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Religion & Spirituality - 27 June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Yes it occured

The Big Bang is when i Farted!

Umm, Oops?

2007-06-27 19:56:08 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

If yes, what use is religion?

If no, why not? I try my best to be a good person and I'm not the only one.

2007-06-27 19:55:23 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

I tried lying once, but it didn't work.

2007-06-27 19:53:38 · 15 answers · asked by Shinigami 7

Since everyone has forgotten it, what is the golden rule and how have you been practicing it? ^-^

Strawberry or mango yogurt?

2007-06-27 19:52:46 · 17 answers · asked by Adia Azrael 4

I drowned my dog as punishment because he urinated outside toilet. People called me crazy for my action in my question.
What should I do; I just drownded my dog because he had urinated outside toilet.?

God drowned his creation in Noah Flood because they were becaming devil. ( I still don't know it was worse than my dog )

I am a inperfect man, poor, jobless, no house to live, no money, no credit card.

God in other hand claimed to be a Benevolent, Omnipotent, Omniscience, and Omnipresent God.

If I am Omnipotent, I would had created my dog to know where to urine ( save training time ).

2007-06-27 19:42:05 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-27 19:41:51 · 15 answers · asked by jitterbug 4

If everything is percieved by the mind only, that we create the illusion for our perception, what is behind the inspiration for the illusion? If the answer is the mind itself, why does the world we imagine have things we dont "enjoy"? Couldnt we create the illusion of happiness, which seems to be what everyone wants?

Or is my understanding off.

2007-06-27 19:40:55 · 8 answers · asked by leikevy 5

On my way to the car today, I was stopped by two young men. I talked with them briefly and they asked if they could come back to talk with me and I said yes. I clearly stated to them that I am Southern Baptist and believed in The Bible. I did not want to be rude. Now I am researching about the Mormon religion and I am scared to death to let them come in my home. I have NO interest in coverting, but believe that true Christians are tolerant of other religions and we should share our story. What should I do?

2007-06-27 19:39:53 · 19 answers · asked by gonecrazybacksooninky 4

In 1992, Christopher McCandless had an accident, abandoned his possessions, hitchhiked to Alaska and lived in the wilderness.


2007-06-27 19:37:24 · 12 answers · asked by alvinwriter 2

Atheists and Agnostics I forgive you.The truth is that Christians are declared righteous children of God according to God in the bible. Atheists and Agnostics are pathetic, immoral, creatures of God according to God in the bible. I believe God, not the lesser light Atheists and Agnostics. Atheists and Agnostics can never teach Christians anything only God. Scripture says God is love and if you reject love what else do you have. I thank God I will not spend eternity with those filthy, ignorant, smug Atheists and Agnostics. I say this out of love something they choose to reject. God bless you, Have a nice Day. Peace.

2007-06-27 19:37:12 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Absolutely, is The Time single(odd) or double(even, plural)? If you say single(unique), then what is "The Time"?

To Narcissisticguy: I am asking "The Time". As a concept. Not the word "time" or not the current time.

2007-06-27 19:34:15 · 5 answers · asked by veysel_peru 2

why are their accounts almost identical?
and the horus story existed 3000 years before jesus?


2007-06-27 19:26:33 · 10 answers · asked by Pisces 6

how did everything just happened like how did the world begon??

2007-06-27 19:26:05 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you feel guilty about getting angry is that a sign you might try and control it next time?

2007-06-27 19:17:45 · 9 answers · asked by Valerie C 3

You walked out on the Streets of Britain,Shouted slogans againsts the Queen cursed her and Blair and so on and so forth, for the knighthood of Rushdie.
You know in a democracy everyone has the right to express himself even you do,
But the fact is simple when you shout and curse the Queen
you show that you have a seprate agenda and no loyalty to Britain.
Should not you leave Britain and Pitch ypur Tents in Mecca ,
If you feel some country has insulted or Provoked you,
Or you are such shameless people that you will stay in the very country which insults your religion because of a better environment and facilities their ?

2007-06-27 19:16:26 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

What is the legend behind and why this temple is called Siddha Peetha ?

2007-06-27 19:16:25 · 5 answers · asked by Divya Jyoti 4

But God created sin, if you believe in the Bible than there's no other alternative for you. God created everything, it was the tree of knowledge of good and evil before man sinned, so there was evil before man, and there must have been before Satan.

So this means sin is all part of your God's "perfect plan." So my question is, why do you hate sin when it's just a part of God's perfect plan.

Don't hate the sin, hate sinning....

