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Religion & Spirituality - 8 May 2007

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Jesus was not accepted as divine until the Council of Nicea, 325 CE, but everyone, except Jews, agree he was a prophet of God, as indicated by the Bible:

Matthew 21:11 “...This is Jesus the prophet of Nazareth of Galilee.”

Luke 24:19 “...Jesus of Nazareth, which was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people.”

2007-05-08 02:51:53 · 21 answers · asked by Acid 3

2007-05-08 02:49:04 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

ex muslim

2007-05-08 02:48:49 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

What are the reasons that Jesus( peace be upon him) was the son of God?

2007-05-08 02:44:36 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

a Christian repeated an Urban Legend style story as factual, and as something they witnessed themselves?

We prayed, Mom was cured, the doctors were baffled. Funny how stories like these hardly ever turn up in Medical Journals, but Reader's Digest always prints them.

I prayed over my friend's broken bone and it healed right in front of my eyes. This one is usually told by youth Pastors and supposed former 'sinners' who immediately repented and joined the Church and are now there to give their 'Testimony'.

Are there others that I haven't encountered personally?

Any Lady Hope style death bed conversion stories?

These stories seem to have a life of their own in the Christian community.

2007-05-08 02:44:13 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Murder, child molestation, war, torture, rape, etc., etc.......

And don't give me any of that free will crap, cause I'm not buying it. A god who truly loved his people would never allow some of the horrors in the world today. God is more powerful than satan, so don't tell me it's the devil's fault either. Gotta be one sick puppy to sit on your high horse and watch some of the things that go on in the world today.

If you don't believe in god you go to hell (in a nutshell), what kind of choice is that? God loves you, but if you don't worship him your gonna spend an eternity in agonizing pain, WTF? Is that truly love? Heck no it's not!! Does anyone feel like I do on this subject?

2007-05-08 02:42:53 · 17 answers · asked by iPokeBoyzWithStickz 2

Ok, i'm led to believe that sin exists as a punishment for Eve eating the forbidden fruit after Satan tempted her with it.

supposedly, God didn't want Eve to sin but because he had given her free-will she had CHOSEN to sin.

So why did God create the option to sin?

If God didn't let Satan in the Garden of Eden (which he COULD have done if he is all-powerful....afterall he banished Satan to Hell, so he CAN move him) there would have been no original sin, therefore no sin now. Agree?

Does that mean that God CANNOT control Satan? or did he want every single person ever to suffer because of Eve's sin? He must have known that Satan was there, but he did nothing?

2007-05-08 02:41:39 · 14 answers · asked by zeppelin_roses 4

Why do religious people teach their children Creation when they themselves know its a lie?

ex muslim turned atheist

2007-05-08 02:41:20 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'v always heard from my X-family ans others that had family members in the mason's that many years after joining they discovered that the masons roots were of pure evil. Even there symbols are of the beast and the beast number (666). They have many secrets, even secret hand shakes and ways of walking to help them pin point there own kind. Is this really true or is this just another one of those religions bashing religions incidents? I've also heard that once you join you can never leave or you will end up having a fatal accident... if you know what I mean...

2007-05-08 02:40:45 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Christians and other theists are always saying that the probability of life evolving spontaneously from inanimate matter is too great to be possible. So, could you please tell me what that probability is? Thanks!


2007-05-08 02:39:34 · 16 answers · asked by Byron A 3

2007-05-08 02:38:23 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

King Herod's tomb may have been found

2007-05-08 02:37:30 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

According to the bible, God is all knowing and infallible. But if God didn't know Lucifer was planning to corrupt mankind until it happened than he is not all knowing. If God did know, then he is solely responsible for mans outcome at present. Thus proving that we are not his most favored creation. He allowed Lucifer to live, but he is willing to condemn us for eternity for one lifetime of mistakes. I'm an aetheist but at one point I had faith, and then I looked at the world around me.

It said to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, "Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates." And the four angels who had been kept ready for this very hour and day and month and year were released to kill a third of mankind. Rev 9:14-15

God loves us enough to eradicate a third of us.

