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Religion & Spirituality - 8 May 2007

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Guess that would make all the gay people "blessed," now, wouldn't it.

I've had enough blesseds from the nasty type of Christianity, personally.

2007-05-08 02:05:13 · 9 answers · asked by LabGrrl 7

I was always sceptical about spiritualist mediums until I visited one after my dad's death. Without me giving her any information at all and her not knowing me, as soon as I sat down and she touched my hands, she told me things nobody could have known except me and my dad. She immediately answered 2 questions I had in my head and wanted answered. If they are not genuine, and I know that some aren't, how do they do it? This one certainly convinced me and I believe I am intelligent and thought of many possibilities but there is no logical way she could have known what she did.

2007-05-08 01:59:44 · 21 answers · asked by dibble12003 2

^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^

Since "supernatural" is synonymous with "non-existent."

^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^

2007-05-08 01:58:30 · 8 answers · asked by NHBaritone 7

Here is what I am talking about: http://www.alaska.net/~clund/e_djublonskopf/Flatearthsociety.htm
That is NOT satire, they are very serious.

I see EXACTLY the same type of arguments here. They use evidence that on the surface sounds reasonable and scientific to claim that the Bible was right about the Earth being flat. But with just a small amount of examination you can see how absurd it really is. Just wondering what you guys think.

2007-05-08 01:55:40 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Or should I just keep my opinions to myself and stay away from certain issues?

2007-05-08 01:51:19 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-08 01:50:26 · 25 answers · asked by Barbara Doll to you 7

^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^

If religions say they understand better than scientists the origins of the universe, then doesn't science have tacit permission to study and assert the naturalistic origins of religious beliefs?

^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^

2007-05-08 01:24:37 · 24 answers · asked by NHBaritone 7

According to the Holy Bible, in the 1st century, God came to Earth in the form of a mortal man (the Son) to not only fulfill a prophecy, but also to offer His own precious blood as a means to atone for our inevadable transgressions.

According to this covenant: our ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of, and FAITH in God's sacrifice, along with our effort to obey His laws and walk in His footsteps is a means to avoid eternal separation from the kingdom of God after death.

600 years later, a man comes along claiming to be a prophet of the same God who previously granted a path to forgiveness without adhering PERFECTLY to the ancient laws given by previous messengers. The man says God would NOT do such a thing, and also that the Son (Jesus) never even died.

This nullifies God's New Covenant completely, and reduces Jesus to nothing more than another messenger. Once again, strict adherence to ancient laws (and new ones) became the way to salvation.

Why would God reneg on such a wonderful promise?

2007-05-08 01:24:25 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Then how do you explain Fred Flintstone living amongst the dinosaurs?

2007-05-08 01:23:03 · 12 answers · asked by dr strangelove 6

Noone believes me but my friends and I played with an oujia board two nights ago. We just wanted to mess around with it to see what it was all about. We got a spirit and started asking it some basic questions like Am i going to get laid tonight or will I hit the lottery. Then we asked it what the winning lottery numbers will be for the next powerball. Well it started going 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0 and then everything started going crazy and everyone freaked out and we just ended the game. Well that night all my lights started flickering off and on and all my crucifixs are broken. I dont know what to do. I tried to tell the church but they said they needed to do an investigation and that could take a while. What do I do.

2007-05-08 01:21:13 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

It's great to see some real adults leading the people.

At least Bush knows that it's all about Jesus Christ, and not about staring at a rock, or whatever you hippies want us to do.

2007-05-08 01:18:10 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

this perosn called? Its ot athiest

2007-05-08 01:17:15 · 31 answers · asked by jupiteress 7

If Muhammad was fake, then why did he turn down the big offer from his tribe to put him as their leader and make him one of their wealthiest for compromising some of his Divine Message?

If Muhammad was fake, then why did he put himself in the agony of not only praying five times a day (which is mandatory for all Muslims), but also prayed more prayers (which we call it Sunni praying)? If he was fake, then he wouldn't go to this EXTREME to do such a thing EVERY SINGLE DAY OF HIS LIFE during his ministry?

If Muhammad was fake, then why did he put himself in the agony of fasting the entire month of what we call "Ramadan"? Not eating nor drinking from sun rise to sun set (approximately 12-14 hours) EVERYDAY FOR 30 DAYS is extremely difficult for a fake person to do!

If Muhammad was fake, then why did he forgive all of his enemies (especially the ones who raped many Muslim women) when he finally got them to surrender when he liberated the city of Mecca?

If Muhammad was fake, then

2007-05-08 01:15:19 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-08 01:11:55 · 35 answers · asked by Peace Crusader 5


2007-05-08 01:09:19 · 34 answers · asked by einenglander 3

Everything must have a start?right?

