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Religion & Spirituality - 14 May 2007

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What ever it may be. Annually/Weekly. Just curious

2007-05-14 02:32:40 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-14 02:29:17 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

Where I live we have a quite a few catholic faith all girls schools. But what I don't underdstand two of them I have noticed have a high black population of girls that attend them. Aren't most black people christian though, and don't you have to be catholic to go to a catholic school?

2007-05-14 02:25:56 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

At one time, religion and the very concept of God itself were considered to be progressive thought. The clothes you're wearing, the way you will prepare your food tonight...even the computer on which you are reading these words were all considered to be progressive thought at one point.

2007-05-14 02:21:38 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

One of the biggest lies in the entire history of India has been that of the so called "Aryan Invasion Theory".
This theory was first introduced to the world by the British, when they ruled India, and it's purpose was to keep Indian society divided in order to make it easier for them to rule.

The theory itself argues that ancient Indian society was ruled by Dravidians and there that there was a huge invasion by "Aryans" who were from Russia and central Asia. The theory argues that these Aryans brought the Vedic religion to India. The British also cooked up some stupid idea that all Brahmins and fair skinned Indians were of Aryan descent and all "lower caste" Indians and dark skinned Indians were of Dravidian descent.

The Aryan Invasion Theory is one of the biggest myths propagated about Indian history. Not only has there been no scientific / archaeological evidence to corroborate the Aryan Invasion theory, but furthermore, there has been an abundance of evidence to refute it.

2007-05-14 02:20:11 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

My mother passed away Wednesday. We buried her on Saturday and a great aunt who I have never in my life met before had the nerve to walk up to me after the funeral and inform me that my mother was not saved because she didn't attend church every Sunday and that I wouldn't be saved either if I didn't start going. I told her that she could believe what she wanted, but her timing was horrible and my mother was in Heaven and I have no doubt about it.
I don't know about you guys, but MY God knows me and hears my prayers and receives my praise regardless of where I'm at. He knows what's in my heart and that I do my best to be a good person and he knew this about my mother as well. I don't see any reason to get foxed up and make a weekly appearance for the town gossip. God knows how I feel.

2007-05-14 02:13:58 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

Can any good and wise Catholics out there please show me that I am wrong- that everything I have read, the true history of the Vatican, the evil, the wars, the lies is all wrong-is fabrications.

See: The Supreme Bible of God for what I am referring.

I grew up surrounding by priests, nuns, bishops and the very best examples of Catholic sancity and humility. Some of my uncles had survived being pastors in war, POW camps, torture for their faith. Some of my relatives had held the confidence of Popes. Today, one of my relatives remains one of the most senior catholic and jesuit theologians in the world.

Please help me return to a time when good was good, and evil was evil. Please help me go back to a time when every attack against the Catholic Church was a horrible lie- a heresy.

I am just a man. I do not claim or wish to be anything more. But I long for ignorance-when I had never read anything but the Bible.

2007-05-14 02:12:50 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

There were hundreds of Gospels and Epistles floating around in the first and second centuries. Almost all of them have been termed pseudographica by the Church.

This means they are fakes, and specifically they are fakes which are falsely attributed to characters in the Gospels, i.e., The Gospel of Mary, The Gospel of Judas, The Gospel of Peter, The Gospel of Nicodemus.

Since the authorship of the four canonical Gospels is nothing more than a guess, is this why the Church never mentions the hundreds of supposed 'false' Gospels?

I would imagine that a few sermons from the pulpit about the number of pseudographic texts that have survived would raise some serious questions among the faithful.

But that will never happen.

2007-05-14 02:12:30 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-14 02:11:24 · 8 answers · asked by Angie 2

Why do all Protestants including Evangelicals and Baptists use ritual in worship and practice such as the sinners prayer, alter call, crying out Amen to the preach when he asks for it, doing what they label as ordinances, singing at service, lighting Christimas candles and Advent candles, dressing the pastor and choir up in gowns, making the worship service a central ritual around a bible study with note taking and creating the practice of "believers baptism" to replace the biblical meaning of being born again?

2007-05-14 02:11:09 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does anyone know of this devotion of honouring St. John the Evangelist by saying one Pater Noster? If you do, do you know the history behind it, and the promise attatched to it?

I think I read it in a book called Heavenly Prayers and Promises, but I lost the book and I'm trying to remeber how the devotion goes.

2007-05-14 02:09:20 · 2 answers · asked by Borinke 1


Peace and Love

2007-05-14 02:08:12 · 13 answers · asked by digilook 2

After seeing numerous if not all of the laypersons and pastors in Protestant denominations do it all the time why do some of them deny they do it? They follow the ritual of using a very similar prayer formula everytime usually starting off with dear Lord or God or Jesus, followed by a request naming person(s) and than a closing of giving him all the glory and honor and a final exclamation of Amen!

