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Religion & Spirituality - 14 May 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

2007-05-14 05:35:44 · 31 answers · asked by Atheist Eye Candy 4

2007-05-14 05:33:32 · 14 answers · asked by Rich C 3

By Cardinal Mercier

I am going to reveal to you the secret of sanctity and happiness. Every day for five minutes control your imagination and close your eyes to all the noises of the world in order to enter into yourself. Then, in the sanctuary of your baptized soul (which is the temple of the Holy Spirit) speak to that Divine Spirit, saying to Him:

O Holy Spirit, beloved of my soul, I adore You.
Enlighten me, guide me, strengthen me, console me.
Tell me what I should do; give me Your orders.
I promise to submit myself to all that You desire of me
and to accept all that You permit to happen to me.
Let me only know Your Will.

If you do this, your life will flow along happily, serenely, and full of consolation, even in the midst of trials. Grace will be proportioned to the trial, giving you the strength to carry it and you will arrive at the Gate of Paradise, laden with merit. This submission to the Holy Spirit is the secret of sanctity.

2007-05-14 05:32:06 · 4 answers · asked by Faustina 4

Just started reading the Bible closely. Very curios to understand the full meaning of this passage and many others as well.

2007-05-14 05:31:34 · 14 answers · asked by felix c 1

when people say, "you can't judge me." i say b.s to that. i can judge all i want. it's how i survive on a daily basis. you have to make judgments in order to know what's right and what's wrong and this includes judging people. i'm assuming the expression began in the biblical sense that i can't judge whether or not a person is going to hell. fine, but for some reason to many people have let this philosophy creep into their normal daily lives. and why is it that people only say other people can't judge them when something critical is said of that person? you never hear a conversation like this:

joe: hey larry, you seem like a good kid.

2007-05-14 05:31:28 · 11 answers · asked by just curious (A.A.A.A.) 5

2007-05-14 05:30:18 · 9 answers · asked by Sister Matylda 3

I definately see it everywhere~
2 Timothy 4:3-4
3For the time is coming when people will not endure sound[a] teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, 4and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.

2007-05-14 05:29:35 · 22 answers · asked by Mandolyn Monkey Munch 6

Jesus claim that He himself God and accepted worship from His disciples.
Here given the Bible reference .

Jesus’ claim about Himself.
John 8:58-59: "‘I tell you the truth,’ Jesus answered, ‘before Abraham was born, I am!’ At this, they picked up stones to stone him, but Jesus hid himself, slipping away from the temple grounds.”

Another claims of Jesus of his deity
John 10:30-33: “‘I and the Father are one.’ Again the Jews picked up stones to stone him, but Jesus said to them, ‘I have shown you many great miracles from the Father. For which of these do you stone me?’ ‘We are not stoning you for any of these,’ replied the Jews, ‘but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God.’”

Thomas’ response to the resurrected Jesus
John 20:27-29: “Then He said to Thomas, ‘Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.’ Thomas said to him, ‘My Lord and my God!’

2007-05-14 05:26:43 · 14 answers · asked by monagal 1

And they are the only ones who will witness the rupture?

Then Jesus will come and perform a lottery, and 144,000 of them will win all the tickets to Heaven?

And everbody else goes to Hell?

2007-05-14 05:26:14 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

When you are good natured is it not true that you are being that way so you will go to heaven and not hell? The motivation for you is purely selfish. I act in a good natured way as I believe in treating my fellow humans with respect (even gay people who you seem to have issue with) If an atheist acted in a decent way I would know that this person is acting from their own free will which is more commendable than a religious motive, anyone agree?

2007-05-14 05:25:01 · 19 answers · asked by thethinker 2

The religion was founded on the principals of MARTYRDOM!!! Feeling sorry for themselves is their way of life, makes them more like Jesus in their own minds, and whining fuels their faith. "Jesus said you guys would pick on us" is a standard response, so why bother? It only makes the bad ones worse

2007-05-14 05:24:27 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Sure people can attribute minor things to "miracles" but likely there is a physical scientific explanation. Personally, I have never seen a burning bush, never saw wine turn into the blood of Christ, never witnessed a healing touch that wasn't explained scientifically. If miracles as outrageous as the ones in the Bible are true, why did they stop? Bet ya 1000 bucks these Biblical "miracles" never happened. Do you have better reasoning?

2007-05-14 05:20:11 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

How are indulgences a Biblical teaching?

From Wikipedia.com...

