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Religion & Spirituality - 13 June 2007

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It simply means titles, of positions held. For example I am father, son, husband but let one man. No where does it indicate they are three separate persons. To believe in a trinity is to admit your belief is in Idolatry Isaiah 44: 8 Fear ye not, neither be afraid: have not I told thee from that time, and have declared it ? Ye are even my witnesses. Is there a God
beside me; I know not any. This proves that only one God and his name is Jesus.

2007-06-13 19:12:55 · 15 answers · asked by spiritwalker1227 1

Let me see if I have this straight:

1. god creates the Universe.
2. god creates heaven and hell.
3. god creates mankind.
4. god demands reverence, respect and unabashed worship from all of mankind.
5. god casts the souls of those who do not worhsip it into hell (that it has created just for this purpose) for all eternity.



Your "god" either (a) has serious self-esteem issues (b) suffers from an inferiority complex or (c) is just plain f*cked in the head.

Which one is it?

2007-06-13 19:12:54 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

God had no problem with the decision to cause the flood and take care of that small problem. Yet later down the road god needs a council with his sons to handle some really small problems with mortals. And if Lucifer was banned from heaven by god, what was he doing in the council of sons makeing decisions as to what happens to mortals? And god being concerned asking Lucifer how he was doing and what was he up to. God didn't know? I suppose god thought he was playing the snake and messing with humans lives. But no, it seems god had a plan of it's own to mess up Lot. The bible writers made god the boob again.

2007-06-13 19:07:59 · 3 answers · asked by gar69azusa 6

Go to the link and scroll down to the part about Origins and After death. Asatru or Norse-Paganism (whichever you prefer) was around before christianity. Ever heard the phrase, "write it in your own words"? Adam & Eve sound a lot like a spin off of Ask & Embla. Watch the christians will come up with some excuse for this.

2007-06-13 19:04:07 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why do they choose to ignore the feeling of His Noodly Appendage that tells them it's true? The FSM wants you to follow the correct path and I think he lets everyone know Pastafarianism is true, but some people choose to ignore this feeling.

I believe the only way to Heaven, which has a stripper factory and a beer volcano, is through the FSM. If you are not a Pastafarian, you will be thrown in a vat of hot pasta sauce forever. I do not want this to happen to anyone. Why do people choose to ignore their Noodly feelings deep inside?

I feel everyone secretly knows the truth, it's just that some people don't pay attention to it. How can they be so blind?

2007-06-13 19:01:48 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

the bible clearly states you must repent of your own mouth be bapttised believe in your own heart that Jesus was ressurrected and follow the laws of god to attain salvation....so if you die in sin how can someone else attain salvation for you....If you are dead you cannot repent, you cannot believe, nor can you follow gods laws... no where in the bible is the word purgatory used as a place where people go to await salvation....for in the bible it says the dead know nothing not even that they are dead..psalms so if you are just lying in the ground waitin to be resurrected in one of the two ressurrections how can you ever be in purgatory

2007-06-13 19:00:00 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do any of the narrow minded and ignorant christian/creationist fruitcakes here even know what an escape velocity is?
How much is it here on Earth?
What is the reason for it?

Clue: it's not in your bible, so is it all a lie..? Surely your pastor would know..

2007-06-13 18:56:29 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

What kind of belief do you think is for you? The one in which you accept the tenets of your religion and practice them or the kind in which you push your self to think, to question, to truly study theology and form opinions?
I am a believer and I love spending time thinking about religion, questioning things and studying it; I study nearly all major religions and it clarifies somethings and adds to my knowledge.
Please note that this question is not meant to be hostile or insulting towards any particular belief. I merely seek your opinions.
Thank you.

2007-06-13 18:52:00 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Research suggests it's hardwired in your brain. Sorry.


2007-06-13 18:49:05 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know that the catholics and protestants are christian andall that...but can someone tell me some real differences between a protestant and a catholic

2007-06-13 18:45:58 · 17 answers · asked by Sam 2

is the majority here made up of americans?pls state your country.EVERYBODY ANSWER!

i am from Singapore, Southeast Asia, a beautiful, rich, clean, safe country. we boast of religious freedom, and religious equality, and religious harmony. oh and Singaporean is surrounded by MUCH LARGER muslim countries who often threaten us with their natural resources.

2007-06-13 18:44:21 · 33 answers · asked by sylll 3

It is said that what we call freedom is always freedom from something and there is nothing like absolute freedom and therfore, in the name of spirituality what we are seeking is a slot for ourselves where disturbance will be minimised.

2007-06-13 18:43:19 · 5 answers · asked by j c 2

Now I'm not suggesting it. I'm just wondering what your opinions and answers are. Please be honest.