"Can I now get an, Amen? says the good Pastor Billyjoebob

2007-05-14 02:01:03 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-14 02:00:30 · 16 answers · asked by Debra M. Wishing Peace To All 7

Could this explain the Sixties!!??!!

2007-05-14 01:59:01 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-14 01:56:00 · 16 answers · asked by nutsactor 1

I believe in God and that he made us and we are free to do whatever we want

2007-05-14 01:54:54 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've read into this a lot.
Ran into the people that swear by it and those that swear it's utter crap.

Read various metaphysical discourses on it, and gotten the perspective from most major religions.

What I'm asking is this.

Have YOU had an experience where this has worked for you?
If so, what was it?

2007-05-14 01:52:59 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Confirmation to a young child is hardly accepting Christ as their Personal Savior.

2007-05-14 01:52:21 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

The more I read the more I think hmmm great stories! Have you spotted any contradictions in there If so which ones ?

2007-05-14 01:52:14 · 23 answers · asked by D 4

I'm just curious as to how many people still believe in it. What did the Stanley Miller experiment prove, if anything?
And just for posterity, I'm curious to know the average atheist's top...let's say, five...reasons for being an atheist. I know what my reasons were when I was an atheist, I'm curious to know what OTHER atheists' reasons are. If you want to name more than five reasons, feel free, but please, if you choose to answer this part of the question, no less than five reasons.
And please, be respectful!

2007-05-14 01:46:03 · 10 answers · asked by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7

salam all
Is it possible for a liar to claim for a period of 23 years with unwavering certitude that he is a prophet like Abraham, Moses, and Jesus, that there will be no more prophets after him, and that the scripture he has been sent with will remain his lasting miracle till the end of time?

A liar will falter sometimes, perhaps with a friend, maybe with his family members, somewhere he will make a mistake. His message, delivered over two decades, will contradict itself sometimes. But what we see in reality is that the scripture he brought declares freedom from internal inconsistencies, his message remained consistent throughout his mission, and even in the midst of a battle, he proclaimed his prophethood.

2007-05-14 01:42:06 · 15 answers · asked by Anno 3

I recently attended church service last saturday and the pastor had an alter calling I went down and I repeated the sinners prayer afterwards I was directed to the prayer room where we were asked if we wanted to recieve the baptism of the holy spirit I said yes so me and a handful of people stayed behind
the lady explained to us what we would experience and to not be afraid of counterfeit spirits among other things.so she counted to three and and the people around me began speaking in tounges and I did'nt this is very frustrating to me does this mean I don't believe? is'nt me going down to the alter to recieve jesus christ into my life proof that I believe jesus is alive and he died for our sins. if I did not believe in God,jesus or the holy spirit I would have never left my seat to go down to the alter and I would'nt attend church either.is there something I said or did'nt say?maybe I did'nt believe enough?
do I need to recieve the holy spirit to be saved? what did I do wrong!!!!!!!

2007-05-14 01:33:38 · 23 answers · asked by AMac 1

I would REALLY rather only Christians to answer this question, please. It isn't that I don't respect the opinions of others, it's just that I need a Christian perspective on this.
I really have two questions, but they're related.
1. If it is a fact that human civilizations are recorded in history as far back as at least 12,000 years, wouldn't that fact alone completely destroy the possibility of being able to take the Creation account literally?
2. And if it's true that that would destroy the idea of being able to take the Creation account literally, then where do we draw the line in the Bible? How do we know which parts to take literally, and which parts to discount as metaphors?

I am a Christian, but I've been having trouble with this, especially since I've used history and archaeology to support my faith.

2007-05-14 01:33:03 · 12 answers · asked by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7


All are welcome to post and answer. Please read it carefully, if you do not you may misunderstand it.

I have an unfavorable approach to my body, because I put matters of faith first, and so I mistreat and curse my own body when I bolster the spirit. I love my spirit yet I hate my body. I do not like the idea of exercising or working out because I see it as detracting from higher spiritual needs, like faith in God Most High and The Blessed Messiah, Yeshua.

I am not sure what to do and I have had the same viewpoint for some time, so, it shows clearly in my figure. Sometimes I think that the body gets in the way, so I neglet it and honour the spirit, so the body is not looked after. My figure is nasty but people are still attracted to me, I try to ruin my own figure and appearence by placing all focus on the spirit.

I spit at my own body if I see it, so I remain covered up and keep myself to myself.

Blessed Be His Name.
Seeker of God Most High.

2007-05-14 01:31:14 · 7 answers · asked by don't ask me while I'm t 4

What were your experiences, for some good comparisons ?

2007-05-14 01:29:07 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

My cousin told me yesterday that her friend, who is Hindu, has a living Hindu goddess - a real woman - visiting her home. My cousin was going to meet this goddess to be given a blessing. I do not know much about Hinduism and was interested in more info on living gods but can not find anything. Can anyone point me to a good source? Or provide information? Thanks!:)

2007-05-14 01:26:49 · 7 answers · asked by auburnc 3

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