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Religion & Spirituality - 15 August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

1- Dubya
-He claims to be firm on terrorists and isn't affraid to go to war
-His lies are easy to differentiate from his truths
-Great comedy material!
-Great Comedy material!

-He will go to war and not collect the spoils, or have his "pretexts" exposed.
-He lies like a rug
-fundamentalist views
-has little respect for personal freedom


-doesn't have to rely on the CIA for intel (risk of errors) as he is omniscient
-will be able to carry out what he sets out to do as he is omnipotent

-doesn't care and will allow millions to die and be tortured in his name.
-has draconian views
-doesn't respond to the concerns of the voters
-does what he wants regardless of his constituents interests
-will not use omnipotence to solve any problems
-has no respect for personal freedoms or personal thought
-he might not lie, but often contradicts himself
-expects his word to be law without respect for the role of the legislature and democracy

2007-08-15 04:23:42 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

See Romans 6:15; Hebrews 12:14; 1 John 3:8-9.

2007-08-15 04:21:33 · 1 answers · asked by Sharon 1

I was reading a website that was pro-anarchy so I'm curious...

If religious what is your opinion and how does it relate to religion?

If atheist/agnostic what is your opinion and how does it relate to your beliefs or lack there of?

2007-08-15 04:21:14 · 17 answers · asked by BOB 4

"...... because faith requires by definition the suspension of thought and independent inquiry."

I found this in an answer to another question and was amazed at the lack of understanding concerning faith. Anyone who has ever exercised faith knows that one must have an immense ability to focus and think soberly. In my opinion, a person must constantly engage in *thought and independent inquiry* to exercise faith. What is your opinion?

Also, thoughts on the difference between "faith" and "blind faith" would be appreciated. I look forward to the thoughtful answers. Peace.

2007-08-15 04:20:58 · 20 answers · asked by superfluity 4

For me, my mother said, "Life is too short to be miserable."
How about you?

2007-08-15 04:20:05 · 41 answers · asked by Kallan 7

the downfall of humanity. If the whole belief systems is based on blame and scapegoating, how does that help any of us to move towards God?

2007-08-15 04:16:34 · 21 answers · asked by NONAME 5

and that he raise up 3 days later into heaven/.

if yes why and if no why

2007-08-15 04:16:06 · 29 answers · asked by Babygurl 3

some protestants preach that, but I want what the Catholics believe concerning this matter.

2007-08-15 04:11:02 · 20 answers · asked by Perceptive 5

Why is it so hard to give up the bible? Why do you believe in its every word when, you dont really know who wrote it. You dont know if any of it is true & you are live by every rule in it. What if you find out that there is no heaven & you missed out on drinking alcohol with normal people, missed out on the sex you wanted because you didnt get married, you wouldnt give blood to save a life, you didnt get to enjoy a coffee with friends & you had to cover your entire body for no good reason? Why be afraid of the unknown? Live life to the full & enjoy what you have today, without worrying about pleasing someone who doesnt exist.

2007-08-15 04:09:14 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

When you go door to door, you can relate to that individual on a one to one basis. Here you need to deal with non-JW's (most in disagreement), disfellowshipped JW's (causing you all grief), ex-JW's (left on their own). As for the first two mentioned, I can relate to what their saying because I know where they stand in their own beliefs. Now on the other hand these that left on their own, they are the tricky ones that people must beware of. They come on saying all these sweet words about the JW's then at the end say "I was a former JW but chose to leave the practice on my own." What is that??? Why did they leave? I would say they are hypocritical. They want their cake and eat it to. Like it says in the Bible (can't remember the scripture), "Make your yes be yes and your no no. Anything in between is evil." It's either their in or their out. Their actions go against their words. Example: If they so much is in agreement with the JW's teaching and way of life, then why leave?

2007-08-15 04:08:31 · 6 answers · asked by Debs 5

love, TRUTH, strength, honesty, home and family,peace and COMPASSION. These are things I see and feel everyday. Am I really condemned for being the best human I can be?

