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Religion & Spirituality - 7 June 2007

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.........they idea that the Earth is only 6000 years old is just plain silly?

Do you really think that all the people on this Earth could come from one couple over a period of just 6,000 years?.........oh, not forgeting most of them died in a flood apparently.

Do you ever sit down and REALLY question the logic behind the idea?

Or would that be a sin?

2007-06-07 02:51:10 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

In the last days there will be many miracles and signs made in the Name of Jesus and people who call the Name of Jesus Christ, yet they might be false prophets.

How will you Christians know for sure if they are real or fake? Will you follow them if they cure you of cancer, or your family member of some incurable disease? Does a sign or miracle make someone come from God? How about if they do it in the Name of Jesus Christ is that enough to authenticate it as coming from God?

2007-06-07 02:51:08 · 8 answers · asked by Sweet n Sour 4

and if so, what do they beileve in?

2007-06-07 02:49:59 · 9 answers · asked by Perky_gurl 4

why do christians get divorced? weren't they the right one if god chose them for you? If you say no please explain.

2007-06-07 02:49:40 · 17 answers · asked by lou_lou 2

2007-06-07 02:47:28 · 9 answers · asked by Gypsy Gal 6

Today is my birthday... How many stars will you all give me to celebrate? (best birthday greeting gets the best answer)

2007-06-07 02:47:09 · 16 answers · asked by tlcbaotou 3

Please don't give me the "super-Christian" answer. I want you to truly examine yourself and see whether or not you would. If you honestly will, by all means, say so. If not, don't be ashamed to say that. Be honest with yourself.

As for me, at one point, I honestly believed yes, I would. Then, as time went on, I wondered if I could honestly undergo persecution and/or death. Am I willing to stand in a crowd of people and say "yes, I will die for Him?" I don't know.

Please keep this in mind from this day on. I've been reading Foxe's Book of Martyr's and one martyr, a bishop of Antioch, was reported as being led to his death and saying "Now I begin to be a disciple. I care for nothing, of visible or invisible things, so that I may but win Christ. Let fire and the cross, let the companies of wild beasts, let breaking of bones and tearing of limbs, let the grinding of the whole body, and all the malice of the devil, come upon me; be it so, only may I win Christ Jesus!"

2007-06-07 02:43:47 · 28 answers · asked by insidious_22 2

I come from a Catholic background. My family is Catholic and so is my in laws as well. My question to all of you is this even though I am a Catholic is it still ok to attend the protestant churches activites if your church does not have the same programs as the protestant churches does and also is it ok to be friends with protestants if your a catholic? Any advice would be greatly appreciated thanks.

2007-06-07 02:43:24 · 16 answers · asked by Snowwhite30 1

I live in San Fransisco, but I'm not Gay. Will God spare the good ones, or will he destroy the whole city for its sins?
Should I move somewhere else ?

2007-06-07 02:42:01 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

"Once absolute difference has been dissolved and enclosed within rationality, there is no way to set up a logical system -- a matrix, a language, a unified science -- which can be tested against anything distinct from itself. The system has become so self-inclusive that it no longer has an outside; it has neither ground nor relation. It is nowhere, as no time, compared to nothing. A singularity, in which ratio steps into chaos of absolute non-relation. The Chaosphere."

fun fun fun, sorry if it seems like I am pointing fingers guys...

2007-06-07 02:40:29 · 4 answers · asked by Invisible_Flags 6

The suggestion that fossils are a test of faith is just so weird!


Is this the argument that the fundamentalists who believe this will use whenever evidence they can't counter is presented to them?

At what point will they realise how silly it makes them look?

2007-06-07 02:37:56 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

A bifurcation point is an attractor... like a node or event that looks (on a graph of its mathematics) like a hole in the bottom of a basin.
A dissipative structure (imagine the butterfly effect) tends toward an attractor, which in turn acts like a precipitant or irritant around which crystals begin to form in a supersaturated solution.
Once the crystallization process begins, it will continue as long as the system remains open to more input.

What 'meme' do you suppose fits these descriptions?
And given that variable, is there a benefit to the crystallization?
If not, how do we eradicate the crystallization? (metaphorically speaking of course).

2007-06-07 02:33:27 · 6 answers · asked by Invisible_Flags 6

2007-06-07 02:29:07 · 12 answers · asked by elfkin, attention whore 4

to maintain the religous freedom of ALL faiths (or lack thereof) that we enjoy in the US (and other countries)?

Are you willing to sacrifice having your religious agenda promoted in government so that we may all enjoy religious freedom? How free would even the majority be to practice their religion if laws were enacted to promote it, regulate it, and/or limit it?