Indulgence, in Roman Catholic theology, is the full or partial remission of temporal punishment due to sins which have already been forgiven. The indulgence is granted by the church after the sinner has confessed and received absolution.

Historically indulgences were a major point of contention when Martin Luther initiated the Protestant Reformation.

2007-05-14 05:18:25 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

would you be dissapointed?
would you be mad?
I would be glad, glad because I know the truth.

2007-05-14 05:15:12 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does it have the same meaning in spanish?

2007-05-14 05:14:54 · 10 answers · asked by betiquinprimero 1

I am one of those people who check their horoscope on a daily basis and just recently signed up for a numerology report. I get weekly updates on how things are going to go and today I got an email saying that there is something very important that is going to happen tomorrow and that they would email me tomorrow morning. I don't know whether to believe this or not. What do you think? Is it a crock or do some of things really work?

2007-05-14 05:12:06 · 29 answers · asked by Please help 2

What are your current enrollment numbers at? If there are more than 144,000 members of your congregation does that mean that you should stop going door-to-door to recruit more people?

2007-05-14 05:11:56 · 20 answers · asked by Maverick 6

every mind fights for its own belief, no? take a look at questions about god or our existence.
How can we find our common belief?
Leave a good answer

2007-05-14 05:11:04 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Some lady just posted this remark:

"Atheist are like recruiters for the devil. Let them go right on spreading hate and denying God's existence. Atheist are people not deemed worthy of knowing the truth. More room in heaven for us! : ) "


I always like to make sure many of us see excellent examples of Christian love when I see it. Just in case we have any new visitors to this site.

I'm going to let that "truth" assertion just kinda lay there. The truth speaks for itself.

2007-05-14 05:05:56 · 17 answers · asked by Gorgeoustxwoman2013 7

I have been traveling in Europe and finding hundreds of immersion fonts dating from the 2nd to the 12th century CE although they are no longer in use and many are found in archaeological excavations.

2007-05-14 05:04:11 · 13 answers · asked by dankeeran 1

I often wonder about things like "coincidences" versus a master plan by a divine being and how nature can be so orderly without having been designed purposefully. However, I am stridently resistant to believing in any organised religion, be it Christianity, Islam, Hindu, etc. I have deliberately studied most of the big ones looking for a belief system that resounds with me, but so far I just see blind acceptance of premises that seem to me to be so obviously unlikely, superstition dressed up as religious rituals and irrelevant ethics for this day and age. I just can't believe that a supreme being would use such a cumbersome and unstable means as religious faith to connect with us. I want to believe in something larger than a mundane, meaningless existence, but my intellect and logical analysis over powers any flicker of faith that I might have. Consequently I have no religion, but still remain unsatisfied. Does anyone else have this dilemna?

2007-05-14 05:00:44 · 22 answers · asked by muir 1

From the time I was 15 until my early 30's I had taken many wrong paths in my life, premariral sex,sex with diffent partners. 2 children out of wedlock(same dad), I did drugs, I worked as an exotic dancer, I even had an abortion years back. I look back at all that and Im just disgusted I lived my life that way.Im now 34 and have turned my life around I have been with the same man for 4 years I work in a real estate office and even went back to college (took this semester off). I also attend church now with my children I find so much peace and joy when i go I really enjoy it. Will God forgive me for my evil past? I never ever want to walk the path I once did.

2007-05-14 05:00:33 · 43 answers · asked by Christina M 1

Don't you think it'd be stupid to risk your life for something that didn't really matter?
Jesus is alive and He's coming back!

2007-05-14 04:59:54 · 10 answers · asked by J7J 1

People tune in to both mediums not for information, but for affirmation of what they already know or believe.

2007-05-14 04:59:15 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Has anyone seen something or had an experience that was clearly demonic in nature?

You don't see overt things a lot in the US, and I think that's because the primary lie the devil has told this country is that demons don't exist. Usually demons here do things that are very subtle or mimic physical ailments. But you do see it sometimes.... What is your experience?

2007-05-14 04:57:32 · 20 answers · asked by peacetimewarror 4

My friend got angry with me because I told him that I didn't believe in things that scientifically couldn't be true such as Jesus turning water to wine, multiplying fish or Mary being a virgin. Why can't he see my point of view? How can people blindly accept words in a book without questioning? How can these people live without curiosity? It is physically impossible to have a baby without the joining of sperm and egg. Why do people believe that Mary was a virgin etc? These things are scientifically refutable over and over and over. And yes, I am Catholic.

2007-05-14 04:56:57 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

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