Why on and inside the literature are all the Biblical characters always White? Even Job and the Ethiopian Unich, and Adam & Eve, they are all portrayed as being White. If Jehovah's Witnesses are to preach in truth why is it that they cannot depict the Bible characters as the way they truly are? Why must everything be White and esp. in America?
For instance, Job was the greatest Oriental the Bible says in the land at his time, yet when you see pictures of him in the Watchtower and Awake, etc., his skin is so pale white and his eyes are blue, nothing truly depicting an Oriental at all.
Again, Adam & Eve were of dark skin as that was just those two who walked the earth at the time of their existence until Eve bore children. Over the years the skintone of Adam and Eve has gotten so blinding white and even the society paints them with blue eyes now.
Some of the publications show mostly white, but pictures of other ethnicities "in the new system" but it's quite obvious mostly white.
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