2007-05-08 02:34:15 · 7 answers · asked by shadow-wolf666 2

and you. When you say stupid things like 'my mother was ill, we prayed for her and she got better but the doctors are baffled' It means just that!Doctors do not claim to know all the answers, unlike you do! Scientists do not claim to know all the answers.They have to be rational people to be in their profession as medical science had/has to be updated constantly to find the best methods. 'The doctor cannot explain it so it must be god is absolute NONSENSE' 'How else did we get on the planet if god didn't do it' is another example of your nonsense!Just becasue we cannot explain something doesn't mean god did it. Do you understand that this is just another example of the lengths you go to to 'protect' your deluded religious beliefs?

2007-05-08 02:33:21 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Its funny that the greatest proof of evolution is its greatest detractors, Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell, who routinely hurl crap at their congregations. Throwing crap around is something monkeys do, thus proving evolution. How ironic.

2007-05-08 02:32:22 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I feel like God hates me. I've been so jinxed lately...especially with technology. In one day, my cell broke, my computer got a virus and stopped working, my U-Card to get in the campus buildings got a mysterious scratch and now doesn't work when it's swiped...

I then actually wrote a letter to God and burned it so that he can recieve it. It sounds stupid but it seemed like a good idea at the time. And then I went home, and when I turned on the light switch, the lights flashed really bright then went out.

Don't tell me those aren't signs.

I don't know what to do anymore.

I feel like I'm living a nightmare. Everything is going downhill and I just want God by me but it seems like He also has given up on me.

I feel like I've completely ruined my life and there's no fixing it. Like I've somehow managed to dissappoint everything that has crossed my path. And what hurts the most is that I know God is more than dissappointed in me too.

2007-05-08 02:32:04 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

with many wives? strange...

2007-05-08 02:31:34 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^

Please explain your answer.

^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^

2007-05-08 02:30:56 · 12 answers · asked by NHBaritone 7

If anybody has a source of such records I am sure some university history departments would like to know!

2007-05-08 02:30:13 · 13 answers · asked by U-98 6

Because it seems like it is. Forgive me for joking from time to time, we get some atheists and christians on here who make both(and the human race as a whole) just plain bad. And I feel terrible that you atheists have to slave away drinking all day, because I have to work and I too would like to drink all day. Just kidding, but I do have a drink from time to time, and I am a Christian--with a science teacher for a brother, a nominal christian for a girlfriend, a crazy pentecostal for a mother, and a couple wiccan and agnostic friends. None of us behave this way, at least usually. I think that when one of these sweeping generalized statements are made, the respective party should correct their own and the other party shouldn't even jump at that opportunity. It's too easy. Most of the people on here are much smarter than that, but like me, are also easily enticed. That being said, sorry for posting a non-Q, and your 3 minutes will arrive in your mailbox shortly.

2007-05-08 02:27:59 · 8 answers · asked by Soundtrack to a Nightmare 4

Not specifically on R&S, but anywhere.

2007-05-08 02:27:49 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

God made us but who made god???
Dont give me islamic or bibalic answer which i everyday listen in school and by religious people

2007-05-08 02:27:32 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Here is a great chance for evolutionist to claim that bigfoot is real.

If you want to know the truth how ever go to www.evolutiondeceit.com

2007-05-08 02:25:52 · 15 answers · asked by Ninja Showdown 2

now what

2007-05-08 02:14:02 · 31 answers · asked by marcopolo13_1 1

In light of the recent media coverage of the death of Angelika father Gerry Nuegent has been found to have withheld evidence,and has been having numerous sexual liasons with women,now how can his parishoners cope with the fact he has stood and preached to them about their sins when all the time he was doing this, I dont agree that they cant marry, after all Jesus was born to mary a woman not joeseph a man,if it was a sin to be with a woamn why does their religion tell its followers to go forth and multiply most catholic families have many children my aunt had 15..I think its time this rule was changed then there would be less of this going on and not so many pervert preists..........

2007-05-08 02:10:01 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-08 02:09:31 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have always been extremely active in my church, but the last few years I haven't had any more desire to do so. I'm getting judged & criticised a lot more and I honestly am starting to feel alienated from the people there. It's kind of like, if you can't do everything we ask, we don't really need you. Have you been through a time when you were completely burned out and you long for the place you used to be with your Lord?

2007-05-08 02:05:19 · 35 answers · asked by Mrs.Blessed 7

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