2007-06-13 18:42:41 · 13 answers · asked by Edanus 1

and you cannot look at that persons questions or answers. So if you have good intelligent answers that may sway the opinions of people contrary to that persons view, all they have to do is block you and they have the run of the roost. You get a little privacy icon down by the internet sign on your computer that only goes on when your on Yahoo answers.

2007-06-13 18:41:27 · 16 answers · asked by Midge 7

I have heard that there is a difference between our facial features, but I don't really understand

2007-06-13 18:37:55 · 17 answers · asked by chika4gw 1

do you support respect all ideas of intelligent design or just your own? should they all be taught in public schools or just your own?

2007-06-13 18:36:20 · 5 answers · asked by just curious (A.A.A.A.) 5

2007-06-13 18:35:25 · 16 answers · asked by ? 2

I am an atheist and I am polish. I was told by someone whose family has been here since the Europeans came that I have no right to change things. He told me that all my people came here to this country looking for a better life and now we are taking advantage of his people by trying to change the way this country works. He claims that this country was founded on the Bible and should stay that way. He asked, “Why don't you just fix things in your country.” He must have forgotten that this country was actually founded by Native Americans. His ancestors came to America from Europe looking for a better life, just as my ancestors did, and they took big time advantage of the Indians, the same way my people are taking advantage of his people. Couldn't I ask him the same question, why didn't your European ancestors just fix their country? Could it be karma????

2007-06-13 18:33:13 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

..responsible for for much of the world peace issues today..?

Looking around the globe, such ignorant fundementalist views are behind so much of the conflict we see today, and throughout history..

The thousands of innocents killed, injured or displaced in the name of the god that apparently selectively "blesses America" , or the "god given Jewish state" are undeniable. The innocent people killed in the name of Allah were also victims of fundamentalist views..

What makes christian fundies and creationists any different..?
And when will this sort of secular ignorance and denial be globally accepted as the destructive and divisive mindset that it so clearly is..?

After all, peace on Earth depends on it, don't you think..?

2007-06-13 18:29:51 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

What do they talk about? What are their believes? I'm curious should I attend just to see what the experience is like even though im catholic.

2007-06-13 18:29:37 · 6 answers · asked by angel k 2

and hamony, but what happens to stillborn babies? Are they condemed to live through eternity in complete ignorance (is bliss!) as new born babies. I would not call this paradise. They have no way to feed themselves and yet there is no crying in the garden of eden

2007-06-13 18:23:27 · 10 answers · asked by craignlee 2

How do you know what is the truth for all when it comes to religion? How do you know what happened back when your holy books wer written? It all happend so long ago and alot of documentation has been lost of mistranslated that how can you know for sure what happend and what didn't? Saying that how can you know if things happed (ie things Jesus did) that weren't documented. Just because it wasn't documented doesn't mean there is no possibility that it happened.

2007-06-13 18:19:58 · 16 answers · asked by mari_aset 3

this is a strange question, and ive been looking for a while..
but is there a st for performing arts? like theatre, film, animation...me and alot of my friends are graduating from theatre, and i want to get something different for all of us..so hopefully there is a saint for preforming arts..hopefully!

2007-06-13 18:19:28 · 4 answers · asked by roses_are_black 2

when did political correctness become a substitute for rational thought?

2007-06-13 18:18:52 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous


Check out this question. The guy got plenty of actual answers to his question, but he choose the girl who agreed with him and didn't have a clue what she was talking about. She got more thumbs-down than anyone.

I bet we could eliminate stupid questions in no time if the best answer went to the person with the most thumbs-up instead of letting the asker choose.

Of course, we'd have to weight it by the number who answered and how far down on the list you were and how many thumbs-down you got as well - but the principle is sound.

Sometimes I wonder why I leave well-thought-out answers with sources to people who, in the end, just end up going with the 'your right! praise jeebus!' answer.

2007-06-13 18:18:03 · 17 answers · asked by eri 7

I have met a few and it's not a drinking problem per se. But what are your thoughts on alcohol of any kind for a Christian? Is wine ok? I don't drink but am curious. Thanks

2007-06-13 18:15:47 · 42 answers · asked by gabeymac♥ 5

2007-06-13 18:09:17 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous


Has anyone else noticed a lot of fake "LDS" people on Yahoo answers R & S lately? We had one person who was impersonating a poster who is LDS (one of my contacts) on R & S...he copied her name and avatar to try to fool others, and asked all kinds of questions bad-mouthing the LDS faith. When he was called out on it,, he changed his name and avatar to try and hide....I've seen two people with "Missionary" in their name who have nothing but Anti-Mormon questions and answers in their profiles, and I've also seen people posing as "Mormons" with no questions asked except the ones meant to generate hateful and disrespectful responses towards LDS.

Do people not have lives?

2007-06-13 18:09:09 · 15 answers · asked by Daniel 4

fedest.com, questions and answers