2007-06-27 19:14:24 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

and need to be bless by God? Whats up with that ****... y do people look down apon people like that, why do they give a **** what they are? its like saying if your not catholic or christian your hated, y only hate atheist, agnostic, and satanist, but not others like buddahist, jews, or others. They dont believe in Jesus or the same god you do, so y not hate them if your going to hate these three, huh? assholes!!! and i know theres poeple out there that are catholic or christian that are not like that so i mean no harm, im cool with you people just others are stupid.

2007-06-27 19:02:18 · 5 answers · asked by HoodedOne666 2

Did Jesus manipulate the laws of physics in order to perform his miracles?

or was it divine magic?

in other words...was he using and twisting the forces of nature? or do you believe the process was magical and "other-worldly"

2007-06-27 19:01:41 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

Please explain why you wouldn't believe Jesus and or even Muhammad as fulfilling the prophecy of a Messiah?

2007-06-27 19:00:32 · 16 answers · asked by Yahoo Sucks 5

The Greek text of the NT does NOT use the specific word homosexual. If you have a Bible that uses the specific word "homosexual," then you need to throw it out and get a new Bible, the translators have taken gross liberties.

The word being translated to "homosexual" in 1 Corithians 6, and 1 Timothy 1 is "arsenokoitai." This word does not appear in Greek writings prior to Paul's use of it in the NT. Paul made the word up!!

Nobody knows for sure what meaning Paul was trying to convey by it's use. If the meaning Paul wanted to convey was homosexual, then he would have used the word "paiderasste", which was the term used at the time for male homosexual. The word "paiderasste" does not appear in the Bible.

"Arsenokoitai" is made up of two parts: "arsen" means "man"; "koitai" means "beds." Literally translated "arsenokoitai" is a "male-bedder." It is interesting to note that during the time of Martin Luther, the word was universally translated as masturbators untill the 20th century.

2007-06-27 18:59:26 · 34 answers · asked by me 4

I know people say that he was just there and not born to parents, but don't you need a male and a female to creat life.

2007-06-27 18:57:28 · 14 answers · asked by Li 2

stumbled upon the well-preserved remains of a caveman? If they looked anything like they do on TV, I can understand the mistake.

I apologize for the stupid questions, I'm having an "off" day.

2007-06-27 18:54:21 · 5 answers · asked by rebekkah hot as the sun 7

Christians say that homosexuality is a sin because the bible says so. But the truth is, people are born gay. As a gay guy myself i know this very well. Who would be as mindless as to choose to be a gay? I personally don't want to be gay, but no matter how much i hate it, i can't change my sexuality. When you're attracted to someone, it comes naturally, you don't choose to be attracted to someone. For you christians, do you think that you could just wake up one morning and say, "today i choose to be gay", and you're actually going to be attracted to the same sex. Christians might get fancy and say, "God don't hate homosexuals, He hates homosexuality". Hello! If that is true, why did God create homosexuals then? So do gays not have the right to have sex like hetrosexuals do? God created homosexuality Himself and then condemns it? I repeat, i was BORN gay! So if God created me, he also created homosexuality! Accept the truth as it is, you stubborn christians. Bible=fake

2007-06-27 18:54:15 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Jesus had long hair
drank wine
ran with bumbs and lepers

and we glorify him.

yet someone doing this by TODAYS standards would be ostersized....


2007-06-27 18:51:30 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

my brother the pastor says....
its going on now?
and almost 1/3 of all sea life has already died ?it only lack 4 marks to get there?
is he mistaken?

2007-06-27 18:45:43 · 10 answers · asked by mcmahon 2

The Christian Church and its associates have been responsible for some of the worst organized murder in history, I see many of you already agree.

But why do you think Bush/GOP Christians of America, and their slaughter of Muslims populations,60,000 (Bush's own figure) - 650,000 (international war monitor figures) is right?

All this human misery and death is legitimate this time?

Isn't that what the European Inquisitions , Christian Naziis, KKK etc thought?

2007-06-27 18:45:38 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

I understand that the book of Revelations pertains to the second coming of our Saviour Jesus Christ. I was wondering if anyone could explain some of the visions that were seen...Things such as the churches (Persecuted, Dead, Faithful, Lukewarm)...The Seals...The Seven headed beast with the numbers 666...The witnesses...John eating the Little BookThe Bowls...Who the Anti-Christ is...I know that this is a "packed" question...I was hoping that someone could help me to interpret some of it...Any help is appreciatted...Thanks & God Bless!

2007-06-27 18:44:45 · 16 answers · asked by itln_stln728 1

Is he sleeping? Is this a bad time for him? I can call back later...

2007-06-27 18:43:39 · 29 answers · asked by AfWuEcSkOyMoEu 2

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