Hi! nope, I don't know of anyone going :( but I wanted to tell you that your sister's desicion was GREAT! and I wanted to say: Congratilations ^_^
Someday, I will probably go on a mission!!!!! can't wait. Your sister will be fine and she will love it! It was her calling from the Lord to teach others, it will be a great blessing for her.
2007-08-05 17:36:17
answer #1
answered by Love Yahoo!!! wannabe a princess 4
My oldest nephew just entered the MTC a couple of weeks ago - he's going to the Cambodia Phenom Phen mission. He'll be spending 12 weeks in the MTC learning Cambodian.
2007-08-07 04:16:13
answer #2
answered by Rynok 7
My nephew just entered the MTC going English speaking in Texas.
2007-08-06 18:03:07
answer #3
answered by Dionysus 5
Sister missionaries are awesome, the world definitely means more of them. The stats show they are more successful than men. I served a mission too, to Pennsylvania Harrisburg (receiving my call from Scotland).
And to address the 9 a.m. Sunday door knock comment: missionaries don't leave their apartments until 9:30 a.m. regardless of where they serve or what day it is. They're generally at Church that time. God doesn't take a day off...
2007-08-06 01:08:39
answer #4
answered by Siobhan W. 4
My sister served her mission in Kiev, Ukraine.
My brother served in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Thats good that your sister chose to serve a mission.
2007-08-06 00:42:45
answer #5
answered by NatNat 4
I live in Salt Lake City. Want a list? lol
2007-08-06 00:33:03
answer #6
answered by alana 5
I just got a call to Mars, and I said where on Mars, and they just said Mars, and I'm not even a Baptist, so there's a mistake somewhere.
2007-08-06 00:35:48
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
that.s what we need nore nutty missionaries doing there own thing and bothering people trying to push the . lds . church on other.s my opion?
2007-08-06 02:11:53
answer #8
answered by the_silverfoxx 7
This is what is called chatting and it is against the rules.
2007-08-06 00:33:19
answer #9
answered by LaptopJesus 5
ugh...more annoying 9AM, sunday door knocks.
can you people just do us all a favor and STOP!?!?!?
its pointless...seriously...trying to get people to convert to your cult in a modern society is as pointless as it is difficult. why dont you go to some 3rd world country and do it there...you know...giving them god instrad of food...try Iraq or Afghanistan, i hear its lovely this time of year.
see you on CNN!
2007-08-06 00:32:59
answer #10
answered by johnny.zondo 6