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I understand that the book of Revelations pertains to the second coming of our Saviour Jesus Christ. I was wondering if anyone could explain some of the visions that were seen...Things such as the churches (Persecuted, Dead, Faithful, Lukewarm)...The Seals...The Seven headed beast with the numbers 666...The witnesses...John eating the Little BookThe Bowls...Who the Anti-Christ is...I know that this is a "packed" question...I was hoping that someone could help me to interpret some of it...Any help is appreciatted...Thanks & God Bless!

2007-06-27 18:44:45 · 16 answers · asked by itln_stln728 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

16 answers

The book of Revelations can not be explained in the limited time or space that is available here.

Sure I could tell you this, that and the other thing but without the time to explain the background of the Bible, The Prophets, the dreams, the visions, The "Son-The Living Word of God" How and why He died on the cross, was raised from the dead ascended into heaven, fullfilled the O/T Laws.

You would hear but not understand.

2007-06-27 19:50:44 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Starting with the revelation of the resurrected Christ to John and ending with the New Jerusalem there is a lot of stuff packed in between. It would certainly take far more room than is allowed in Yahoo answers.

There have been many books written on the subject. Some books are written by unspiritual people while others are written by people who love God. Type Christian commentaries on the book of Revelation into your search bar and go from there.

Having a Strong's Concordance by your side and the book of Revelation open in your Bible would help a lot and be a good start in understanding the book. There is just too much to learn to rush through so get what you can when you can. Be sure you pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit before you start, and do that every time. God will help you.

2007-06-27 19:01:06 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Unlike what many teach today, most of the things in Revelation have already taken place. Much of this book is about the destruction of Jerusalem or the fall of the Roman Empire.

Notice in Revelation 1:1, John was being shown "things which must shortly come to pass."

Revelation 1:3 says, "The time is at hand". This is another indication that the things in this book are not in the distant future.

Again in the last chapter, Revelation says, "And he said unto me, These sayings are faithful and true: and the Lord God of the holy prophets sent his angel to shew unto his servants the things which must shortly be done." (Revelation 22:6)

Revelation 22:10 says again, "the time is at hand."

Revelation was written to the Seven churches of Asia (Revelation 1:4). These churches were about to experience great persecution at the hand of the Roman Empire.

This book was written to give them comfort and hope. Those to whom this book was written would have understood all of the symbolism in this book. This is more difficult for us who live about 2000 years later.

Your question mentioned the "Antichrist". Please note that this word is not mentioned in the book of Revelation. The word "antichrist" is only in 1 & 2 John. (Note it is "antichrist", not "the antichrist". It is an attitude and whoever has such an attitude, rather than referring to one person. There are many "antichrists" already in the world [1 John 2:18]. The word "the" is not in the original Greek. This is properly translated in KJV.)

If you want to know who antichrist is, go to the first link below. This will just take a few minutes and it will show you who it is, with a photo!

The second link is a series of videos that gives an overview to Revelation.

2007-06-28 07:03:44 · answer #3 · answered by JoeBama 7 · 1 0

I will suggest you try the Bible studies in the links listed as my sources.
If you are near an Adventist church, go there and ask for a CD called Panorama of Prophecy or a DVD which dramatically shows how the prophecies in Revelation will play out. These do not deviate from what the Bible says, but make the book much easier to understand.
It will take an open mind, and the desire to learn...and a fair amount of time. Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide you to discover the truths there, so you will be ready when the Messiah returns.

2007-06-29 20:53:17 · answer #4 · answered by Jalapinomex 5 · 0 0

Excellent Question! I suggest getting a copy of Butler's "Daily Bible Reading Synopsis" to get a really nice study on Revelation. Also the "Life Application Study Bible" has excellent commentary on Revelation. After consulting it, I have come back with a lot of wisdom on Revelation.

I can give you some studies on this as well, but it would be too much to post here. I suggest you give me a holler on the WeatherBug Blog (blog.weatherbug.com/backyard) & I'll give you what I know.

Also, just by reading the Bible & asking for God to enlighten you on those hard to know passages will deepen your study.

And as others said, no one will ever know it all. His ways are not our ways & His thoughts are not our thoughts. His are much higher!

However, I do know that the next event on the Revelation calendar is the Coming of the Lord. He's coming soon! I hope to see you on that glorious day!