2007-05-08 01:04:37 · 23 answers · asked by b n r 2

Christians and mostly muslims hate homosexuals and call them sinners. They justify their hate by using their outdated religious texts.

modern science and new consciousness tells us that homosexuality is not only a normal trait among some humans, but that it has to be respected and even honored.

but i also need to stress that these very same religious texts that brands gays as evil also justifies pedophilia, polygamy, rape and the oppression of women.

i ask you this,

when will religious people take a deep look at their so called holy books and realize that they have outlived their meaning?

most of the things that religious books justify are now considered evil, and most of what religious books brand as evil are now considered good.

Dont you think its time religious people embrace this new consciousness?

ex muslim here

2007-05-08 01:04:07 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

forever young, i want to be forever young

2007-05-08 01:02:58 · 17 answers · asked by Fatty 2

2007-05-08 00:56:01 · 6 answers · asked by jobees 6


Please spare a thought and a prayer for all those who are killed and/or injured in car crashes today and in the recent past.

Also for those who have accidently killed thier friends or family in a car crash.

And those who have suffered in any way becasue they know or are related to those who are involved in car crashes

Thank God that you are not in hospital fighting for your life or having therapy to live normally again. Thank God that you are living in a lucky country, have everything you need and more...good food, fresh water, people who love and care about you, an education and abundant resources.

Thank the good Lord everyday for all the good things He has done for us, but do not forget the less fortunate. they dserve our prayers, and we too might one day need thiers...

Are you grateful?

God bless!!

2007-05-08 00:52:30 · 18 answers · asked by Robin 4

Think of the way witches were tortured and burnt at the stake.....
What do you think you would do if that happened to your brand of religion today? What if the penalty was death? Would you hide in the dark and keep practising? Or would you run and hide or stand proud?
Answer truthfully.....i don't know who you are after all!!!

2007-05-08 00:44:32 · 35 answers · asked by *~Ariel Brigalow Moondust~* 6

In a recent question someone asked the question "Who created God". One response, and the generally agreed response, was that he is timeless and has existed for ever and always will. Therefore he doesn't require a creator.

In which case, why does the universe require a creator? One theory of the universe is the "steady state" theory, which states that the universe has simply always existed, although in a different shape, and has merely evolved through a process of natural phenomena into the universe we know today. If you can accept God as being timeless and without creator, than surely you can accept this theory? Which does not require you to believe in a universal conciousness, and does away with the "problem of evil", while explaining the creation of the universe completely adequately?

For more information look here:


2007-05-08 00:40:46 · 13 answers · asked by tom 5

Like, if you were playing a game with a friend and you accidently pushed him too hard and he fell and broke his neck and died, should you go to jail for it? Do you really think its murder?

2007-05-08 00:37:10 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have few very close friends and I love them very much, but here is the problem. (I wont say names)

person A is very suicidal. she was very hurt in her life (family abused her, sexual violence). she was always suicidal, she is today and she will be suicidal tomorrow. since I met her, it was very rare that she was happy.

person A was in big troubles. I only heard about drugs and guns but she doesnt wants to tell what else happened. now some people wants to revenge and they want to hurt person A. if they dont hurt person A, then they will hurt her friend. and that friend is person B. and by hurt I mean they will kill.

believe me, they already tried once. in april person A sacrificed herself to save person B. she was raped and tortured.

so my friend person A wants to commit suicide to save our friend B.

she already sacrificed many times, but now she will save a life by commiting suicide.

we are all catholics.

so what Jesus, God and Bible says on this?

2007-05-08 00:34:06 · 7 answers · asked by mika 1

My daugters choir director could not have her choir section sing a Gospel song because of a Teen Jehovah Witness said she was offended by the song, so she still had them sing the song, but changed the offensive christian words. Whats wrong with Gospel music???

2007-05-08 00:30:26 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why is the accumulation of untold millions of hours of research, experimenting, gathered evidence, and all the accumulated scientific data, principles and conclusions, simply rejected by some people

All scientific theories are testable, repeatable or cannot be shown to be false, in spite of collegues [and others] aggressive attempts to do so. Some claims pass scruitiny, others don't..
The scruitiny is fierce, and it takes a solidily backed claim to become a "scientific theory" in this framework.

Many other knowledgable people have tried very hard to prove all theories wrong, and those that simply cannot be are granted as fact. This is science.

This has no relevance to the belief of ficticious deities, but is a question of why deny such overwhelming evidence, whatever ones disposition?

Please, no claims that there isn't any or enough evidence to support any scientific claims. Like I said, many millions of hours of research doesn't vanish, it's freely accessable to anybody.

2007-05-08 00:28:22 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Okay we currently go to a big AOG (Assemblies of God) church. I like aspects of this religion but just the praying in tongues i dont totally agree with. Love the worship and raising of the hands and clapping to the music etc. Like the fundmentalist element of the religion.

So my question is ... does anyone know a religion that is similar to the AOG but doesnt believe that everyone can be baptised in holy spirit and pray in tongues?.

2007-05-08 00:26:26 · 14 answers · asked by Nic 5

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