2007-06-07 02:26:57 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-07 02:24:57 · 18 answers · asked by tradjazziscool 2


Maybe he was never the ONLY son of God... ?

2007-06-07 02:23:21 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

should be our beliefs, post me some ideas and I will try to assemble a religious manifesto from your postings and Oh of course can you find a name for it.? thanks

2007-06-07 02:22:44 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

she fell off a balcony 3 stories high while on holiday in greece she broke her arm,leg,hip,jaw,nose,chipped her teeth,cracked her skull and bruised all her lungs we taught she was going to be ok but she is now critical as there is blood and mucus on her lungs she cannot be put on anisthetic because of her lungs and she is not able to be put on life support because of her lungs she needs loads of prayers so please please pray for her and ask others to pray for her...she is an amazing girl and shes such a stunner she didnt deserve this!please pray!!!i would be very gratefull!!:(

2007-06-07 02:21:57 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is it an actual path? I've heard that it is and it's basically what you believe. Is this right?

2007-06-07 02:21:19 · 11 answers · asked by Netti 3

Wow, the Old Testament sure is full of morality. I can't imagine why the American South would be the most destitute region of the country when it bases life around that.

2007-06-07 02:20:05 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

The sky and ocean (sea) are blue in the day time. Does God of Genesis made it blue ?

2007-06-07 02:17:36 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I read somewhere that some of Hubbard's theories were inspired by the Indian sacred vedic texts. Does anyone here know what are the similarities?

Are there affinities with any other religion (Buddhism, for example?) If so, what are they?

PS: I am not in favor or against scientology. I am just doing research to be able to discern truth from myth. Thanks all for your help.

2007-06-07 02:12:48 · 6 answers · asked by G 6

I can see both sides. To claim to believe something firmly and not promote its tenets is somewhat disingenuous, yet to impose beliefs on others through law-making seems to violate the Christian principle of individual liberties. Does political lobbying actually achieve it's desired effect on those who disagree (seemingly no; people usually get offended); or is Rick Warren right in that we must change hearts before changing minds has any real effect?

2007-06-07 02:12:45 · 25 answers · asked by M&S 2

I'm willing to bet money it's 15 percent or less. Most of you don't even know what you're talking about when you proclaim a religion.

2007-06-07 02:10:55 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you don't know anything about it, please don't answer. I am trying to understand if it is the salvation plan, or whether I understand it correctly. Thanks

2007-06-07 02:10:25 · 14 answers · asked by NewHope 2

2007-06-07 02:10:10 · 10 answers · asked by elfkin, attention whore 4

was it mostly athiests and non-christians?

2007-06-07 02:08:50 · 14 answers · asked by elfkin, attention whore 4

Christians, Muslims etc.. Their innocent belief about God is the main reason that spirits are taking advantage of. These spirits can say anything to be accepted and posses the person to drain their energy. Some of them claim they are Jesus some of them claim they are Holy Spirit, Muslims don’t believe in Jesus or Holy Spirit so these spirits adjust themselves to fit their belief by impersonating angles or spirit guides etc.. they betray people in every religion just to be accepted when they are about to question specially Christians, they tell them not to question Holy spirit angles etc.The God of Muhammad and Jesus as well as all other religious Gods were one of these spirits with more power in magic and miracle performance they used the power to gain worship in the ancient times and they lasted after centuries. It is hard to guess when science is going to discover
if you are speaking to spirits that told you they are Jesus , angels, spirit guides etc I can let you prove how you are being deceived by yourself, just ask them to leave you and you will see everything I said is truth.
The ultimate truth is in higher dimensions, The study on quantum conciseness is going too slow even it is growing to it very close, it might take decades before they practically prove it is existence and discover all hyper beings with all their invisible game in religions. These spirits need help to move to the light for themselves, they are dead people who gain power after death, everyone is as much powerful after death but no power is not the way to move to the light
Some thing must be done about it, millions of Christians are possessed by spirits who claim they are Jesus and holy spirits and this is happening day by day in every other religion, they believe that these spirit will lead them to heaven but the brutal truth is if they know where heaven is they wouldn’t be lying to them to drain their energy. Any Christian who think he is talking to Jesus or holly spirit I can tell you for sure you are being fooled and you all need to wake before your last breath because after that it is too let and you will find yourself wondering where heaven is. Religious people hate and judge each other and still hop to go to heaven, but the chemistry of heaven with souls made of hatred is like oil and water. I know this will make religious people angry but I do not blame them to stand by what they believe in, I am just asking those who know what I am talking about what do you think should be done to help both the living and those who died but have no idea how to move to the light ? Is there any hop in quantum consciousness?

2007-06-07 02:02:06 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

are there any photos of it?

2007-06-07 02:00:41 · 41 answers · asked by Anonymous

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