Nathan P

2007-06-27 19:10:34 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

THE COLAPSE OF TIME CAN BE UNDERSOOD THROUGH THE BOOK OF REVELATION AND JUST A FEW YEARS AGO AN INTIMATE KNOWLEDGE OF THE FUTURE WAS FORETOLD IN A COLLEGE CLASSROOM SOMEWHERE ON THE OREGON COAST AND ON A NIGHT PITCHED WITH DARKNESS. THOSE EXPERIENCS, RIDDLED WITH PARADOXES, REQUIRE EXPLANATION----WHILE TIME AS IT IS KNOWN DRAWS EVER CLOSER TO A CONSLUSION. (woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea for the devil is come down unto you having great wrath because he knoweth that he hath but a short time). Revelation 12:12 WANT TO KNOW THE WHOLE STORY, SEND WHAT YOU CAN TO, (THE LAST LETTER, P.O. BOX 9023, PRESCOTT, AZ, 86313 (but as the days of Noah, so shall also the coming of the son of man be). Matthew 24:37

2016-04-25 11:36:11 · answer #6 · answered by Mark 1 · 0 0

The Revelation of Jesus Christ is a book which showed by signs things that must shortly come to pass. For example, in Revelation 6 the four horsemen are used as metaphor for the gospel going forth signified by the white horse, and the taking away of peace from the earth which happens wherever the truth is told, signified by the red horse, and the oppression by corrupt governments and powers, signified by the black horse, that follows the wars which follow the teaching of the gospel, and the last horseman, riding the pale horse, being the false religious systems that rise up under the oppressive powers and are represented by death and hell following for those who die without the truth.

Pastor David J Meyer is a man whom God has raised up in these last days to sound the alarm and call people to repentance and preparation for the coming of the King of Glory. His understanding of The Revelation is astounding and he teaches it very well, as he does the whole Bible.

2007-06-27 19:25:30 · answer #7 · answered by hisgloryisgreat 6 · 0 2

Yes, I can help you to come to an understanding of the book of Revelation, but to attempt to do it in an answer here would be impossible. What you need is a copy of the book "Revelation, It's Grand Climax At Hand!" It starts out with an over-view and then goes into a verse by verse explanation with references to supporting scripture in other Bible books. If you are interested in obtaining a copy, e-mail me.

2007-06-27 18:58:22 · answer #8 · answered by sixfoothigh 4 · 0 0

The beginning of the book starts with a trumpet blown. That is the rapture, John is caught up into heaven.

Then the tribulation starts.

The churches are a picture of what we are not to be. The lukewarm church is a picture of the church that doesn't care about anyone or anything but claims belief in God. It is like being numb to the Holy spirits convictions. The other three are pretty explanitory.

AntiChrist 666, God's number is 777 which is completion. 666 would be "not quite God". See Daniel 12 for more about the antichrist.

AntiChrist will reign for 3 1/2 years, and then 3 1/2 years he will reign the second. 7 years of tribulation. People will think he is God. He will teach that he is the Messiah, and it will be believed, if possible, even fooling the Elect.

Jesus will step down (Zach. 14) and the face of the land will split. And there will be a war, where God wins.

I insist that before going to deep in this book that you be spending time in the Gospel of John.

2007-06-27 18:50:34 · answer #9 · answered by Adopted 3 · 1 6

It is a description of a dream-like revelation that John saw while imprisoned on the isle of Patmos. Most of it is fulfilled prophecy. (Christ's victory is yet to come.) Here is some information & links to more information.

Revelation is an example of apocalyptic literature. apocalyptic literature (defined) - a type of literature characterized by symbols;
7 elements of apocalyptic literature
1) Jewish or Christian literature
2) written in hard times
3) under oppression forgien domination
4) in symbolic language
5) to encourage God's people
6) by showing God was in charge
7) & that evil would be overthrown

Other books of the Bible containing apocalyptic literature: Isiah, Daniel, Zachariah, & Ezekiel

Significance of Numbers in Revelation
1 = the idea of unity or independent existence
2 = represents strength, confirmation, for doubled courage & energy
3 = divine thought; spirituality; divine power
3.5 = incompleteness, depair, confusion (1/2 of 7)
4 = represents 4 points on compass
5 = a perfect man (i.e. one who has all his members {fingers & toes})
6 = imperfection, defeat, falling short of salvation, within a stroke of destruction
7 = salvation, completeness; NOTE - this is 3 (Godhead) + 4 (earth)
10 = symbol of earthly power
12 = represents the complete # of the saved; (the Godhead -3 times the earthly number - 4) (example - the 12 tribes of Isreal & the 12 elders

666 - is the number of imperfection, defeat, falling short of salvation, & within a stroke of destruction repeated 3 times & since 3 represents divine power - this is the ULTIMATE in sin (which literally means to "miss the mark") or the ULTIMATE in imperfect spiritualness; Since 6 & 7 are opposites, 777 is the oppositte of 666.


2007-06-29 07:44:47 · answer #10 · answered by SusanB 5 · 0 0

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