, the only way humans have been able to travel at great speeds is through the intelligent design of vehicles. Yet, evolutionarians assume that animals who travel at great speeds somehow "evolved" from slower animals. In the case of the frumious bandersnatch, this assumption is absurd.

The bandersnatch is an animal that's so fast, it cannot be caught without the aid of an Italian sports car. What possible purpose could a bandersnatch have to evolve to such a speed?

50-60 miles per hour would have been sufficient to outrun predators, so any speed above that is evolutionarily unnecessary. Bandersnatches, however, can travel at speeds in excess of 200 miles per hour.

This proves that God created bandersnatches to run fast so that he could race them and bet on the races. It's in one of the non-canonical books of the Bible (which are also literally true.)

Take that, jabberwocklutionists.

2007-08-18 02:52:28 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Did god invent bread and the oven and he showed this knowledge to Adam (or Eve) how to handle things to finally make the bread? Or did Handy Adam and Enlightened Eve already invent the oven and bread in The Garden of Eden? If so, where did he get the knowledge from if he had not already eaten from the tree of knowledge?
Should I just stop reading the bible?

2007-08-18 02:52:05 · 15 answers · asked by Batfish 4

2007-08-18 02:46:05 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

if you die your sole goes to heaven or hell. so where does your spirit go? and also what does it mean when they say god well come down to risen the dead ? if they are dead and their soles are gone and spirits,,,, and the bodies are turned to dust then what does it mean to ( risen the dead?)

2007-08-18 02:45:48 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

like do you beleive in the antichrist and stuff, what are your oppinions on it.

2007-08-18 02:36:41 · 50 answers · asked by fay *hearts* JESUS 2

The theory of evolutionology says that things are the way they are because they evolved to be that way. But that's ridiculous. Some things are the way they are because that's how God created them.

For example, both the sky and the seas are blue. The theory of evolutionism says that the sky and seas evoluted from earlier versions of the sky and seas, which may have been different colors. But this is ridiculous, as neither the sky nor the sea can reproduce. And why would they evolve to the same color? There's no advantage of them being blue.

The reason that both the sky and sea are blue is because God had a lot of blue paint that he needed to use when he created the Earth. God used that blue paint to color both the sky and the oceans. That is why they're both blue.

The fact that the sky and water are both blue proves that the creation myth in the Bible is literally true.

Take that, inanimate-lutionists.

2007-08-18 02:27:14 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

i just think it sounds nice, what word do you like?

2007-08-18 02:20:45 · 21 answers · asked by *~Rux~* 5

Man as we know him today had an origin. Cultures and political systems have origins, too. But suppose the origins of man and of culture were both due to a Fall. Then the man fallen into this system will be under its spell, its hypnotic influence-in Biblical language, a curse. "All who sin are slaves" to whatever or whoever seduces them away from reason.
Hypnotized, we fall asleep to our former way, "awakening" under the system that spirited us there.
No matter how low we sink, we all excuse away what we are as we "awaken" to what we have become.
Strangely, the very system or person who made us what we are is the one we elect to love us as we are. Our election of that type is compulsive and slavish. Those people are psychopaths; we, the people, are the psychotics who "uses" psychopaths to keep us asleep to our faults.

Can you who are awake see that that's what is happening here in YA and especially R&S ?

What say you all ?

2007-08-18 02:17:08 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-08-18 02:08:17 · 7 answers · asked by Emperor Insania Says Bye! 5

Religion vs Science. I want to give a viewpoint and ask for inputs.

I keep hearing that Science and Religion do not mix. I disagree. I actually think that Science and Religion have the same outcomes. But, since people are unable to think about mixing them, they feel as though they have to choose one or the other.

Consider this...

Big Bang - Science says that the Universe was created by a large explosion that spread matter, dust, gaseous clouds, etc. throughout space. A gaseous cloud gathered dust and formed into a solid and eventually into a ball of dirt and water that we now call Earth. This took billions of years. Could it be possible that this is how God created the Earth? The bible says it was a day, but maybe a day to God can not be measured. Maybe its equal to billions of years. Is it not possible that God created a huge explosion that eventually formed the Earth and that was how he created things?

(Continued...Please read entire post...)

2007-08-18 02:06:04 · 29 answers · asked by Vol 5

Have you heard true stories of how dolphins have saved shipwrecked and drowning humans

monkeys and even elephants who have taken care of human babies

Dogs who have saved their human friends from disaster

while these animals may not have the exact sense of self awareness we humans have what makes you think that they are not close to it?

2007-08-18 02:05:03 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

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