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Why on and inside the literature are all the Biblical characters always White? Even Job and the Ethiopian Unich, and Adam & Eve, they are all portrayed as being White. If Jehovah's Witnesses are to preach in truth why is it that they cannot depict the Bible characters as the way they truly are? Why must everything be White and esp. in America?

For instance, Job was the greatest Oriental the Bible says in the land at his time, yet when you see pictures of him in the Watchtower and Awake, etc., his skin is so pale white and his eyes are blue, nothing truly depicting an Oriental at all.

Again, Adam & Eve were of dark skin as that was just those two who walked the earth at the time of their existence until Eve bore children. Over the years the skintone of Adam and Eve has gotten so blinding white and even the society paints them with blue eyes now.

Some of the publications show mostly white, but pictures of other ethnicities "in the new system" but it's quite obvious mostly white.

2007-08-05 17:37:04 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

This sort of bigoted behavior discourages many from coming into the truth because they know who it's going to be later on if they cannot even tell the truth and honestly depict the true Bible characters as they were in the world at that time; very dark skinned, not so white and bright that it's blinding.

I have seen this type bigotry and discrimination steer many away from getting baptized because they see this racism in the world and it's very crushing to see it go on within the organization.

Who is authorizing this racism and untruthfulness to the public? Don't they know what they are doing? What does Jehovah think about these ones posting false illustrations about persons in his word, the Bible?

2007-08-05 17:40:26 · update #1

alanagkelly, thank you for your answer, but why do most all religions depict the falsehoods about the Bible's true ethnicity and skin tone of the people written about?

Also, Jehovah's Witnesses are supposed to worship God in all truth and honesty, so how can this religion be called the truth when there is this racism and whitewashing going on?

This causes many to stumble. As a student myself, when I ask an Elder about these things, he has no answer and the discrimination continues. I have been out in the door to door service and Black people and other persons of color say this "if your religion won't even tell the truth about the color of skin of the Bible people, what else are you lying about". They, the people of color see enough hate and prejudice in America, so I was hoping to get new studies, but have lost some because of the white washing.

2007-08-05 17:47:26 · update #2

ARNON, typical whitewashed response. If you keep claiming "no one knew what color they were" then why keep making them WHITE??!!! This is what angers me about you prejudice people! You make all us White people look bad! Why don't you tell the truth and stop saying "no one knows what they look like" or "they were tannish"! They were not tannish; they were very dark-skinned people. What is so hard about this truth to admit??!! Are you all so prejudice you keep white washing and 'tanning' the truth??!! Blasphemy! Be careful that you think you're standing with Jehovah where you fall. Liars and prejudice ones won't inherit his kingdom.

2007-08-05 17:52:14 · update #3

achtung_heiss, please stop telling lies. You cannot take away from mine eyes or the millions of other eyes what we've seen time and time again, year after year. It's there now, so please stop fronting. I am getting exactly what I hoped I would not, whitewashers who are blinded to the truth and make up defenses to cover the guilt.

2007-08-05 18:06:48 · update #4

Dwayne are you really a Black male? I mean anyone can be anything they want on this forum eh? I'm going to say this one last time: Do not try to take away what the eyes of millions have witnessed. What you say again is Blasphemy and you are in denial. What I am saying to you is the truth. Yes, Adam and Eve in many publications are so glaring white with blue eyes, that it is blinding. Do not ever say again that it is another way because you can be construed as a liar. Do not detract from many millions' experiences for they have seen what I mean also. I have lost studies on this matter. It stumbles many! Stop with the denial! Read ALL OF MY QUESTION BEFORE YOU DARE POST!

2007-08-05 19:14:18 · update #5

Christian soldier, NO! This is not what I am doing whatsoever, bashing! No, no no! I know that the religion itself is from the Bible, and to live a Christian lifestyle we should look to and abide by the Bible. What I am concerned about is the racism I see within the organization and how this prejudiceness stumbles many before they even come aboard.

I am saying that the society needs to get the racism corrected and fast.