2007-08-15 04:05:29 · 15 answers · asked by Fae 4

Give a scientific (please, no Bible verses) explanation for God's existance or non-existance. Please, no bashing of other religons or beliefs.

2007-08-15 04:05:25 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-15 04:00:31 · 26 answers · asked by Gypsy Gal 6

Why would a perfect and beneficial God rely on such a bizarre collection of heavily-edited stories to spread his word anyway?

2007-08-15 03:57:46 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

We're playing for the chance to have some of the ice cream Deke is serving.

2007-08-15 03:54:43 · 8 answers · asked by socmum16 ♪ 5

They always seem to want to label Creationists as "ignorant", yet they themselves are ignorant to Christian Science. I have never met a person who was exposed to the science behind Creationism, who didn't accept it. Seriously, if you want to learn the major problems with evolution and how it VIOLATES scientific law, then educate yourself on the science behind Creationism.

Even without science, there is logic on the side of Creationism.

2007-08-15 03:53:03 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

if one of the ten commandments says that you shall not desire youre brothers woman, does that mean that all women are lesbians? or there are only 9 commandments for the lower interesting female species?

2007-08-15 03:49:44 · 16 answers · asked by João G 2

If I die and there is a God, I will be judged on my acts of love and charity, and if he decides to cast me to hell because of something frivilous like not agreeing the purpose of my life to pad his ego, or because I guessed wrong in a complex situation (as most moral judgements in everyday life are just that, guesses), or because I wore polester clothes or loved a person of the wrong gender (how can true love be wrong?)... then what kind of God would that be? A monster, a fool. Would you want to spend eternity praising such a beast? Burning is hell doesn't sound so bad now, if it means being seperated from such a thing's presence.

I pray you're wrong. Yes, atheists pray, because if god does exist and he is all powerful, every thought is a prayer, god would hear everything. Wish me all the blessings and prayers to change me all you like, but the problem is and always has been your god.

2007-08-15 03:47:13 · 22 answers · asked by Why? 2

If you can, God would be wrong. Since God can't be wrong, you can't make that free choice and therefore you have no free will.

2007-08-15 03:45:14 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

This applies to all those that believe in a higher being of course.

Now as you think of your answer (those who might have managed to read this part, I know that many people on R+S don't read further than the initial question), I'd like to ask you this as well, and please be honest

Were you going to use a scripture as your reasoning? If you were, what part of that scripture was what convinced you that there was a god/gods, if not the whole thing?

Thank you in prior for your answers :)

2007-08-15 03:45:02 · 13 answers · asked by Southpaw 7

for many years i habve been a roman catholic but nothing religous so im confused since i dont go to church should i become a satinist or just stay roman catolic?

2007-08-15 03:42:49 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

When I say "personal", I'm not asking if you 'feel bad for those who don't believe', as so many I've discussed this with profess. I'm wondering if it makes you, yourself uncomfortable for any reason.

2007-08-15 03:41:26 · 37 answers · asked by linkwaker007 2

Im trying to make a friend as I have non and I heard churches have people in that may be my friend.

How do I know what one will let me go?

I cant afford any posh clothes or anything and I cant pay. I like music though and so perhaps someone will let me know. In the london area..

Im not any religion so do i have to apply to someone to be a christian or can i just ask at the church?

I wasnt christened and I dont have a birth certificate

2007-08-15 03:39:55 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Just wondering?

2007-08-15 03:38:31 · 31 answers · asked by G's Random Thoughts 5

Wasn't it practised back then? Does it come under the broad heading of fornication? Is it something to be fought against or is it something impossible not to commit if you are not in a marriage?

2007-08-15 03:35:58 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

You're ALL wrong!!

God told me last night he meant to come down and tell you himself but he got caught up reading all your weird questions and answers and then there just didnt seem to be a right time and by that time it was too late and...... you know how it goes!!

So anyway, problem solved, debate fixed, you can all stop bickering and fighting and ask some half decent, almost interesting questions now.

2007-08-15 03:34:55 · 19 answers · asked by scotslad60 4

fedest.com, questions and answers