2007-08-05 19:19:19 · update #6


Go look at the literature just covering the past 5 to 10 years. There is your example. It's all there for your viewing. I have nothing to hide. Just go to your library or wherever you keep your literature. It's all there. You've seen it so why even make the post you make? Everyone has seen it who studies the literature and publications! You go and provide yourself with your own example and stop being defensive and in denial.

2007-08-06 09:03:03 · update #7

13 answers

They are not the only ones to depict most characters of the bible white.

2007-08-05 17:42:32 · answer #1 · answered by alana 5 · 5 0

People from Jerusalem were consider from the orient. That does not mean that they looked Asian. They would pretty much look as those from Jerusalem look today. I honestly never think of any of the characters as looking "white", but always think of them as Jewish or Israelite. Usually dark hair and brown eyes, and a nice tan. Some such as Moses or Abraham are older and have gray hair, that may make them seem more "white" since gray hair is lighter than black or dark brown. Perhaps Job looked pale because he was sick with boils. I don't remember him looking "white".

You really don't know what Adam and Eve looked like, but blue and green eyes came from somewhere. I'm sure there are blue and green eyed Jews.

David had red hair. So there were fairer Israelites.

I think you are making a issue about something that is not important. It is an artist conception. It is more important to get your life in order so that you can survive Armageddon and actually meet Job, Abraham, Moses, Able and see for yourself.

2007-08-06 12:29:53 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

Jehovah's Witness publications were almost entirely devoid of color until the late 1980's. Since then, the drawings in the pages of Jehovah's Witnesses have actually depicted an enormous range of likenesses for Adam, Eve, Job, and Jesus (including many that are quite dark).

Jehovah's Witnesses are interested in both accuracy and in reaching hearts of every ethnicity. What possible purpose would be served in depicting every bible character as though he or she had been Scandinavian?


2007-08-06 00:58:35 · answer #3 · answered by achtung_heiss 7 · 6 4

We tend to paint pictures of others in our own image. If we are white, then we think God is white, and Jesus was white. If we are black, we think of God as black, and Jesus as black. It is just human nature to want others to look like us. I wouldn't take it personally. You are quite right that the Bible characters were oriental/ and dark skinned. I have no doubt that Jesus looked very Jewish, and most of the Bible characters were dark as well.

2007-08-06 00:43:40 · answer #4 · answered by Dawn C 5 · 2 2

I don't believe they were white..And I am not sure if they were black... I personaly think he was an olive/dark tanish skin tone.. But every one thinks differently... Nowhere does it say, Adam and Eve were white...So you have to do a study to see what area they were in 'Middle East' then you look at their skin color and it's olive/dark tanish.

Hope this helps... haha I am still not 100% sure myself, but I like this answer the best...

You 15 yrs answerer,

2007-08-06 00:44:19 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

Because the story of the Bible in the OT was about the Jewish people.Look @ Jews today,some are fair-skin,some blue eyes,some dark and hairy.

Stop being so sentimental..

2007-08-06 00:44:56 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Perhaps you should take a look @ some more recent Watchtower publications... as far back as I can remember, the Ethiopian eunuch has been portrayed as a black man. Jesus is shown as a Semitic, and Adam and Eve are light-skinned, but not necessarily blue-eyed.
BTW, on exactly what authority do you assert that Adam and Eve were dark skinned? (I'm not saying they were white; I'd imagine they were olive-skinned).

2007-08-06 01:47:44 · answer #7 · answered by DwayneWayne 4 · 6 5

I don't think you or I have a clue what color anyone undocumented was. It would be presumptuous of you to become the arbiter of PC in christian iconography. Here is a thought. Why don't you, instead of biotching about it, get out your pallette and brush and paint your ownseries of biblical righteousness for the rest of us to criticise.

2007-08-06 00:45:20 · answer #8 · answered by Arnon 6 · 2 3

Your accusation is races besides European such as Asian or African are displayed on watchtower literature as being white?

If that is what you are claiming then I am sure you can proved an example...

2007-08-06 09:59:39 · answer #9 · answered by keiichi 6 · 3 2

I am more concerned about them following the true Bible and Jesus Christ than I am in the pictures they produce in their literature which is not the Bible.

2007-08-06 00:44:38 · answer #10 · answered by 4HIM- Christians love 7 · 6 3

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